heartbreak anniversary (prt 2)

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third person


it's been three months since y/n broke up with vinnie. she got her own place, but she's still recovering from the breakup.

she got a notification that her mail was delivered and she gets up off of the couch and quickly walks towards her front door. 

she opens her door and raises an eyebrow as she sees a basket with flowers and other gifts in it. she picks it up and with her other mail, bringing it back into the house.

she sits on the couch and puts the basket on her lap. it's a basket that has her favorite colors on it and it has a ton of her favorite snacks in it. she slowly takes the stuff out and sees a piece of paper at the bottom.

she slowly opens the paper and gulps as she reads the paper.

dear y/n...

so i know it's been a long time. but, the basket just has been sitting in my room for the longest and i couldn't stand looking at it. i brought some new snacks and i put one last thing in there. this all was what i was going to give you that night but...i fucked up. and i'm not gonna go begging for you to take me back, that's your choice. but...enjoy this. i love you.

- vinnie 

she smiles at the note as tears form and she picks up the last thing in the basket. she picks up the tiny box at the bottom and covers her mouth. she opens the box, slowly and gaps.

the most beautiful ring she has ever seen.

she lets out a sob as she looks at it and takes it out of the box. she puts it on her finger and immediately starts crying into her hands.

he was going to propose? then why did he do what he did? she was never going to get that answer.

she looks at the ring again and touches it, feeling all the diamonds on it. it's taking everything in her not just to drive over to his place and take him back. but she's not gonna do that just because of the way he cheated.

she looks at the note and notices tear stains and she takes a deep breath. "dear lord why me..." she mumbles and runs one hand down her face.

she looks at the snacks and realizes how much he got her. she's still trying to figure out why he did what he did though...

like she can't think of a single reason. wasn't a mistake cause...how do you fuck someone on accident. come on now.

(i wasn't gonna put that but...really...how...)

she fights the urge to text or call him and forgive him cause she knows she cant just do that. she looks at the ring and wishes he actually got on one knee and had a speech to tell her.

"i miss you so much..." she whispers and looks at the note again. she sighs, grabbing her phone and texting him, thank you.

a/n: school has me DRAINED and its
only the second week.

& i'm convinced yall be asking for part 2's for fun at this point... 

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