best christmas ever

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christmas day.

vinnie has had a rough few weeks. he's been accused of cheating on y/n when he has had no sort of contact with any girl. and it's even worse only because...

y/n lives across the country.

vinnie doesn't know if she believes the rumors or not, and he's terrified that she's going to leave him. but, the hype house has a surprise for vinnie on one random day.

alex and thomas walk up to vinnie who is in the living room on his phone with a hoodie over his head and immediately shoves a camera in his face. 

"what the fu-" "okay so we know you have had a bad few weeks but...we have an amazing present for you." thomas explains, cutting vinnie off and he groans. "i don't want my room filled with packing peanuts again." he mumbles.

"it's not. your present should be here in a minute." alex smirks and vinnie nods. they walk away from vinnie and waits a few until y/n texts thomas, "i'll ft him now".

vinnie answers the facetime call from y/n and he looks confused as she's outside cause where she lives it's very cold outside. "hi baby!" she smiles and looks around nervously.

"hi my love, why are you outside?" he asks and she sighs. "don't worry about that right now," she says quickly and smiles. 

"but i have something to show you..." she whispers and looks behind her and sees jett with a camera behind her recording and sees thomas and alex sneaking through the back door towards her.

"okay." he says and she flips the camera, showing the hype house, giggling as she sees his eyes widen and his jaw drops. "oh my god!" he shouts and immediately hangs up the call and runs out of the house.

y/n throws her phone on the grass lightly as vinnie runs out and she runs towards him, jumping in his arms as he tackles her to the ground. "vinnie!" she laughs and he lays on top of her, and holds her tightly.

he stays quiet until y/n hears small sniffles and sobs next to her. "awh baby! don't make me cry.." she smiles and kisses his head. "surprise!" thomas and alex yells and vinnie slowly gets up, helping y/n up also. 

he pulls her into a deep kiss and she wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him back. she pulls away and smiles at him. "merry christmas baby." she laughs and he hugs her again, not responding.

"i'm your present! arent you happy?" she asks with a smile and he nods. "best present ever." he mumbles, kissing her neck. 

"when...when did you get here?" he asks, facing her. "about five hours ago. i've been in a hotel." she shrugs. "come inside with me so i can give you your present..." vinnie smirks and y/n giggles.

"oh for fucks sake..." thomas mumbles and starts to fake throw up.

a/n: merry christmas! and happy holidays. love you guys <3

don't even ask for a part two.

i honestly had a lot of ideas for a christmas imagine but i just don't feel like writing

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