taking two at once

13.8K 94 34

threesome, praise & daddy kink.

everything was requested by, iluvdilf5 <3

"you had fun tonight?" vinnie asks y/n as they walk into their house and immediately walk towards their room. "i had lots of fun, but..." y/n sighs and steps in front of vinnie, putting her hands on his chest.

"i really want something else too tonight..." she whispers and looks up at him. "please?" she asks and he smirks, wrapping one of his hands around her throat slowly. "whatever you want baby," he whispers in her ear and starts kissing down her neck.

this escalated quickly and next thing they know, vinnie's taking off her bra and throws it somewhere across the room. she lays on her back and vinnie quickly lays on top of her and kisses down her body.

he flips her over and she goes on all fours. he rubs her ass before smacking it and she lets out a whimper and he smirks. he slowly takes off her pants and takes a deep breath before slowly sliding himself into her.

he lets out a low groan and quickly starts thrusting, making her moan loudly. "you're doing so good for daddy baby." vinnie whispers and grips on her waist as he thrusts into her harder.

meanwhile, downstairs kio walks into the house once he sees the door wasn't closed all the way and looks around. "vinnie! i brought the games!" kio yells and walks upstairs. he walks towards vinnies room and slowly opens the door.

"faster daddy!" y/n moans and vinnie grabs her hair, pulling harshly and she whines loudly. kio stands there with wide eyes and he can feel himself already getting hard.

"either join or get out." vinnie groans and kio slowly walks in, closing the door behind him. "go ahead and fuck her mouth for me." vinnie tells kio and kio takes off his shirt slowly.

this felt so wrong from kio's point. he at least would of thought vinnie was gonna tell him to get out but he didn't.

kio takes off his pants and boxers and slowly gets on the bed, kneeling in front of y/n. her body jolts forward as vinnie thrusts into her quickly. y/n looks up at kio and opens her mouth and kio slowly thrusts his hardened erection in her mouth.

she moans around his dick and kio slowly starts fucking her throat, groaning lowly. "good girl y/n, suck his dick like how you would mine...be good." vinnie praises and lays a smack to her ass.

she whimpers and tears form in her eyes as kio's dick hits the back of her throat over and over again, making her gag and cry. "oh fuck...that's it..." kio moans and his head falls back slightly and his breathing becomes unsteady.

"you're almost done my love, just be good for us and don't stop." vinnie smirks and y/n grips on the sheets as she feels her high approaching. "oh my god, i love this mouth..." kio groans and starts thrusting his erection into her throat harder.

she moans loudly and vinnie hums as she clenches around him. "go ahead and cum for us y/n." vinnie says and she moans loudly, sending vibrations through kio's dick and he immediately releases in her mouth.

vinnie groans as he releases and pulls out afterward. y/n collapses onto the bed and catches her breath. "holy fuck." kio sighs and y/n sniffles.

"i almost died sucking his dick." she says and both vinnie and kio laugh and y/n sits up, rolling her eyes. "how about we do a round two?" vinnie asks, and both kio and y/n smirk and vinnie chuckles.

a/n: this was published much later than i wanted it to
this week has been beyond busy for no reason lmao.

anyway, thank you for 60k! love you all

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