dangerous hookup

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y/n walks in the club, clinging onto her purse and slightly humming to the music. she walks towards the bar, sitting down right in front of the bartender. "i'll have a glass of red wine, thank you." she smiles and the guy nods.

she looks at people dancing for a few seconds until she sees a male figure sit next to her and clear his throat. she looks at him and her jaw almost drops at his looks. his brownish blond curls fall in front of his eyes which immediately pull her in.

his body fits perfectly in a classic black suit and she smiles as he smirks at her, looking at her figure. "what's your name?" she asks him, slightly adjusting herself, taking a sip of her wine. "they call me vincent, but you can call me vinnie." he smirks.

"your name?" he asks then quickly asking for some red wine also. "y/n." she smiles and notices a gun on his right hip. her breath hitches and he chuckles. "oh, that?" he asks, pointing to the gun.

"i'm here for fun but i couldn't help but notice you," he smirks and runs his fingers through his hair. she catches a glimpse of the spider tattoo on his chest and she nods. "what do you do for work?" she asks.

"some bad stuff." he sighs and she smiles. "bad stuff huh? interesting..." she laughs and he smiles a little, looking away. he takes a sip of wine, giving her eye contact and he notices how she rubs her thighs together.

"do you have a girlfriend?" she asks bluntly and he shakes his head. "no, i don't do relationships," he says and she frowns. "or maybe i haven't found the right lady." he shrugs and y/n nods, taking a sip of her drink.

"do you want to...dance?" she asks and he nods. "i thought you'd never ask." he smiles and he gets up, putting his hand out and y/n holds onto his hand, getting up herself.

they walk to the dance floor and once they get on the floor, y/n notices other girls grinding on the guy behind them and she does the same. at first, she faces vinnie, running her long nails against his jawline then down his chest, looking up at him.

"y/n..." he groans and she turns around, slowly grinding on him, moaning teasingly, and vinnie groans, running his hands down her sides. she bends over, pressing her ass on his erection, and slowly starts twerking and grinding.

vinnie puts his hands on her hips and his head falls back on his shoulders. "oh fuck..." he groans and starts grinding against her. eventually, he pulls her up by her hair, making her whimper, and forces her to face him.

"we're leaving," he says and pulls her out of the club. he wasn't going to waste his time having a quickie in the club bathroom. he wanted all of her in somewhere comfortable.

he pulls to her his car and quickly unlocks it. y/n gets in the passenger seat and vinnie quickly gets in the driver's seat, not even putting on his seatbelt before turning on the car and speeding to his house which is only five minutes away.

y/n looks over at vinnie and sees his jaw is clenched and his whole arm and hand has veins running through it. she rubs her thighs together and whimpers at the slight pleasure she felt in her core.

she sees him pull into the driveway of his mansion and her eyes widen at the size and the dark aesthetic. "let's go." he says and quickly gets out of the car. y/n follows vinnie to his doorstep and he quickly enters the code to unlock the door.

they slip off their shoes once they walk in and as soon as vinnie closes the door, he spins y/n around and smashes his lips into hers. "you thought it was funny to tease me like that huh?" he groans and smacks her ass, making her moan loudly.

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