"my favorite fighter,"

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third person.
short smut.

it's been an hour since vinnie won the fight. y/n is waiting back home, waiting for her boyfriend to come back home after austin and bryce's fight. she waits in their bedroom patiently, scrolling through tiktok and liking edits for her and vinnie.

she hears the front door open and gasps and runs out of their room. she sees vinnie come in with a bag in his hands and he looks exhausted. "baby!" she squeals and runs down the stairs towards him. she jumps in his arms, not caring about how sweaty he is and hugs him.

"congratulations baby! im so happy for you! i was literally crying!" she smiles, kissing him all over his face and he smiles at her actions. "thank you." he sighs and puts her down quickly. "are you okay?" she asks with a concerned tone and he nods.

"im just gonna go take a shower." he sighs and puts his bag on the floor and rushes up the stairs. she frowns at his actions and follows him up the stairs. she walks into their bedroom and lays on the bed again with a slight pout. 

"what can i do to make him feel better?" she sighs and taps her chin with her finger. "oh...i know.." she smirks and gets up from the bed. she walks towards the walk-in closet and smirks as she opens her lingerie drawer. 

she grabs his favorite color lingerie and quickly changes into it and grabs a silk white robe. she walks back out of the closet and sees vinnie walking out of the bathroom that's connected to their bedroom. he sees y/n and his eyes widen at what she's wearing and smirks.

"you seemed....stressed?" she coos, walking slowly towards him and puts her hands on his chest, slowly sliding them down. "you looked really good while fighting..." she sighs and wraps her arms around his neck. "so, do you want me to relieve some of your stress or not?" she smirks and he pushes her on her knees.

"hell yeah." he chuckles and she takes the towel off of his waist. his ten inches spring out in front of her and she takes her hands and wraps one of them around the base. she starts slowly jerking him off, making him moan her name lowly before she wraps her lips around his tip, taking almost all of him.

"just like that..." he moans as he grabs her hair and puts it into a makeshift ponytail and starts pushing her head back and forth. "shit..." he groans as she looks up at him and his tip hits the back of her throat repeatedly, making her gag.

tears form in her eyes as she chokes on his length and he throws his head back then runs his fingers through his hair. "i will never understand- how- good you are at this..." he mumbles and she moans around him, sending vibrations throughout his entire body.

"im gonna- cum..." he stutters as his head falls back and pushes her head back and forth a few times before releasing in her mouth. she quickly swallows all of his load and he forces her back up on her feet. he picks her up and throws her on the bed before quickly leaning over her. 

"during that entire fight, all i could think about was you..." he whispers in her ear and starts kissing her neck. "the only reason why i wanted to win was because of you.." he says, kissing down her neck and now kissing her collar bone.

"and all i could think about was fucking the shit out of you." he groans as he sits up and takes every piece of clothing off of her. "and that's what im going to do." he says as he throws the lingerie across the room, along with the robe.

he slowly slides into her with ease and she grips the sheets as she lets out tiny whimpers. "vinnie..." she moans as he starts pounding into her at a quick paste and they both moan as loud as they can at the feeling.

he grabs her legs and puts them both on his shoulders, going even deeper if possible and he grips onto her waist. "vinnie please..." she whimpers and he hums. "words baby." he coos and all she can do is moan. "i said...words. you know how this goes." he groans and puts one hand on her throat, slightly gripping.

"h-harder." she moans and he nods. he keeps the same paste but thrusts into her harder than before, hitting her g-spot immediately. her eyes roll into the back of her head and her nails scratch his back as he leans down and puts his head in the crook of her neck, softly moaning in her eat which sends her over the edge.

"oh god!" she cries and he chuckles at her reaction. "you gonna cum huh?" he teases and she nods. "go ahead.." he sighs as he continues to pound into her and her mouth falls open, moaning over and over again as she rides out her high.

vinnie rides out his high not too soon after her and he pulls out, and lays down next to her. "i know you're probably tired after the fight so you can go too sleep if you want." she says and sits up. he pulls her arm and pulls her close to him.

"i love you." he sighs and she smiles as she plays with his hair. "i love you too, my favorite fighter," she whispers as she kisses him on the forehead and in a minute, he's knocked out.

a/n: yall, the way i was sobbing
when vinnie won the fight. like i 
couldn't breathe-

i was so mf happy. and all the boys
in my class were pissed off and cussing me
out...like stay mad idc.

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