My first ultrasound/Toffee and I again in my memory part 2

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First POV
I got dressed early, wear large clothes, I've been wearing baggy clothes and told my parents they starting to become a trend but people taking their time. For some reason, they believed me. Star and Marco to come over later because they have something amazing to tell me. I already knew it was about the concert tickets for Love Sentence but I already seen it with Toffee in Paris, plus my baby wouldn't be safe there with the crowd of people and loud music. I ate cereal, bread and apple. Turn on the tv and put on low volume for I don't wake anyone up. Coco, Night, Snow, CutieHeart and CuddleSnuggle came running down the stairs. I such them. They calm down and sat next to her and rubbing their head on her belly. I smile softy and rub their head gently. 'How did I ended up with amazing little friends like them? I mean they been sleeping near or on my belly before I found out I was pregnant, It was like they knew before me and my friends did. Look like the saying about animals instincts Animals always knows.' I thought

I sigh happily and go through different channels. When I fund a show I like I got hungry again and wanted snacks but before I could get up Night got up, ran towards the kitchen and got a two bags of different kind of chips and gave them to me. I pat her head and thank her, open the chips and ate my chips. After the episodes I got up and decided to walk my pets to the parks noy before feeding them. It was still early so, there were little people there.

We got to the park, Coco, Night, CuddleSnuggle and CutieHeart ran around playing, they were having a good time. I sat down on a bench with Snow in my arms, as I was looking at Snow, CutieHeart and Cuddle (I'm gonna short the name to just Cuddle). As I was watching over my pets I notice that Snow, Cuddle and CutieHeart don't have collar. "I really a collar for you and your siblings Snow." She just wiggle her nose and made a cute sneeze. I awww at her cuteness. "Bless you my sweet baby......You i'm wondering if how my baby would look like or if i'm gonna be a good mother or if it a boy/girl.....I have so many thought in my head and....I don't know what to do.....I'm only 14 and turn 15 on my y/B (your Birthday) I'm...still...a kid myself" I sigh and rub my belly. Snow look at my belly and press her nose against my belly kinda like a nose kiss then look at me. I was shock but my face morph into a warm soft smile feeling my eye getting watery. Then I hear my other pets running towards me, jump on the bench and gave my belly a lick and a nose kiss. I finally got tears running down my cheek.

While I was talking out loud I have thought about if my baby and my pets would get along but It turn out I shouldn't be worrying about that and with my friends by side and my pets I'll be just fine but I know sooner or later I'll have to tell my parents. I look up at the sky, closing my eyes and took a deep breathe, calming myself down. I smile at my pets "Come on guys, it time to go home." I put a leash on then, not snow, I carry her then start walking home. When we got home, went to my room and start looking for any ribbon or something but I couldn't find anything. "Maybe Star can make something for Snow, Cuddle  and CutieHeart." I got up and sat on my bed. "Maybe she'll also know if one of you or both of you are boy/girl. Cuddle and CutieHeart because now that I think about it, Warnicorn look big, tough and rough and Calling you Cuddle and CutieHeart doesn't sound right."

During the day I hangout with my family and my pets. It was at 3:00pm, I put on leash on Coco and Night, while I carry Snow. Cuddle and CutieHeart follow me. Soon I made it to Marco house. I knock, Marco answered and let me in. Star gasp and ran towards my pets and hug them "You bought these little sweet cupcakes?!" She gave each them kisses. "Let go to my room." Marco said. We walk to his room, sat on Marco's bed then unleash them. "I was wondering if you can help me Star?" "Sure, anything for my best friends. So, what can I do you for y/n?" "I need a collar or something to tell Cuddle and CutieHeart apart, also to tell me if They're boy or girl. Snow might need something too since I'm afraid I might lose her." "Say no more bestie! I got your back. I'll even update the color on Coco and Night, If you want." "That actually would be neat, I'll like that, Thanks Star." "No problem, Now Here I go! Before I start Cuddle and CutieHeart are both girls." I smile.

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