Is nice even possible for him?

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Y/n Pov
I woke up, I was by myself in a large strange bedroom. I felt the star shard prick me and took it out of my pocket. So I placing it on the nightstand beside me, Toffee walked into the room looking as if he had just woken up as well. "Seems like you're awake, after you fell asleep earlier, I decided to bring you up here before catching some slumber myself." He sat on the side of the bed in front of me, I sat up."You were fidgeting last night" "I guess I was cold" "well you were shivering but I also noticed some tears" I said nothing. Toffee could tell that I was holding back, and ushered me closer to him. "Listen, I know you're scared right now but I'm sure everything will turn out just fine, trust me on this"He asked with a sly smile on his face. I paused and my eyes widened a little,'Wait? Is he trying to be nice to me?' Toffee leaned in closely to her face, and his voice became low and soft " ohh and one more thing if you try to escape, I'll find you"He held my chin up with one claw and continue saying "Think about it, you've been wanting to escape, if you did your friends and family will not be in danger because of you. So I'm offering you a choice. You can go back and I'll still find you and bring you back here or you can stay here and belong to me with no trouble at all" my eyes widened 'are you kidding me right now!I thought he was being nice, is nice even probably for him!' I mean come on man'
Toffee Pov
Y/n started to shivered and her eyes teared up. 'I think I might have scared her to much' I hugged her to calm her down 'why am I hugging her, do I feel guilty?' "Toffee w-what are y-you d-doing?" "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that, I should have known you were sensitive please forgive me"
In a few minutes I think She had finally snapped moment. She almost knocked me backwards as she suddenly tackled me in an embrace. She gripped My  jacket tightly. I was shocked by the hug but then I relaxed and hugged her back. I found myself smiling and looking at her while her face was snuggling my chest. *deep breath* ' I should be more careful next time, I don't want the same thing happened again, i just feel awful about my action'
Y/n Pov
I didn't know what I was thinking but what he said it made my heart melt. I slowly reeled back and sat beside him. I felt a weight being lifted, and a sense of finally being free from hiding my true feelings. That's when I realize I might have feeling or maybe I'm going crazy I don't know but I felt like to give him a hug. Toffee stood and turned to me, "Now follow me please" he said with a serious face. 'And he's back' I got up and follow him to a dining room. We sat down. "You must be hungry? It's breakfast after all" "I guess I'm.... a little hungry" "I'll be right back with our meal, stay right there" Toffee left.I roll my eyes and put my elbows on the table to rest my head on my hands "of course where am I going to go, I don't even know where am I *sigh*"mI talked to myself. "I hope Everyone back home are okay?" I see Toffee coming in "our meal is almost done, your dress look a little dusty there's another dress in the closet and you might want to wash your hands" "oh......sure I'll go do that now" "good" he left the room. I look at myself and see dust. "Mmm" 'a dress in the closet? Did he know I would be staying? Oh forget it' I get up and start walking to the bedroom. I open the closet door and see a beautiful dress and it was my favorite color. I also saw a long white sock and shoe "when did he get this dress" (you'll see in the next chapter) I see Toffee clothes "why is toffee's clothe here?" Then I just realize "Toffee and I sleeping in the same room" (don't think wrong please) 'I'll just ask him later right now I better change before Toffee get mad'

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