Our first actual kiss/love connection part 1

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I can feel of the sun on my face. Also, I can feel some liquid on my face. I woke up and see Chocolate licking me "*giggles* stop that tickles Chocolate!"
He stop and sit on my lap and look at me with those cute adorable eyes. "*giggles* your so cute chocolate" I pet him. I got to thinking I should make his name short "you know Chocolate maybe I should shoot your name, I got one Coco. Do you like it?" He nod "your name is now Coco and i should also short your name Snow white. I'll just call your Snow" I also pet my Bunny. Night snuggle up to me and I smile at her. "I love you three" they went crazy a bit when I said that. "I should get up now and see what Toffee doing" I was about to get up until Coco tug my shirt and shake it head "huh? Coco let me go you silly dog" he still wouldn't let go of my shirt "Coco no" I started to be a bit serious Coco look up at me with his big eyes and I can't get mad at him. "Awwww Coco" I pick him up and he lick my face and I giggles. "Okay so you don't want me to go make breakfast then what do you want me to do? What about Toffee?" He jump out of my arm and rub around of my room then Night jump out of my bed and run around just like Coco. I smile and understood what they wanted now. " okay okay let play but only for a little bit because I'm hungry" they stop and wag their tail. I played with them for a bit and I got up,got change (the one above) brush my teeth and brush my hair. I walk out my room while Coco, Night and Snow follow me but I wasn't ready for what I was going to see. I walk down stairs and I froze. Coco, Night and Snow ran to Toffee who was standing middle of the living room "well my dear what do you think?" I blink with nothing to say because I was too shock but when I finally know what was going on I was so happy and I ran to Toffee and hug him "omg omg omg Thank you thank you!" He hug me back "your welcome. now you may paint and maybe make this place more live full *chuckle*" I chuckle "I can't believe you did this for me thank you" "well of course I did get you pets and a garden and your favorite foods" "well now I know why they didn't want me to come out here" Coco wag his tail and bark. Night meow and rub herself against Toffee leg. Snow made a adorable noise and wiggle her nose. I smile and kiss Toffee's cheek and he blush.
3rd Pov
All could Toffee think was about those soft lips she just kissed his cheek. "*giggles* come on let go eat breakfast, i'm starving" her stomach growl "*chuckle* come let eat" they went to the kitchen with Coco, Night and Snow following them. They soon made it to the kitchen and y/n got them their bowl and pour food in the bowl and milk on the other one for them, when their was food and milk on the bowl the animals immediately started to dig in. She giggles as watching them eating and pet three of them. Toffee was making food and sometimes would glance at her seeing the love and the care in her eyes and he smile seeing her like that but he didn't know he was smiling. Y/n look at him and he look at the food he was making. They both blush without them knowing. Y/n sat on the chair watching her pets eats. It made her smile seeing her little friends eating happily and having a good time. Soon the food was done and Toffee place the plate front of her, she started to eat then he sat down started to eat as well. When they were done they clean the dishes and y/n started painting.

 When they were done they clean the dishes and y/n started painting

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