Face the Music

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Today I'm at Marco's hanging out. star told me and Marco that a Songstrel was coming over for a Song day or whatever. She invited us and of course we said yes. It was obvious that Star didn't want to go or have anything to do with that. I was on the couch with Marco looking at the TV. We heard the dooring. Star answered the door "Ha-ha. The songstrel" "Greetings, Princess Star! I am Ruberiot." He start playing his lute.

♪ And may I just say ♪
♪ Though we have much to do ♪ ♪ How much of a pleasure it is to meet you ♪
♪ I'll write you a— ♪

Star stop him and invited him in. "So, this shouldn't take too long. [takes out pad and pencil] I just want to get to know the real Star." Ruberiot said. "Oh, how rude of me! [laughs] I didn't even offer you anything. What can I get you? Water? Juice? Tea?" Star ask him. "Well, if you have mint tea, that might be—" Star cut off Ruberiot. "As a matter of fact, we do! Marco is a member of the Tea of the Month Club, and I think we just got some super-special mint tea. Right, Marco? Don't move!" Marco flipping TV channels, mumble "Tea of the Month Club?" I look at Star and Marco with confused but shrug and look at the TV.

'I can't let them know I was at the concert and saw them. Who knows how they'll react.' I thought. The only thing I told them was Toffee came to me in my dream again. I feel so guilty for not telling them but It doesn't seem too bad right? Star goes into the kitchen and makes various "tea-making" noises: opening and closing cupboards, tossing teabags, etc. "Should be just a minute!" Marco, I and Ruberiot sit motionless on the couch.

Ruberiot starts strumming his lute. Marco turns up the volume on the TV. I don't think Marco and Ruberiot heard Star but I sure did. I look the other way for They won't see me facepalm myself. 'Star! just what do you think you're doing?!' I look at Marco, who is next to me, I moved my eyes to "go to the kitchen or go look" look. He didn't seem to get it. So, I moved my mouth saying 'Go look in the kitchen' He went to look then peck around the wall looking at me with a worry or scared look then mouth 'Where is Star?' I shrug 'I don't Know' We both sigh and just relax on the couch watching TV with Ruberiot.

{skip time}
Ruberiot=♪ Where is Princess Star? ♪ ♪ Has she traveled far? ♪ ♪ I am very musically skilled ♪
♪ But if I don't write this, I'll surely be ki— ♪
The door opens. Star stands in the doorway wearing a sun hat and sunglasses and carrying a purse. Marco, I and Ruberiot stood up "You're back!" "You're still here. ...Well, goodbye." Star turns around to leave. "Please! Princess!" Ruberiot kneels on the ground. "I have a job to do, and I can't leave until it's done." "And I won't stay until you're gone." "Star please just listen and do what need to do. He was about to sing how if he doesn't get this done he'll be killed. Let this poo man live" I tell Star. "In just a day, the people of Mewni will be expecting us to perform the traditional Princess Song—"

"Ah-ah-ah-ah! I don't want to hear it, songstrel. If you don't leave right now, maybe I'll leave for good." Star was about to walk out the door again. Marco stopped her. "Hey, Star! Before you leave us alone again—for a very long time with no explanation—could you help me make some more popcorn in the kitchen? Kit-chen!" "Now" I point toward the kitchen. Star joins Marco and I in the kitchen and gives the "I'm-watching-you" signal to Ruberiot. Marco beg. "Please. Just do what he says. He's been singing at me for eight hours, asking where you are!"

"You know us, It would've look bad if we just left him there alone. Please! Just do it." Star didn't budge. "Well, I'm sorry, but I don't want anything to do with Ruberiot and his stupid Princess Songs. My mom's was so stupid and so fake and so old-fashioned – it's just not me." "It's okay, Star. Everyone knows you're anything but ordinary." "Yeah, If anyone doesn't like that then they're crazy. We like to think we're anything but ordinary as well" Marco nod, agreeing with me. Star smile "Aww. Thanks, Marco, y/n." she hug me and Marco. "Huuuugs. ...He's, uh... he's staring at us, isn't he?" Ruberiot stares at Marco, I and Star from the couch. Marco and I "Yup." Star finally agree. "Ugghh! Fine. Ru-ber-i-ot – if that even is your real name – You. Me. My room. Talk time."

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