Our first actual kiss/love connection part 2

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3rd person
After they finish swimming, they got up and got change. Toffee as usual wear his suit but y/n wear dark blue  grayish short, blue shoe and blue shirt. (Pic above) she was excited to not be wear dresses, even though she did like it and she have wore them before it that when she was younger. Anyway, Toffee wanted to impress her, so he went to earth while she was changing. He went to find out when and where the Love Sentence will be held for her. Ever since y/n was in his life he change and you can tell by how he act and how he would do anything for her as in like now. When he finally got the knowledge of Love Sentence he went back home and told y/n. She was so excited and go get her hair  ready then she went turning on the nanny robot to take care of the pets. She couldn't stop smiling. "Are you ready?" Toffee ask while fixing his tie "yup, I'm ready and can't wait to get there to watch Love Sentence. Me, Marco and Star always listen to them and dance too. It's our thing~ that how Star say it. Now come on let go" she tug his suit "okay okay okay okay" he took out his dimensional scissors and cut. Toffee move aside for her to go first, she went but her head pop up "bye Coco, Night and Snow I'll be back , Be have to your nanny and love you guys" Toffee went in after her and they made it. Only that they weren't going to be sitting on the bench.....they were going to sit on top of the wall stadium. She was about to lose her balance but didn't fall. "Whoa, we're actually here and where are we? As in the country" "France" her eye and smile wide "France!....you mean the city of romance? I always dream going here and find love" she had the dreamy look and Toffee snore. They sat down and and wait for the show. "I really hope they play just friends, that my favorite" "what so great about bunch of boys singing for bunch of girls?" "Hey!" "My bad, my apologies" "not just girls like them guys too, like Marco. I told you that" "oh" the stadium started to get dark and also said nice it was night. "*gasp* it's starting" "Bienvenue French!" Y/n couldn't contain her emotions, she was about to burst and Toffee roll his eyes. He didn't like what he was feeling and that called Jealous. "I'm Justin Towers and this song go out to the people who are just friends!" The audience cheered. (Start the video and LS mean lip singing and LSY mean lips synchrony) Toffee just stared at them


Toffee look at Y/n and see her dancing and moving her head to the beat. Now he seem interested and what shock him a bit was that she was lip singing.

Y/n(LS):🎵It was no secret, The way that we feel
A little that's so pure, A love that's so real,

Toffee all he could do is stare at the beauty that was lips singing and moving her body while sitting to the beat.

JT: 🎶 you showed me your world And it felt like a sign, But you acted to slow and you ran out of ti-i-ime.

He felt something moving. When he look back he saw his tail moving on it own tapping and he try to stop it but he gave up and look at the band and back at her. That when he decided to join her lips singing and dancing with her

Y/n and Toffee(LSY ):🎵And now we'll be Just Friends We will be Just Friends And now we'll be Just Friends Be Just Friends

Toffee pull her close with his tail. They were so busy having fun they didn't notice their face so close and smiling a lot.

Toffee(LS):🎵 I didn't mean to Hurt you
Y/n(LS):🎵 you didn't have a clue
Toffee(LS):🎵 So you went out and got busy
Y/n(LS):🎵 And found somebody new, Toffee(LS) new, Y/n and Toffee(LSY) new!

They hold hands and raise them up and mouth out the lyrics of the song and they were even closer then ever.

Y/n and Toffee(LSY):🎵 And now we'll be Just Friends oh we will be Just Friends And now we'll be Just Friends! And now we'll be....

They finally notice how close they were and they look away with blush. They saw the audience kissing and they immediately look at each other with their heart beating fast. They couldn't stop staring into their eyes and they lean in and slowly close their eyes and they kiss passionately

JT: 🎶 Oooh-oooh, Oooh-oooh, Oooh-oooh Be Just Friends...

They pull away slowly and their eyes widen with shock but they enjoyed it and they were still holding each other. "I-I think we should head back i-if you want" Toffee stutter his face all red. "S-sure" y/n look down playing her finger.  Toffee pull his tail away,got up and use his dimensional scissor and open a portal and move aside for y/n to walk in. She walk in and Toffee. They were in back home in the living room. "Hello. You're back so soon, how was it sir?" The nanny robot ask. "It went well and where are the pets?" He ask "asleep" "thank you" he look at y/n who still blushing "I'll take you to your room" he still blushing "okay" they walk upstairs, he was walking to her room. When they got there y/n stop front of Toffee's room and his door was close "Thank you for taking to the concert. I really appreciate it, it been awhile since I was back at my dimension" she rub her neck still blushing "anything for you" he glance away "the kiss was...ummm" "good, bad, amazing,?" She chuckle "good and yes amazing" they blush even more and was getting awkward "I should go to bed" but before she could walk away he grab her arm, pull her close to him and kiss her more passionately. She was shock at first but kiss him back and wrap her arm around his neck while Toffee wrap his arm around her close. After minutes of them kissing they pull away and look at each other with love and passion. While them kiss Toffee open his door with his tail without her knowing. They walk in his room and kiss more. With every time they kiss there was a spark in them and they wanted more. Toffee took off his jacket, his tie, his shirt, lay her down while kissing her, took off her shoes and sock white his tail. The kissing be came more passion and loving. Y/n still have her arms wrap around his neck close and Toffee still have his arm around her close, it Look like they couldn't let go of each other. Toffee tug her shirt with you may know what it means and what he want, so he started slowly pulling her shirt up.
They lay on the bed with blanket covering them. Y/n cuddles on Toffee chest, her hair a mess and so is Toffee's hair. "Toffee" "yes" "what we just did was it the right thing? I mean your a monster grown man and I'm a 14 year old human girl and if we were on Earth then you would have gone to jail and it's called-" she was freakin out and ramble it "I know what it called, it legal here too and it not when you wanted it. Didn't it feel right?" He look At her with a smirk. She blush and look away with a smile. "I'm guessing that a yes" he wink and she giggles. "My body kinda sore" "rest my dear and I'm sorry if I was rough on you" "it's fine and you didn't pull away or use protection, what if I get pregnant?" She started to freak out some more. "Then we'll take care of it no matter what" he kiss her forehead and she close her eyes with a smile. He smile too but then saw a green light and it was the star, he immediately remembered the plan but he forgot it with her distracting him but he didn't mind. He look back at her and the Star, he was becoming confused on to choose but he sigh and grab it and it light brighter, he put it on his desk, the Star still light but slowly it brightness became darker and wrap his tail around her and pull her close to him and bring the blanket closer and he close his eyes while cuddling her. It look like he made his choice. They both sleep with a sweet smile on their face.

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