My first ultrasound/Toffee and I again in my memory part 1

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The Hard Way
In Mewni
Glossaryck picks up book of spells and floats away. "Um, uh... My-my... My darling." Eagle, spider and rats are sleeping. Ludo whisper to wand "Are you still awake? I can't sleep either! I'm too excited to sleep! Today was wonderful!" The Wand response with a low humming. Ludo talk to it again. "Why would you say that? Glossaryck is proud of me. He said I was better than Star!." The Wand gave a low humming again. "What do you mean, he showed her something hidden? Don't be silly! We just started. I'm sure we'll get to it soon." After back and forth Ludo picks up the wand and runs toward the book of spells.
Ludo pant. "Levitato!" He levitates himself over short steps. "Glossaryck!" *knocks on book's cover* "Wake up!"
The book opens to a page that Glossaryck is lying and eating pudding on. "Didn't we just do bedtime?." "Glossaryck. I know this is crazy, but my wand told me... *chuckling* It's my... my wand, he told me there's a chapter in this book that you've shown Star that you haven't shown me. But that's crazy, right?." Ludo ask. "No, it's true." Glossaryck response. Ludo got angry. "What?! Why didn't you show me?!." Glossaryck playfully said. "You know, you didn't ask." "Well, I want to see it!." Glossaryck sighs. "You want to see it. You want to see... Well, you know, I don't know. It's really advanced. Um, you know, dark stuff." Ludo ask. "Did you show it to Star?." Glossaryck seem he doesn't care. "Um, technically, I didn't show her, but, uh, she has seen it." Ludo demand Glossaryck to show him.
Glossaryck immediately agree. "Okay, it's your book." He flips book's pages to Eclipsa's chapter. Ludo got excited. "Secret chapter...!" He chuckles. "Unlock it!" He ordered. Glossaryck ask. "Are you truly sure? It could taint you." Ludo replied "Oh, I got plenty of taint already. Now unlock it!." Glossaryck sighs. "As you wish."
Glossaryck uses a key on his left big toe to unlock Eclipsa's chapter. The skull-shaped lock's jaw lowers, then the whole lock flies off the page. Ludo turns the first page into the chapter. He look confused at first. "! I thought there'd be more pict-" A burst of black smoke drags Ludo into the air. He screams. Ludo floats at the center of a black magical void. His wand's face plate glows green. Ludo opens his eyes to reveal swirling pools of green energy, and he smiles. Ludo [Toffee's voice] "Hello, Glossaryck." Glossaryck is calm. "Hello... Toffee."
Ludo (Toffee) "Time to give it up, old man. You'll never get him on your side." Glossaryck replie "But I don't have a side." Ludo (Toffee) "You don't, do you? *chuckles* Excellent."

Morning [Just Friends]

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Morning [Just Friends]

On Earth

Y/n woke up. She didn't had a dream this time just pair of green swirl eyes and what sounded like Toffee's laugh and in the background was nothing but black. It worry her. Her dog, cat, bunny and two waricorn was next to her sleeping calmly. Y/n sigh softly and rub her belly then laid down and look at the ceiling. She begun to think back this earlier today with her time with Star and Marco.


"I got us Love Sentence tickets for tomorrow night concert!" Star yelled out. Marco and Y/n jumped when she suddenly blurt it out. Y/n and Marco happy about the news but y/n spoke up. "But wait I already seen the concert with Toffee in France remember and I won't belong there because i'm pregnant." Marco nod "We wouldn't want something bad happening to the baby. Maybe, it's best if you don't come along." "Oh shoot! *facepalm* I totally forgot about that. I guess I'll have extra ticket, I'm sorry y/n." Star hug her and give a pout look. "It's okay Star. I'm not mad or anything don't worry." "I've been meaning to ask but does your parents know about you know?." Marco ask. "Nope, and i'm glad but I do wonder if my baby is going to be okay or even if he/she is okay." y/n look at her belly with a worry eyes. "Well, you're in luck because I found something interesting and it involves with your baby. Come follow me." Star ran up the stairs with Marco and y/n right behind her.

They got into Star's room and see her pull out the spell book. "Its a spell that I can see if there something or someone in others body. in other word it like a ultrasound and we can see if it healthy. We can even see it clearly. I really want to know if it a boy or girl." She said while looking through the pages. "how did you find it." Marco in shock. "This mean I don't have to go to the doctor." y/n smile. "okay, it goes like this; Lay down, put some gold ink on your stomach and say the spell." Star explain. "Wait! gold ink jell and what spell?." "just lay down." y/n laid down and raise her shirt up only showing her belly. Star put gold ink jell on y/n's stomach, she shiver from how cold it was then Star start chanting her spell. "Time show and tell, I summon the ultrasound to show us what inside. Tell us what is it is hidden, unveil to us the pictures." A ultrasound pop up, Star move her wand trying to find the baby but she was having some trouble. Marco step in and found the baby, well more like a yolk sac. "where the baby?" Star asked. "It's too early to tell. So, we might have to wait more time to see how it going but the baby is there see *point*

 So, we might have to wait more time to see how it going but the baby is there see *point*

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right now it just yolk sac but soon it'll grow big and healthy with love and food. Still, it seem it doing fine by me. In two days you'll be two month pregnant." Marco explain. "Wow, I can't believe it'll be two month soon." Y/n was full of excitement. "Awww! What a cute little dot." "It seem to be fine since it moving little." "Those pregnancy book really helps and looking at doctor's pregnancy websites too. I want to be a good mother to my and Toffee baby. *rub her stomach* I'll always love my baby no matter what." Y/n stood up and rub off the gold ink jell. Star and Marco look at each other and smile then look back at y/n. "The baby is gonna be one lucky boy or girl." Star smile wide, jump up and down with her arm up high. "You'll be a great mother and we'll be right by your side." Star, Marco and Y/n hug teacher other and each of them put one hand on y/n's stomach with a huge smile on each of their face.

~End Flashback~

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