I was always his personal servant-Day 1

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Toffee Pov
The sun rise and shines in my face so I open eyes and yawn. I blink a couple time because the sun in my eye. I got up and got changed also fixed my hair. Then I remember something I had a maid dress in my closet. I did remember saying she's my personal servant to monsters back at Ludo castle. I've decided to make her work and more, she is in plan but to be honest I still feel the unknown feeling inside me but I still have a plan to complete. I grabbed the maid dress and went to y/n's door. I open the door and see y/n still asleep. I went to her closet and put the maid dress there, I also grabbed a small paper and a pencil so I wrote the something on it and I left to get few things from the store. I went through the forest and I can see the store.
Y/n Pov
I woke up and the sun shines on my face. I yawned and I look around and I see a paper and it said 'y/n I went out for a bit, I'll be back but I would like you to clean the castle, change the bed, wash the dishes and make my breakfast. There a maid dress in your closet to wear and there are black flat and a long white sock. Remember I'll be back so you better have everything ready before I come back
"Oh come on I have to do all of these stuff really!? Plus I really don't know how to cook, this is not my day well I better hurry" I got up and got change in my new maid dress. I went out of my room and looked for the mop, broom, sponge and more. Soon I found it. I grabbed a broom and started sweep. "Not my day, not my day why? *sigh* stupid Toffee" I mumble to myself.
Toffee Pov
I got clothing and shoes then I went to get myself some drinks. I ordered and one monster came up to me. "Hello toffee long time no see huh?" He had sharp (it the monster in season 3 episode Moon the undaunted, this monster

 "Hello toffee long time no see huh?" He had sharp (it the monster in season 3 episode Moon the undaunted, this monster

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) "I agree" the waitress gave my swamp drink and drank it. "Hey what with the bag?" "It for someone" "ohhh I think I might know" he wiggles hi eyebrow, had a smirk on his face and continue "you have someone huh a girl in your life" "it not what you think, I kidnap her and now she's my personal servant" "oh" "she's also a human from a another dimension called earth" "well this is new, don't fall for her" he winked and I looked at him strangely. "Please she's a human and I repeat a human, not to mention she the same age of Star Butterfly and now she's working for me" "noo really? The same age of Star? Man your right, so she's working for you?" "She's my personal servant" "oh so do you know what she's up to?" "I left her a later telling her what to do" "so what do you need her for or is it just for the personal servant?" "I have a plan and she's apart of it" "what plan is that?" "To destroy the Butterfly families" "ohhh and how will you do that?" "I'll tell you more next time right now I need to go" "your maid huh?" He smirk. I didn't listen to him and just paid for the drink got up and started walking toward the door. "We will see each other again old friend" I went out not before I heard him say "right on my friend and say 'hi' to your little maid for me" "sure will" I open the door and left. In mind I thought 'say hi really? Please like I'll tell her that, she doesn't know him but yet I'm kinda mad I wonder why'
Y/n Pov
"*sigh* I'm finally done even though this is a huge castle I did it" I wiped some sweat from my forehead "the flor is clean, the bedroom are made and dusted to now I just have to make food, I hope he'll be late" I went to the kitchen making him food. I decided to make salad with meat. Luckily there were meat here. So I cut some tomatoes and grilled the meat but then "what no greeting?" He scowled "my bad I was making food" I put my head down "what you haven't made my breakfast yet? *sigh* fine what are you making?" I raise my head "Actually I just started before you came in, I'm grilling the meat and cutting the tomatoes and I'm making salad with meat. To be honest I really don't know how to cook so much only a little" "*sigh* this will be fine just make my food I'm getting hungry" "y-yes s-Toffee" 'what was I was going to say?....oh sir, you have to be kidding me I was going to say sir. No' I sigh and shake my head. I start make the salad and the meat was really to go. I got a plate and put the salad with meat on it, take it toward Toffee. When I got to the kitchen I see him reading a newspaper. 'Say wwhat? A newspaper, really? Oh well' I placed the plate in front of him. He look at food. Oh I also placed a fork and knife. He fold the newspaper paper, grabbed the fork and knife and starts eating. I kinda waited a little to get a thank you or how is it but he just ate to be honest again I was a little upset but not a lot just a little. So I decided to go make some. "T-toffee I'm going to make myself some breakfast, I-I hope you e-enjoy" I turn around and walked toward the kitchen. Now I just don't care what he thinks. What he did to me and my friends and what he said he's going to do to my family but my sad feeling is still there deep inside me. "Thank you very much y/n. I hope you do well in dinner and try to make it on time please" he said wiping his mouth with a napkin. I made it to the kitchen "well it kinda a thank you" I star making my own food.

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