Everything goes back to normal, well more or less

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Everything was back to normal, I miss toffee but things life is getting even more interesting each every day and you will know why. I'm at Marco's house. Marco was taking a shower and Star was being Star. She was in the bathroom while Marco was showering and using his laptop to video chat or something I tried to stop her but I ended up in the bathroom with her. "Guess whoo" Star said with excitement To the laptop. "It's me Star, I have some exciting news you all. First, Marco and Y/n got kidnap" I facepalm when she said that but I still listen. "And then I blow up a bunch of stuff including my wand" 'I remember her telling me that when I got back. It doesn't look so bad' "I was super bund because I would never use magic again but then I got my new wa-" she pick up a hairbrush. I chuckle and then i poke my head front of the camera waving with a smile then I back up because Star wanted to show her wand. "My new wand!" Finally Show her new wand. "Oh y/n is here as you saw her waving and she's okay. So is Marco too. Say hi Marco" she explain. I turn  around and saw Marco in his towel. Agh. I forgot to mention that this is your outfit for all or almost of the book lol.

And that counts the shoes too

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And that counts the shoes too. I hope you like this outfit) Marco run to Star and close his laptop. 'He must finish showering' "I don't want the computer watching me shower" he said then Star wand started to float and float around and breaking things. "What the? Why is it moving like that?" "Ya. What's up with your wand" me and Marco ask. "I don't know" we follow it and it went downstairs then up almost hitting Star luckily she dodge it. She look like in shock or something "I almost died" we follow it to her room and saw the book ate her wand then float to her secret closet with Marco without his towels but once again luckily me and Star didn't see it the book cover him. The door close and might lock him in. "Hang on we'll get you out" "oh oh Oohh wait, I don't have my towels" "oh...okay" "don't open that!" "I wasn't gonna" "you done? For we can save you" Marco try using the handle but it didn't open. "Uh it's lock" he explain "what?" Star tried opening it but nothing happened. "Here let me try" I jiggle the handle a bit and try opening the door but again nothing happen. "Ya. It's lock. Why do I have so I have to be right and knew this happened" I sigh "if you knew why didn't you tell me sooner or at least tell me to move?" Marco sound mad and not in the same time. "You Guys usually don't listen and how was I supposed to know you would get lock inside. I didn't know that" I respond. "I forgive you, good point and your right" he agreed. A laser puppy run by but Star shoo it away. "I usually open this door with my wand" she explain how she open it. "Well your book ate it" Marco respond. "You better not be poking around in there that my secret closet" she try with her might to get the door open. "Would you just get me outside of here" I help Star. While we were doing that and we didn't notice glossaryck coming out. "What are you two doing?" "Ahhh!" Me and Star fell on our back. "Hey glossaryck" "my wand lock in the closet" "hey, what about me?" "I was about to say your name Marco" "also my spell book, basically all of my stuff. I want my stuff" me and Star explains it to him. "Did you try to nob?" glossaryck ask. "We tried to nob" "but nothing is working" I moved out of the way because Star ran with a sword and try to cut it down but it didn't work either. glossaryck went there the key hole and triedto open it. "Anything?" "Still look" "oh great. We tried everything but it just doesn't work. Now what are we going to do?" I think I heard them talking but I'm not sure. Me and Star keep trying to get the door open. glossaryck came back. He was floating on his back and look at us. "Why don't you try opening the door the easy way by magic?" He ask. I faceplam and give him a 'are you kidding' look "didn't you heard Star? Her wand is inside the closet with Marco remember" he swam to front of us then gasp. "Do want to try the hard way?" His eye went black and I got worried. "Yaaa, what the hard way?" He eyes went black. 'Oohh okay. This is so weird than again I been through weird things so I can't complain, can I?' Their eyes went back to normal. "You never heard of the hard way?" He asked Star "nope, but sounds hard though" again I faceplam. "Ooh it is but I can teach you" "teach mee" "the lesson begins inside my eye ball" "Wait, can y/n come too?" "Oohh no no I'm not going inside his eyes. You can go beside it's your lesson not mine" I pat her shoulder and she smile then look at glossaryck and nod. Star went in his eye ball. I was just sitting on the ground playing with the laser eye puppies then just like that they're back. I can tell Star didn't understand by the look on glossaryck face. "Look you can do magic without your wand you just have to deep down, you know.  Deep down dip down" "without my wand?" "Wait, without her wand?" I stand up a smile look at them. "Your kidding right?" "Her mom did it" "psst, if she can do then I can do it" she use a laser puppy but it shot glossaryck's hand and made a hole. She gasp "glossaryck I'm so sorry" "Star try dipping downer for the crouch" "cruch?" "I don't know" "we are never going to get him out" I sigh. We sat on the floor with a puppy on our lap. "Have you ever deep down say jack?" "Their puppies Star" "ya me either" I roll my eyes with a chuckle. Star began to walk around saying deep down deep down and I try to calm her down. She tried a rock and a puffer fish, look under her bed and use bugs. We heard Marco scream "well that work" I said sarcastically. Star decided to call her mom. "Star?" Queen Moon was surprise. Star gave a small wave "hi mommy" "y/n what did she do?" She ask me. Star just stammering "She didn't do anything Queen Moon but Marco is lock in her closet and Glossaryck what her to deep down to get him out" "dip down? I didn't learn that until I was 19" she was surprised that Glossaryck wanted her to learn that so soon. "Wow! So I'm' like' advanced *chuckle*" she said proudly. "I suppose" "Anyway, Glossaryck didn't really give me any instructions so..." "ha...That sounds familiar..well, it's not easy. If you want to dip down you have to summon everything you have" "Everything?!...oh..Everything" she didn't get it, by the look of it. "Star, you do know what I mean by everything" "yeah, totally, totally" she was away and put all of her stuff on a cannon launcher "you want everything?....Everything you shall get" "huh?, Star this is not what your mom meant" she ignore me and cut the rope. We heard something crash. Me and Star lay down on the floor "well, Marco, looks like I'm just a skimmer. Skimming the surface of the hobo gravy. The watery hobo gravy. How are things going for you?" "Not so good. Actually, you thwarted my progress" "*sigh* this is really bad. What are we going to tell your parents and how are you going to eat?" "We'll think of something y/n" "I guess it's not that bad. I can slide sandwiches under the door, bring you your homework. Life can be good for you" "that crazy Star" "I don't wanna live in your secret closet" "you know he's right Star" "yeah" "Star, y/n I found the thing" Marco sounded excited across the door. "It's a little book" "that's good, reading will keep the mind sharp like a horn" "it's in mewninan writing. Oh, wait, here's English. Chapter one. Mom's a poop head" "mom's a poop head? *gasp* Star began to bang the door. "Marco, no. No. No. No. no!" 'Uh oh' I sit up. "Marco learn to her" "Hang on, just give me a sec" "Marco, no. That's not the thing. That's not the thing! Marco put that down!!" "Marco she's serious"   I Glossaryck but I couldn't tell what he  was saying. "Marco, it's not the thing, it's not the thing!" "Chapter 11. My thoughts on Marco?" "*gasp* dip down" I look at her and saw her glowing and started to float then made a key out of magic. I was so shock I didn't move just stared at her with amazement. She got back to normal and jump to us. I didn't notice Marco out of the closet. "I did it! I dipped, I dipped, I dipped Marco, y/n! I'm not a skimmer. I dipped!" She snatched her book and hit Marco in the head. "Ow!" "Sorry, but don't read my journal" I snapped out of it and hug Marco. "Oh thank goodness you're okay" I let go because the book roll out and we gasp. It open and Glossaryck pop out "well, this thing's broken but give it a whirl" He gave the wand to Star and then green stuff came out and everything look so gross. We were covered mess. I blinks three time. "I'm gonna go put on some pants" Marco got up and walk away. Star was just saying uh. I was shock again. Glossaryck cough "I call dips on the new tower!" I soon snap out of it and look at him. "You can have it, it small anyway" then I look Star "well, this was fun but I'm going home and shower" I got up and walk away too.
I soon got home and my parents were shock to me in mess. I told what happened and went to shower. I got changed, ate dinner, play with Snow, Coco and Night. The day went by and it was night time. I got sleepy and went to sleep with my animals friends with me.

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