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Janna finish doing design on Star check. "There, What do you think?" Star replies "I love it!." Star fan 13 jump with excitement "Me next, me next, me next! And make me look exactly like Star and I mean exactly." She grab Janna face and pull her close with a serious face on. Star ask "Fun sleepover, huh, guys? - Best sleepover ever!! And it's about to get a lot better. [ticking, alarm rings.] *pull out a tray*
I never made brownies before.
I used real magic sprinkles." ALL: "Mmm! - So good, right? - This is yeah! *munching.* Oh, so good." You can tell everyone lies to not hurt Star feelings. I still thought it was nice that she tried and want to make this the best sleepover ever for her. [jazzy piano music playing.] All went to check it out and saw Marco playing the piano. He had sunglasses and a vest on. It was so obvious he's doing this for Jackie. He notice us standing watching him. "Oh, hey, girls.
I was just practicing piano - It's jazz." Star wave "Hi, Marco." "Hey" I smile.
"Oh, I didn't know you played, Marco." Jackie seem interested. Marco try to be cool but it failed. "Yeah! Oh, hey, Jackie. Didn't see you there." He lean against the piano but he fell. Star and I help him up. "You need to be more careful" I kinda scold at him. "Whoa! Are you okay? Why don't you come and try one of my brownies?" Star ask. "Brownies?. These days, I'm sticking with the protein shakes. It's what keeps these bad boys happy." He flex his 'muscles'. 'What bad boys? I see nothing. You're only embarrassing yourself Marco please stop' I faceplam, shake my head and chuckle. Ponyhead notice how he act when he's around Jackie "Oh, oh, uh-huh. You got it bad." Marco replies to Ponyhead comment "Bad? No. *nervous laughter stammer*" I nudge him "come on Marco. It's obvious. Remember when you said I look obvious when I had a crush on a guy but this time your just showing it to everyone and embarrassing yourself." Ponyhead "burn!" "That's not true." She smirk "It's game time, Marco and since you're so good at playing the field, I got a game that would be perfect for you." She show us a box. ALL: "Wow - It's a box." "It's called Truth Or Punishment. It's all about telling your friends - your deepest, darkest secrets." She explain it more. Marco got nervous and to be honest so did I because what if I'll have to tell him and Star that I'm in love with Toffee. They hate him. Marco and I "And I'm out." We look at each other but shrug and try to walk away. "Give me one second." Star fan and stop us. "Marco, Y/n!." poor Marco was panting and I just look scared. "Why don't you guys wanna play?" She was concern about us. Marco respond "I just think maybe some things are better kept secrets." "And you know when we play truth or dare I'm always the scared one and choose truth. I'm not like you or Ponyhead who just go for it and be brave." Star at first didn't know what he meant look at Jackie and understood and gave me huge then gave me comforting smile "Oh, Marco, y/n come play with us. I'll be fun and I did promise to make this the best sleepover ever." Jackie wave at Marco
"Yeah, Marco, y/n." Janna also wave "Come share a secret." Star grab our hands and drag us to her room. "They're coming." Marco mumble "I hate you." I sigh. We all went to Star room and Ponyhead explains the rules. "Okay, you're supposed to ask three questions, each one harder than the last, and all we do is answer them." She turn it on. Box VOICE: "Deceit and fables, lies and fiction, even with complete conviction.
If truth is absent from these events, all will face the punishments. What does that mean? - It means if you lie to him, something bad'll happen.
Pledge an oath of truth. Pinky swear to me." All: "Okay. I promise to tell the truth. The truth. The truth. The truth. The truth. The truth. The truth." Box Voice: "It's time for Truth Or Punishment." "Oh-ho! Pony, this is already awesome." Star seem really excited but I'm not to sure about me. 'I really hope this box won't ask us the question.' Box: "The first question: what's your favorite color?" 'This one is easy.' Star didn't seem impress with it. "Uh, Pony?" "Oh, girl, maybe the first one is very easy. The next one's probably something interesting, like have you ever killed a man. Mm, actually, that's still easy." "In what way kill a man easy?" I ask Pony. "I don't but it's easy to answer just say yes or no." The box ask the same question because we didn't answer quickly. Pony went first "Pony Head color. Done." I was so confused, so was Marco. Star explain that it's a popular color in Mewni. Star went next and respond "Uh, I have to say yellow." Star fan 13 "*gasps*
Me, too" Star was really happy
"No way! *both giggling*" then hug. Jackie favorite color is Neon green.
Marco like red. Soon it was my turn and my answer was f/c (favorite color) Lastly it was Janna turn. Her favorite color is black like black. Black Jackie's second favorite. Box: "Someone is lying." Shot is a lighting or something and made all of us laughing so hard. "One of us, speak up now!" I couldn't stop laughing. "Okay! I love pink.
It's my favorite." The box stop "Truth!" ALL: "Pink?!" We were all shock to find out that she actually like pink since she's so dark. "I just hate contributing to gender stereotypes." She explains. Box: "Janna likes pink and fights the patriarchy." All gasp since we couldn't breathe from laughing so hard. "That was awesome!" "Yeah." Star and Pony are really excited but I don't if I can say the same thing about me. The box got bigger and trap us in. "It's, like, we're inside the game." I look around getting more scared at the moment. Box: "Second question. What do you really think of Star brownies?"
All scoffs. Star was so happy and was proud that she made them for us. "Easy. Everybody loved my brownies."
All: "Okay, yeah, they were very watchamacallit, - very good, right, guys? - Yeah, they were great. Yep. They were amazing. Good brownies, Star." I was glad Marco didn't taste her brownies. "Actually, I didn't have a brownie, so I guess I missed out." 'Actually you didn't' "Oh, that's too bad, Marco, because they were really good." Jackie was explaining to him that she should have ate one but her face puff up and we start freaking out because we all got puff up. Our face are mess up.

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"What's happening to us? *whinnies

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"What's happening to us? *whinnies.*" Star fan 13 ask our of fear. I wanted to cry so bad because this is getting too scary and too intense for me.

What will happen to them? Will someone tell the truth or lie? Will y/n get out of this and will her friend find out about her love interest (Toffee)?

My Prince Charming Toffee (Toffee x Reader) - S1-2 - [Hold]Where stories live. Discover now