The new side of Toffee i never seen before

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Still Y/n Pov
I was so zone out that I didn't notice Toffee coming in until I heard him saying "no you are not just like Star" I look back and see toffee. I gasp and turn my body. I was still mad at him. "How do you know?" I didn't look at him. "Because your a human not a mewman" I shook my head 'making jokes really!' "Plus it was only a poison, it was only temporary affect" "ya but......*sigh* I'm still scared, when Star got her mewberty she went crazy. It normal I get it but I hope i won't be like Star and you took my first kiss" "f-f-first kiss?" I nod. "It was mine to" i turn my head. "Your first kiss?" He noded. "I know you don't believe me but it true, I never went on a date or had a girlfriend" he look kinda sad. I turn my body facing him. He didn't look at me. He had his head down. "I never knew" "I don't tell anyone. I didn't mean to take your first kiss" he face me. "You know you always do something to make me upset than you apologize but then you do it all over again" I huff and cross my arms. "I do feel bad" he said. I roll me eyes. "This is a trick. Like the guy I use to like *sigh* at least you apologize every time, he didn't. He just said 'aww why are you mad? Are you mad at me?' Like he didn't know what he did" "I'm sorry that happened to you" he apologize. I put my head down. "Hey remember when you said you think of me an romantic type?" I look at him and nod. "Well how do you think I would apologize in a big way?" I raise my eyebrow. "Ummm" I think and think then I said. "I don't know" "okay..........well what do you like?" "I like pumpkin pie, candy, animals, flowers, kids, jewelry, art, dresses, ice cream, chocolate and art books" he nod. "I'll be right back and when when I call you come down" he walk away.i was so confuse right now.
I finally heard toffee calling me. I walk down stairs and Toffee was waiting for me. Then he cover my eyes with his claws. "What are you doing?" I ask. "It's an surprise" I didn't know where we were walking but we stop then he uncover my eyes. My eye widen. I saw ice creams and it's vanilla!, pumpkin pies, candies, and chocolates. A box was open and inside was a pair of earrings, others of a new watch, necklace and bracelet . "Bark bark" "meow meow" I two boxes moving. One have a green wrapping paper and a white bow. The other one have a yellow wrapping paper with white spots and a blue bow. I open the yellow one and inside was "bark bark" a brown puppy. I grabbed it and he lick my face. I laugh. He had a light green collar. The other box moved again. I put the puppy down and open the other box. "Meow meow" a black and white furry kitten with a light blue collar meowed. I pick her up and she purr. I hug her and still purr. My smiles never left my face. On them there was a note and roses. I grabbed the note from the kitty.
Dear y/n.
I'm sorry for all the terrible things I've done Or said to you. I didn't mean to. I hope you forgive me. I did all of this for you.
Please read the other note. P.s these roses are for you to compare your beauty.
The rose was blue but it was beautiful then grabbed the other note. It said.
Dear y/n.
This is another note of apology. I really do hope you forgive me. I hope you love my gifts and the meals. Please don't be mad at me and enjoy.
From: Toffee.
P.s I also have another surprise for you outside and another rose for you my dear.
The other rose was white. The blue and white was lovely. I went outside and Toffee was there waiting for me. I didn't notice. He open the door and there was sunflowers, roses, daisies, dandelions, trees and many more.I froze but then I walk around with my mouth and eyes wide. "I hope you like it. It took me a long time to do this but I manage" Toffee said. "Y-you this all of this for me?" I ask him. "Yes, I now know that I shouldn't have done that and next time I'll think before doing it. This is also for the other time making you scared" I ran and hug him tight "thank you thank you!, I love it! No one ever done this for me before!!" He was shock but slowly hug back. "I forgive you Toffee" I smile. "Bark bark bark" the puppy was barking at a brush. We walk toward him with the kitty following us. I move the brush a little and I saw.

A little white bunny and she was hurt

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A little white bunny and she was hurt. "it okay. Don't be scared, I won't hurt you come here" she hop a little toward me. I hold her in my arm and turn to Toffee. "She's hurt. Can we take care of it? Or better yet can we keep her?" I ask then begged and I made my puppy dog eyes. "I don't know" he shrugs. "Bark bark" the puppy jumped up and down. "Meow meow" the kitty nod. "They agree with me" "okay we can help her but then we have to let it free" I frown, he continue "But if she wants to stay then we can keep her" I jump up and down then ran inside with the puppy and kitten following me. We all got inside. "Toffee did you got any pets food?" "Yes, I'll get them" he walks in the kitchen and I put the bunny down with them. Toffee came back with bowls and food. He set it down. They quickly started to eat. "They must have been hungry" "agreed" "toffee what are we going to name them?" "I don't know" then the puppy look up and saw chocolates, he ran them jump on a chair and he was about to get it but I stop him. "Oh no you don't chocolate isn't good for you" he look and whine. "No!" I put him down and he ate. "Wow he must like chocolate a lot" he chuckled. I got an idea. "Chocolate" the puppy look at me. "He's name is going to be chocolate because he love them and he's brown" "mmm I like it" toffee smile, he ask me "what about the kitten and bunny?" I saw the kitten was looking at the sky (did I forgot to tell you it was sundown, my bad😅) the sky was turning dark. "The kitty is name Night and the bunny, well I'm thinking Snow White or snowflake" "isn't Snow White is from a how you say-" "a movie yes, I use to have a fish named blue because of his color and from a movie but it was spelled differently.........You know what her name is Snow White because I love the movie and she's so white" "I like it, Chocolate, Night and Snow White" when he said there names the bunny wiggle her nose, kitty meowed and the puppy barked. They love there names!. "I'll be right back I need to get something for Snow White leg" I was about to walk away. "No, I'll go you eat your favorite foods" I walk toward to table and quickly ate. I was so hungry and these look so good, they were. He walk away. They pets were eating and so was I. He came back and wrapped a bandage on Snow White foot. He sat next to me and help me eat but it was to much so we put away the leftovers. I hold Snow White in my arm and Toffee hold the Night and Chocolate in his arms. "Bark" "meow meow" "where are they going sleep?" "They can sleep with you" "really?" He smile and nod. I also smile then yawn. We made it to my room. I set Snow White on a pillow next to me and Toffee set Chocolate and Night down. There eyes were heavy I can tell, they got into a ball and slept and Snow White was asleep. "Good night y/n, Night, Chocolate and Snow White. "Good night Toffee" he went to his room. I took a quick shower got changed to my pj and got in my bed. "Good night Snow White, Chocolate and Night" I petted then and kiss there head. Snow White wiggle her nose a little, Night purr and Chocolate wagged his tail. I smile and giggle a little then went to sleep with a smile on me. 'Thank you so much Toffee'

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