New advanture begins (edited)

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Y/n Pov
It was black, my ears were bleeding explosion and followed by near silence. The entire castle had exploded with the wand. My eyes were closed and I can hear my breathing. 'How am I breathing' I thought. I open my eyes and everything is gone. I just stood and started to brush off the debris, only able to glance around for a moment before Toffee grabbed my arm and dragged me over to him behind a large crater from the remains. 'Toffee? How are we still alive?'. I felt myself slip luckily he pull me toward him as I practically fell into his lap "Shhh, stay down." he whispered. I could hear the boy and girl talking to each other, seeing that they survived the explosion as well. I finally realized the voices were Marco and Star "*gasp* Marco, Star" I said quietly so they don't hear me but he put his hand over my mouth. toffee Soon there were other voices that I didn't recognize but they seem relieved from their tones. Toffee leaned close to me and glared at me intimidatingly, "Don't move, and don't make a sound." He said assertively as he pulled his claws away from my mouth, I nodded and sat silently while we listened. Eventually everyone seemed to leave as the noise became more and more faint. Soon Toffee retrieved his jacket and tie which both seemed to be unfazed by the explosion as I surveyed the empty plot of land that was once a castle. I wanted to ask how we managed to survive the explosion while the other monsters didn't seem to, but I put it aside.  I saw a small half-star looking piece glowing on the ground, and picked it up. I put it in my pocket as I continued glancing over the area. I didn't want him to know about it, as I think about this is plan and he wanted this half-Star but I'm not letting it happen. He started to walk toward me "Let's go." he stated in a commanding tone. I followed behind him as I look down at my dress. 'my dress isn't ripped, I wonder? Oh well'
~Time Skip~
After what seemed like about twenty minutes of walking, I was able to see a building up ahead. It was another castle, except there were many differences compared to the last one, It was a dark red color instead of green and had several more towers surrounding it. We got to the front porch Toffee opened the front doors and again stood aside for me to enter first. As I stepped inside, I almost instantly realized how much warmer it was compared to the other castle and outside. Toffee placed his jacket and tie on a coat rack and led me into the nearest room. "Wow, this castle is so different and amazing" "yes, I agree" he sounded annoyed. I looked around and It seemed to be the living area if anything. There was a dark purple chair in front of a black-stained cobblestone fireplace in the center, several bookshelves lined up against the wall, and a piano in the very back. "Settle yourself in, I need to clean myself up." Toffee said before leaving me in the room.
3rd person Pov
As Toffee headed up the stairs, y/n walked around in the main room trying to occupy herself. She noticed that there weren't any other monsters around, assuming that Toffee probably preferred to work alone. She leaned against the chair in front of the fireplace. "I wonder if I'm ever getting out of here? I'm glad Star and Marco are okay" I mumbled. Toffee re-entered the room. He grabbed a book called 'humans! And all to know about them, female addition' from one of the shelves and sat in the chair. Y/n didn't notice it. She sat herself on the ground beside him and got lost in thought. Toffee slid himself to the right of the chair and snapped his fingers to get her attention. "Come up here, I don't want you to fall asleep on the floor." She was hesitated, still cautious about what his intentions were and what he wanted from her. Though,she did take fact that he hadn't done anything to harm me yet into consideration. She thought it was okay to trust him at that point. Sitting alongside Toffee in the chair, She unconsciously curled into a ball and became tense. It been like 57 minutes. Y/n still haven't noticed the book.
Y/n Pov
"Something bothering you?" Toffee asked without taking his eyes off of the book  " it's fine" I didn't really want to talk "I can tell your not being honest" "*deep breath* okay I'm not really comfortable with what happened and I just miss my friends and my family"  "I know and I'm aware our  first encounter wasn't exactly friendly, but communication between us is going to play majorly in what I have planned. If it helps, if I wanted to harm or kill you, I would've done it already." "Isn't your plan to destroy Star's wand?" "Oh no that was only part 1, there more" "oh" I found myself shifting closer to Toffee and eventually, leaning against him. Now he seems tense "...So...what are these plans that you have? Why am I involved?"  "You'll see, you're not exactly in the best state right now due to your exhaustion from last night." He said as he rested his arm on my shoulder. I started to feel warm inside like I never felt before and it's like I wanted to cuddle with him. I nuzzled against him, something I never felt.The next thing I knew, I drifted to sleep as if I wasn't in the arms of my captor.
              Toffee Pov
I felt Y/n's breathing soften and slow as she fell asleep next to him. A sly smirk formed on my face then I saw the missing half of the wand glowing in her pocket. I took out the glowing thing and I saw it was the half-star and it was glowing now my plan was about to unfold. I look down at y/n and thought 'sleep well- wait! what am I thinking she'll never like me- what is going on with me? I never felt this way before, am I falling in but she is cute when she sleeps. I gently move some of her hair from her face.

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