Wand to wand

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Today I headed to Marco's house to hang out but to be honest I felt like something was wrong so I headed there. 'For some strange reason I feel like something bad is going to happen' I made it and knock on Marco's door. The door open. "Oh y/n hi. How are you? Come in" he move aside for to walk in. "I'm good and what wrong with cloudy?" I point at cloudy who was trashing the place. "I have no idea. Star! You're taking care of the garbage riight?" "Yeah! I got cloudy to do it!" "Uuhh...about that" "you should come down and see!" I yell. Star came down and she had this shock and scared face on her. she look at us then at cloudy. "I don't know why I have so much energy today. Must be all the ice tea" Cloudy was wetting the place and shaking the garbage around.  Three of us look at each with a scared, shock and worry look. "What are we going to do?" I ask "i don't know" Marco reply "this isn't good" Star comment. Cloudy farted which came out lighting and got the chair on fire "excuse me" he said. "What's with him?" Marco ask. "Cloudy you stop this right now" Star command. Cloudy didn't listen and use a lamp as a horse and ride it. We duck for we won't get hit. "are you listening to me?" He still didn't listen and knock the books down and threw the lamp through a window. "Hey! Stop playing around and clean all this up!" "Uh oh, look like someone is allergic to good vibes" he blow on Star face and now she was mad. Cloudy giggles. "Okay, That's it" she was about to cast a spell until Cloudy knock all of her boat in a bottle "my mewni battle ships!" She was upset only second then got mad and cast her spell on Cloudy. I thought I saw something but it was a bit fast. "Hey, That was so rude!" His voice got deeper and we ran out and see Cloudy above Marco house as a tornado. The more I look at him the more green he got and when I realize that Something was wrong and I believe it was Star wand. I look back when Star cast her spell the color was green not pink. "We need to stop this right away!" I command. "But how?" Marco ask. Star blast her spell on Cloudy again but nothing work "Cloudy you're out of control!." Marco house is be destroyed by Cloudy and we didn't know how to stop him. A tree got torn off and head to Marco. He jump out of the way. "That. Is. Enough!" She blast a big spell and I saw the color "no! Star Stop! It's-" before I could say anything else I passed out.
3rd Pov
Star blast her spell which it caused Cloudy even angrier and meaner. "Hey! You poke my fluffy!" He started to suck everything up in his mouth. "I think you're making it worse" Marco tried to stop her. "You gonna stooop! Staaar!" He was getting suck in but hold onto the roof. He saw y/n was being sick in. He grab her right arm while holding onto the roof "Star!!" He yell. "Marco! Y/n!" Star was concern for her friends and didn't want them to be suck in. She didn't notice her wand and the color was now pink. All of her angrier was gone. The roof couldn't hold and broke off. Marco screams as he was being suck by Cloudy. Star use a lasso spell, wrap Marco and y/n and pull them on the ground. Marco Thanks her but y/n still was knock out and Star saw she wasn't moving and felt it was her fault. She jump up and cast a friendship spell which now fix Cloudy. Star landed safely "you okay?" She ask Marco. "Yeah. Thank to you" they hug. Cloudy giggles "whoa! What a mess. What happened?" He ask them. "Yeah, what was up with your wand?" "I have no idea but right now isn't a good time to worry about that" she kneel down and try to wake y/n. "Y/n wake up. Come on it's over now, get up" Marco also kneel down and shake her gently "she's not responding" he check for sign that she's alive. He sigh relief "she's alive just unconscious" "y/n please wake up. I'm so so very sorry please wake up" she was scared that y/n wouldn't wake up. Marco was scared too. He lost her before and he wasn't gonna lose her again. Cloudy was very concern "she doesn't look so good" "I know but we just was wait for her to wake up, I guess" "but there have to be something to wake her up?" Marco shake his head.
Y/nPov mind
Y/n pants and look around the blackness for light but nothing. "Where am I? What's going on?" Why can't I see?" I was scared and freaking out. "Star?! Marco?!" I yell out for them but no one answer. "I want out of here now!" I place my hands on my head and look around confused. 'This is nuts! How am I going to get out of here And where are Star and Marco??'  I was around wondering if there was a door or a portal or something for me to get out but there was nothing. I scream out Star and Marco again. I goan out of frustration. I close my eyes to clam myself but then I heard whispers. I look around and see red eyes staring at me and I back away "no.no..no....no" they were headed toward me. I try to ran as but I was surrounded. They keep getting closer and closer. "Stop please! I just want to get out!" I kneel down and put my head down, I was shaking the. It stop. It was quiet. I look around then stand up. I ahead and see a big mirror front of me. At first I see myself then I see Toffee. I want to reach out to him so bad. I hold out my hand and walk to them "t-toffee?" I was so busy looking at him that I didn't notice I that I was running towards him but then the whispering came back and I Stop. The red eyes and whispers, last time it was soft and quiet so I didn't know what they were saying but this time they whisper a bit louder and I heard what they were saying "Disgusting" "unbelievable" "you can't be with him" "he's evil" "he never love you" "he's a monster" I cover my ears for I won't listen to them. I look for the mirror but it was gone and the blackness was surrounding me and coming closer to me. I shake and hug myself crying. It was coming closer. All of sudden she felt arms wrap around her close and cozy. She felt breathing next to her ear "it's going to be alright. I'm right here" 'I know that voice' Light started to glow. I look behind me and I gasp. "T-T-Toffee?" He smile. I hug him tightly and he hug me back. I cried, "no need to worry, everything will be alright now" he stork my hair gently and kiss my forehead. I smile sweetly and close my eyes enjoying his warmth. Everything was turn white.
Y/n POV Mind End (still y/n POV)
I open my eyes and sat up. "W-what happened? Where am I? What going on?" "Oh no! She have amnesia. We must hit her in the head to make her remember" Star was about to hit my on the head. "Whoa! Oh no you don't! If I had amnesia then I wouldn't remember who you two were or Cloudy" "oh" she put down her wand "my bad" she nervously laughs a bit. "We're glad that you're okay but what happened did you hit your head or something?" Marco ask me. "No...I don't think so...I guess I just black out" I stand up "well now Cloudy is all fix" Star was proud about that "and we were all scared you wouldn't wake up" "well now I am" they hug me and I hugs them back. I still couldn't stop thinking what happened to me when I black out but I didn't want them to know. We pull away and I walk to Cloudy and let him. "I'm glad you're back to normal. Oh and by the way Star don't get angry because when you do that's when it get a weird" "I have kinda noticed that too" Marco agree with me. "When blast your spell it was green not pink" Star looks t her wand and think about it "you know you two might be right. Maybe there is something wrong with my wand and me" Marco and I "huh" 'just what did meant by something wrong with her wand and her?' "Kids! We got you ice cream for cleaning the hoouse" Mr.Diaz drop bag. Mr and Mrs Diaz were shock and surprise. We got inside and clean the house. I stayed and help them. "Oh Star, it's always exciting to have you around" "this'll take all weekend to clean" Mr and Mrs said a happy comment about having her here. Marco mop the wet floor while Mr. Diaz dry to couch, Mrs. Diaz pick up some broken vase and I use a towel to dry off the tables. "Oh no no. I got this" she was about to use a spell but stop and grab a broom and put her wand down. She started to broom but she had it the wrong way. Marco help her and turn the broom around the right way. I giggles a bit and keep on cleaning. 'I wonder how Star and Marco will react if I tell them what happened while I was unconscious or how they find out I'm in love with Toffee? I wonder if they'll hate me?'

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