Into the Wand/Into the Mind part 1

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3rd Pov
Y/n and Star were hanging out in Star room. They were laying on bed minding their business. "Hey y/n wanna see something cool?." "I'm down." They got up and Star did her Narwhal Blast but it wasn't like how they hope for. Y/n's eyes widen and look like she was sick. Star tried again and again but y/n stop her because she was so close of throwing up. "Get Glossaryck now." Star knocks on the book's front cover. Glossaryck's eye appears in the top jewel like a peephole."*clears throat* Who is it? What do you want?." "It's me, Star and Y/n." "Oh! Oh, yes. Yes, yes. I'll be out in a minute." Glossaryck tries opening the book's cover, but it's stopped by a short chain. Glossaryck sighs. "I always forget the chain." Glossaryck finally unlatches the chain, and the book flips open. Glossaryck bows to Star. "Y/n friend of Princess Star Butterfly, future Queen of Mewni. What do you want?." 
Star points at her Narwhals. Several grotesquely deformed narwhals lie around Star's room. Glossaryck gasp in horror. "Okay, don't panic! *picks up "Magic Stain Gone" bottle* I got the stain remover! You go start the car! *gives Star car keys*" 'wow! I didn't think there a thing like that.'  Star tell Glossaryck that they're not dead. Glossaryck pours stain remover on a narwhal, causing its colors to fade. Glossaryck "Oh *stop pouring it*" Narwhal strangled gasp. Y/n back up a bit. "Okay. I'm getting scared"
Star nod at her then look at Glossaryck. "It's my spells. They're all messed up. See? Narwhal Blast! Narwhal Blast! Narwhal Blast! Narwhal Blast!." Star's wand creates more deformed narwhals that splat against the wall.  Glossaryck and Y/n "*gag* Oh, you must stop." "Yes! Please stop" "It's not your spells; it's your wand. You see, it's contaminated." Star look confused. "Contamina... Whaa? How did that happen?." Glossaryck explain. "The only way to find out is to go into... *floats inside stain remover bottle*....your wand." Star look so interested and so was Y/n. "Whaaat? You can do that?!" "Yeah! How and can I come?." Glossaryck pop up. "Of course. But we won't." Star and Y/n upset. "Why not?" Glossaryck wrings stain remover out of his beard. "Because by decree of Moon the Undaunted, Queen of Mewni, you must be *holds hand over Star's head* that tall to go on *points at Star's wand* this ride and that goes for you y/n." "Oh come on!." She sat on Star's bed and pout grumpy. Star looks at interdimensional mirror, grumbles Mother... *closes mirror curtains* "Well, I, Star the Underestimated, future Queen of Mewni, hereby decree: Put me and my friend Y/n in my wand." Glossaryck didn't argue he agree. Star and Y/n squeals excitedly, jumps up and down holding hands. Glossaryck Stop them. "Now, there are some things, young ladies, you need to know before we go inside." Star and y/n sits down next to Glossaryck. "The wand is an extension of your..." Star got a little distracted by tapping feet together. "Star, what are you doing? Are you—Are you going to listen to me or not?." Star apologize. Glossaryck continue "As I was saying, the wand... is an extension of your memories. So you must find the thing that does not belong." He reveals backwards middle finger on right hand with polka-dotted nail polish. Y/n stare in awe. Star repeat what he said finding the thing that doesn't belong. Glossaryck ask them if their ready?. Star respond with Maybe and Y/n respond with yes.
Glossaryck claps twice "All right. We're inside." Star and Y/n look around the at each other with a raise eyebrow. "What? But we're still in my room." "You're playing with us Glossaryck."  Glossaryck reassure them they're in the wand. "We're in the memory of your room, inside of your wand." Star looks at her empty hand, gasps. "Whoa. Your right." "WOW! This so cool!." Glossaryck  knee he had to warn them before things go wrong. "Yes. From this point on, it's very, very important that you listen only to the sound of my voice and nothing else." 'Marco Diaz' enters Star's room. "Hey. Have you seen my hoodie?." Star "Uh... I'm kind of in the middle of something with Glossaryck." "Maybe I can help?." Y/n was about to stand up. Glossaryck Stop her. "No! No, Star! Y/n! That is not Marco. Only listen to the sound of my voice. Otherwise, we will be separated." 'Marco' renter and ask about his hoodie again. Star got a little annoy. "Marco, I told you. I am in the middle of something with Glossary..." *sees Glossaryck is gone, gasps* y/n gasp too. Star and y/n is suddenly standing across the street from Echo Creek Academy. "What? School? *groans, starts walking away from school* Okay, Glossaryck, nope." "Well at least we get to do what ever we want Star" "I'm not going to school... in my memory... my wand memory— *bumps into school doors* Oof! What?."  Star and Y/n looks behind her and sees a reflection of themselves standing in front of the school. Star sighs. "Right, right, right, right. This is one of those mind things. Where everywhere you go, there's school. School. School. School. School. School. School. *bumps into school doors* Oof!" "You alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine." The school doors open by themselves. "School. I guess We're going to school." "Again Star we can do want ever we want." Another version of Star races through the hallway on top of King Butterfly's chair wearing Marco's hoodie. Star enters the school, and Marco's locker opens to reveal his hoodie. "Whaaa...? That's Marco's. Well, this definitely doesn't belong! *puts on Marco's hoodie* Over, under, around and through. Grab the little Mewni rabbit, pull him through. *singsong* Oh, Glossaryck! I found the thing that doesn't belong! Beam us out! Or... beam us off! ...Uh, Glossaryck?." "I'm guessing this isn't it. We have to keep looking." Lil Chauncey    o.s., bleating.
Star and y/n enters school cafeteria. "Hello?" "Is anyone here?." Star and y/n sees hamburgers on a conveyor belt. "Ooh! Hamburgers." Y/n grab one. Star follow her. "burger time. *picks up hamburger* Don't mind if I do. *bites hamburger* Mmm. Memory burger." "It's not half bad, it's good." In the cafeteria's backroom, Lil Chauncey runs on the conveyor belt in the opposite direction to avoid falling in the oven. Lil Chauncey    bleats. Star    and Y/n see the goat pig and gasp. "Oh, no!" Lil Chauncey bleats. Star pulls Lil Chauncey off the conveyor belt. Y/n help Star. Lil Chauncey bleats. They got the goat pig out safe. Star and y/n let the goat pig. Star talk to the goat pig. "You're welcome! Who're you? *reads Chauncey's nametag* "Lil Chauncey". Lil Chauncey Chauncey?." "Whi now?" Y/n is confused. Star explain it to her "my mom's Lil Chauncey. Lil Chauncey was with my mom at a war or a battle and he was like a her pet too. I'm pretty sure you died on the battlefield, mister!." "Awww. He's so cute." Y/n pet Lil Chauncey. Star, Y/n and Lil Chauncey leave the cafeteria together. "Let's get you out of here. Hey, Glossaryck! I think I found the thing that doesn't belong! My mom's pig-goat!" "Glossaryck! Okay. No answer so that's mean we have to keep looking." Lil Chauncey    bites Star's boot. "Hey-hey-hey-hey-hey! That's my boot! That's my boot! Hey! Hey!." Y/n start laughing. "This isn't funny!"
Lil Chauncey pulls off Star's boot and hops away with it, bleating. Lil Chauncey breaks into Principal Skeeves' office and sit in King Butterfly's chair. Star and Y/n ran after him. "Hey, you! Gimme back my boot! *grabs boot out of Chauncey's mouth* And get down! Sitting like a person. My father would be furious if he caught you sitting in his ch— *gasps* Oh, Papa! *hugs chair* I love you so much. *presses loudspeaker button* Gloassaryck, I definitely found the thing now. Can you come and pick me up from school please?."
The loudspeaker screeches with feedback. Star and y/n covers theirs ears "Aah! What is that?" Star, Y/n and Lil Chauncey look out the office window and see Butterfly Castle on the school football field. "That definitely doesn't belong. Let's go get it." "The Castle? We're gonna get a castle?"  Star picks up a fishing pole on Principal Skeeves' wall and a half-eaten burger. She attaches the burger to the fishing lure and hooks horse reins up to Lil Chauncey and King Butterfly's chair. Star and y/n got on the chair and by using the burger, Star  and y/n uses Chauncey to pull them forward. "Great idea Star!." "Thanks! Now onward Chauncey!" Star and Lil Chauncey race through the hallway, past the corridor with Marco's locker.
Star pull back "Whoa! Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa!." "What?." Star, Y/n and Lil Chauncey back up, and Star sees a past version of herself enter the school. Past Star smile and waves "Hey!." Star and Y/n glance at each looking really confused. "Uh... hey."
Past Star ask Where were they headed?. Star answer. "Well, I was just going to the foo-fo... football field and Mewni Castle— Wait a minute! Who are you?." Past Star respond "I'm Star Butterfly!." Star shook her head. "Nuh-uh, you're not." "Yeah, this is the real Star." Y/n was getting scared.
Past Star ask them "Did you find the thing that doesn't belong?." "Not exactly... I mean, I found Marco's hoodie, and then my dad's chair, and... *lifts up Lil Chauncey, grunting* ...Lil Chauncey here." Lil Chauncey bleats.  Star grunt because it was hard to hold the pig-goat. "Wait a minute. Why are there two of us here?." "That's my question too." Past Star explain "Didn't Glossaryck tell you? If you're inside your wand too long, all your new memories become your old memories until eventually your current timeline is overwritten by the future versions of yourself, like me! Star Butterfly! Oh, and that goes for y/n as well." "What!?" Y/n eyes widen.  Star and y/n were even more shock to bear the news. "Wait... so, you're gonna replace us!?."  Past Star laugh. "Yeah! But don't worry. You'll never know the difference." Past Y/n walk to them. "Hi" she smile and wave. "No." the real y/n freak out." Present Star, Present Y/n and Lil Chauncey take off again down the hall but before they left they look at past Star. "...I gotta go!....Oh, I forgot to tell you. *threatening and glare* Stay out of our timeline. *sweetly* Thanks!."  Past Star goan. "Fine. I'll just get my own timeline. Moody." Past Star 2 "I guess I'm going to school." Another past Star and past Y/n showed up.  Star, Y/n and Lil Chauncey race down the football field toward Butterfly Castle. Y/n look around, she couldn't shake a bad feeling. She didn't know what it was but when she look behind her, she gasp. "Uh? might wanna look behind you now." Star looks behind and see the Star we just talked to. Past Star and past Y/n wave and said hi but Present Star told her to go away. Other past versions of Star and y/n appear behind the first past Star. They says hello or hey girl but it freak the heck out of present y/n.
Star, Y/n and Lil Chauncey enter the castle, and the door closes behind them. Y/n sigh in relief. "Oh thank goodness we got away from them." Star agree. She look around the room and realize the room they were in. "Whoa... This is the Grandma Room. Oh, I haven't been in here since I was a little baby." "Whoa! Really? So beautiful." Lil Chauncey eats the burger on the end of Star's fishing pole, and she ran to the pig-goat.
Star gasps. "Are you nuts?! *pulls hamburger out of Chauncey's mouth and tosses it away* There's no eating in the Grandma Room! You'll get crumbs everywhere!." There's a loud thud and clanking, and the ceiling skylight opens. Star and y/n walks up to Celena the Shy's tapestry. "Oh, no-no-no. We got burger juice on the wall rug, Chauncey." "Are we gonna get a trouble?. I really hope not" "probably not." When Star removes the burger from the tapestry, a gust of wind blows up from under her. Star and y/n hold each other. "Oh, no! We're gonna die!!" Both said union. Pedestals rise up out of the floor, including one under Star's feet. She jumps off the pedestal, and it lights up. "Celena the Shy? Ohhh! Great-Great-Grandma Shy!" Star start reading the pedestal. "What hides behind the golden fan, the hand does sweetly hold. A trove of cosmic secrets that never will be told." *whispering* Don't be shy! You can tell me! Right, Chauncey? Chauncey?." Lil Chauncey is about to pee on Solaria the Monster Carver's tapestry. Y/n scream no. Star gasp loudly and both of them ran to him. "No, no-no-no-no-no! Get a hold of yourself, Chauncey!" Star picks up Lil Chauncey. Lil Chauncey just oink. Solaria's pedestal lights up.
Y/n read the name "Solaria the Monster Carver." Then start reading the pedestal. "A castle stormed is a hero born with might as strong as steel. Kneels the void before her and the crushing force she wields." She look at the tapestry and frown. She couldn't imagine what the monsters had to go through. 'How could she do that to them?'  Star and Lil Chauncey fall over, and Chauncey hops away. Star try to catch up to him then Eclipsa the Queen of Darkness's tapestry lights up and expels steam.
Star and y/n gasps. They both read the pedestal. "Eclipsa, Queen of Mewni, to a Mewman king was wed. But took a monster for her love and away from Mewni fled." Star shudders and said Bad girl with a smirk. Y/n stare at it with a small smile and glance away. "Look like we're gonna alike, huh?" She mumble. Star look at y/n and hug her. "If it helps you didn't fled from us." Y/n chuckle. Lil Chauncey oink, point at Moon's tapestry. Star ask "What is it, boy? What'd you find?" Lil Chauncey bleats.  Star look at the tapestry. "Awww, that's you, isn't it? Before you died. *gasps* That means this is Mom's tapestry! Get off!." Star pushes Lil Chauncey off of Moon the Undaunted's pedestal, and it lights up.
Star start reading. "The immortal monster will long be haunted by the darkest spell of Moon the Undaunted." "Your mom fought Toffee?." Y/n is in shock. A spinning wheel near Star starts spinning thread by itself and sews Glossaryck into Star's incomplete tapestry. Glossaryck pulls himself out of the tapestry. Glossaryck grunt, gasps, and pant.
Star and y/n are happy to see him and ran to him. "Glossaryck! You're back!" "Finally! I was getting worried and scared." Glossaryck took a breathe "Oh! Do you have any idea how difficult that was?." "Sorry. Moody." Y/n and Star union. "No, no. *sighs* It's fine. And-and did you find the thing that doesn't belong?." Star and y/n look at each other with a frown then look at him. Star answer his question. "Well, I found Marco's hoodie and my dad's chair and Lil Chauncey over there but all these things... belong in my memories." "We tried's harder than we thought." Glossaryck got their attention. "Listen to me. Did you see yourself?." Y/n and Star said yes. It freak him out. "All right. That's not good. That's not good. We gotta get out of here. Step into my eyeball. I... Y-Yes, that's what I said. Come on. Hop in." Y/n is totally gross out by that.  Star didn't want to go. "Wait! But I-I didn't fix my wand!."
Toffee's severed finger tears off of Moon the Undaunted's tapestry and falls onto the floor. Star and y/n gasps but Y/n gasp was louder than Star's. "That's the thing that doesn't belong!" Both union. Past Stars and past 
Y/ns echoing What they said.
Star, y/n and twelve past versions of themselves stand in a circle around the finger. Glossaryck yell out "Star! Y/n! We've gotta go now! Get into my eye!." Before Star could runs toward the finger y/n ran to it and grab it while Star watch. Y/n past versions race toward it while the past version of Stars watch. Present Y/n dives toward the finger and grabs it. Images of Toffee, her and Toffee kissing, Eclipsa, and the cracked star crystal and a baby flash in her head. Glossaryck grab Star and fly to y/n "All right, that's it!" He was fed up. Glossaryck and the past versions of Star dive toward the present y/n.
It turn black as Glossaryck sucks y/n and Star into his eyeball. Scene cuts back to Star's bedroom. Glossaryck's giant eyeball appears with a pop and spits Star out on the floor. Glossaryck's body appears around his eyeball, and he falls to the floor.
Glossaryck goan in pain. "Oh! Boy, that hurt." Star is gross out and so is y/n. "Yuck!" "Ugh... Pupil juice. *gasps* Glossaryck." Glossaryck with stretched eyeball. Ask What?.
Star hold wand while y/n hold Toffee's finger. "I think we did it." Glossaryck is gross out by the finger. "That's kinda gross. Let's get rid of it."
Star grab the finger tosses Toffee's finger into her secrets closet.
Glossaryck felt like that wasn't the right way to get rid of it. "Uh... That's not exactly what I meant." Y/n said nothing her mind went back to the images she had in the wand.
Star sat on the spell book. "You know what? *sighs* I think my mom was right. I'm not tall enough to go on this ride." Glossaryck sits next to Star. "I'm not tall enough to go on any ride. But I've been on them all." Star smiles at Glossaryck. "Your, uh... Your eyeball... is, uh... falling out a little bit." "Oh, thanks. Thank you. Let me just, uh... *sticks eyeball back into socket, laughs* You gonna test out that wand?." Star got tried after all the excitement. "I think I've had enough magic for one day." Marco enters Star's room. "Hey. Have you seen my hoodie?." 'Really Marco?!' Star shoots Marco with a Narwhal Blast, and a healthy narwhal falls on top of him. Y/n's eyes widen and gasp. Marco groan. Star smile wide "It worked!." Y/n chuckle then it turns into a full laugh at Marco.
Later that Night at y/n's house
Y/n lay on her bed watching tv. She feed her pets, gave them a bath and put them on their bed. She smile softly watching them sleep so soundly. She turn off the tv and went to sleep. She had small glimpse of the same version she got before and few new one from her time with Toffee.
Then something happen that will change her life later on.

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