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Requested by Pomski
This is for you. I still remember your request.
Next day
It was a beautiful morning you were wearing the new maid outfit. you just ate breakfast and so did Toffee. While you were cleaning Toffee was in the library reading his poison book but once a while he'll glance at the poison he bought. He was curious because when he first started reading the Poison book and saw mewberty page he wanted to try it. So he wanted to try it on y/n but what will happen.  (Well you just have to wait and see) Toffee is still reading his book. He check his watch then he figured right now would be a good time to try the poison so he got up with the poison book in his left claw. Toffee got everything ready and starts making the mewberty poison. He set the book down and look at the ingredients. He starts making the poison right away. It only took him about half a hour. He finally finished. He pick it up and pour it in a glass. He smirk. Before he called y/n he hid everything. "Y/n please come here in the library!" He yelled soon he heard running foot steps. You finally made it "yes?" You kinda question. "Before I left toward the library I grabbed a drink and there still some left so I thought you might want some" "oh umm sure thank you" you smile. You take the glass and drink all of it. The whole time had a smirk on his face. You put the glass down. At first you were fine until you felt dizzy and uncomfortable "uhhh T-toffee? W-what h-happening?" You look at him and you felt your face heating up also you had a bad feeling in your stomach. Toffee can see the poison taking affect. He sees little light Purple Hearts on her face. He also see her eyes full of lust. You lean close to him and back up a little, now he wasn't to sure what to do. "Toffee~" you giggles he blush. Y/n walk closer toward him and grabbed his tie then kiss him. His face red but soon kiss back. Toffee back up and sees y/n all purple with wings (above there a picture) "your a cute boy" then kiss him again and pull him close to you. Toffee was to got up in the moment he push you to the wall and continue kissing y/n. You takes off his jacket, tie and unbuttoned some of his shirts. "*sigh* ahh" Toffee untied the ribbon behind you and about to slide the dress off when he heard "*gasp* Toffee!" Toffee's eye widen and backed away quickly and he was shock. Y/n as snapped out from the poison, she was back to normal. Both of them didn't said anything. Y/n ran upstair crying and Toffee stood there shocked. He couldn't move.
Y/n Pov
I was in my room crying. 'How could this have happened? Stupid Toffee. I hate him! Hate hate him!!' I was crying for 63 minutes, soon I calm down. "Am I just like Star when she got her mewberty? *sigh* Toffee was taking advantage of me. He was about to take off off my clothes. Luckily he didn't I was able stop him. It's his fault now I'm never never leaveing this room!" I wanted to cry again Then I had a flashback.
Marco and I were walking around the school looking for Star. We finally found her staring at Oscar. The bell ring "Star. Time to go" he was about to until he saw something "you have some paint or something right here" Marco point at his forehead. It was actually a little Purple Heart. "Marco, Y/n this is not paint" she kinda freak out. "Is it a bad thing?" I ask "Well it look like you got another heart" Marco smiles. "Quiet Marco this is seriously I think I'm going through mewberty"  when she said that more little hearts pop up and Star tried covering her face with her hair. "Wweeellll okaaay uhh umm mewberty haha there nothing to shame from we have the exact same thing on earth" Marco sounded a little uncomfortable and I don't blame him. "Ya, I mean I'm a girl and I been there.......whatever your going through.........I think. I had mine when I was 11 and I'm here to help if you ever need me" Marco looked at me and I can tell he was uncomfortable. "Don't confuse me with yours earth  things Marco and Y/n, I'm from Mewni things are going to be weird" Star said in a low voice then grabbed Marco pull him close. "You two need to keep me away from boys wait a second Marco is a boy~" she had hearts in her eyes. I grabbed his hood and pull him away "oookaay i know us girls like boys but you need to calm down. When I had mine I didn't act like that" "really now, plus stop talking" Marco command, he continued "when you said things were going to get weird did you mean typical Star weird or destroy the school weird?" "Destroy the school" She answerd "I saw that coming" "you saw that coming?" "It's obvious" I answered toward Marco. "Let's get you home Star" we started walking away with Star behind us but when I look behind I saw Star acting weird again just like Marco "my turn~" "Oohh okay let go" He grabbed Star arm and it turn purple the attached to a locker or something. "Aaaahhhh!!!!" We screamed. Even Marco hand turned purple. Star got stuck in the locker and she didn't want to come out. Marco and I wanted to help so he thought the book can help but she didn't have it Ferguson because she lost a bet. We went to Ferguson spanish class. He call Ferguson but Ferguson wanted him to speak in spanish so I said for him. "¿dónde está Star libro?" Oh did I forgot to tell you my family and I are latinos like Maro. So anyway Ferguson was so proud that I said it perfectly then he told us he gave it Janna. We went to look for her and we found with book and to be honest I kinda don't like her that much. Janna left then the inside the book was a weird little guy. His name is Glossaryck. "At your service ladies" "I'm not a lady" Marco corrected him. He look at Marco "you could have fool me, goodbye" he close the book."This book is not for the likes of you only magical princess only" he told us "it not for me I'm trying to look a spell for Star" "hahah Star Butterfly, what wrong with her?" "She said she got mewberty" I answered. He said he wanted pouting. Marco went to get pouting while I stayed. Glossaryck and I actually talked a little and I got to learn a little more about mewberty. Marco finally came back, he and I were arguing because I didn't want to feed him so he ended up feeling him. Glossaryck finally told us there was nothing we can do "but there have to be something" I really wanted to help Star. We both ran toward Star but what we saw was unexpected. It looked like a jungle. We saw Star. We tried to stop her but she was about to attack us until she heard Oscar. Marco trapped her in the volley ball net but he was about to be dragged so I help but I was also dragged. "You two are just making it worse!" Glossaryck yelled so we let go and saw her flying away with the Oscar and the car too. "Goodbye Star" "we'll miss you" we hug each other. Then little purple hearts started to fall. Out of nowhere Oscar and the car fell right in front of us "what up" he said but I was more worried about Star. In a flash Star was here. "Star you came back" we both said in the same time. We ran to hug and she hug back until we heard buzz buzz "what was that?" Marco asked. Star moved her hair and....wings? "Ahhh look Marco y/n I got My mewberty wings" she put her hair in a ponytail "does this mean you can fly?" "Let's test it out" "umm guys I don't think-" before I could say anything. Star grabbed Marco's and mine arm then jumped but we didn't get to far. We fell. "I don't think it a good idea"
(End of flashback)

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