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It's official. I'm now two month pregnant now. I'm at home looking for something to wear for Marco's party. Coco, Night, Cuddle, CutieHeart, and Snow were trying to help me. I tried on so many outfits and none of my pets like them. Plus, it showed my belly. Coco and Night came up to me with a outfit. I tried it on and it was actually cute. I did my hair into a side braid.

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(This is your outfit, the sweater is little more big in the image to hide the belly

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(This is your outfit, the sweater is little more big in the image to hide the belly.)

The party start at night, but I'm heading there to help set everything up. I put little makeup on, not too much, then kissed my pets bye on their forehead. I got in the car. My dad is dropping me off to Marco right now. When I got there I went knocked the door and Angie let me in. I thanked her then went to say hi to Marco and Star but I haven't seen Star around. Marco saw me and hug me. "Hey y/n, How are you?" "I'm good and so is the baby. By the way, have you seen Star?" "I was about to ask you that, I haven't seen her, especially with what happened yesterday" "I'll go look for her" "Okay. Also, What kind of--" I stop Marco before he could continue. "I was at the concert okay, I should have told you but to be honest that was stupid." "Yeah, especially since it wasn't that bad." "Toffee told me to go" "What? Why?" "I don't know but right now you just focus on setting up the party and I'll go look for Star."

I went upstairs. "Star? Star? Where are you?" "Over here" Star grab me by the arm and pulled me in her room. I didn't notice I stop right next to her room. "Star why are in your room?" "What do you think why?" "Okay, okay.....I get it but just because of that?" Star nods. " really do have a crush on you?" "Yes, I do and let not forget Mewni now know about being pregnant." "True, but no one know who's the father and thank god." "If they found out the baby's father is Toffee, who know will happen to you in Mewni" I sigh. "Let not forget, I might move." Star eye widen and rub her neck sadly. "Have your parents said anything?" "I'm too scared to ask about the move because they might say yes" I look don't with a sad look on my face.

Star hug me and I hug her back. "I really hope you won't move" "Me too" We stayed that way for almost a minute but I pulled away. "I'll go help Marco. you can stay, but sooner or later you have to come out" "I know." I walked out and head toward the kitchen. "Have you found her?" "She's in her room, but....she need time Marco.....yesterday...was....a lot and she" Marco glance away uncomfortable, rub his neck and nods. "I understand." I help him setting everything up but not on the heavy stuff. "Have you asked her know?" "She need time and....It not my place to say.....she'll tell you when the time is right" "your right, I was shocking." "Yeah, but that's over" People started entering and we put on music. Everyone was having a good time.

My Prince Charming Toffee (Toffee x Reader) - S1-2 - [Hold]Where stories live. Discover now