I'm Toffee Prisoner part 2

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Toffee Pov
Ludo, monster and I went to Marco house. It was full of hair. I had one of my other invention to locate Star wand. "I have location on the wand, it's inside the house and it's ours for the taking" I said to Ludo. "That's a house! It covered in h...hair, maybe we should come back another time" he said in fear. "Of course, it just the wand never been untended before" "oooh" the monsters said. "F..fine" he then got on the chicken monster. He was treating them poorly. We went in and I can tell Ludo is scare of hair. Today is the day I get Ludo kick out I thought. We were walking around and I see the monsters getting tried. The giraffe monster sweating "Here" I gave him a cup of water. After looking I see them fighting Star, they went to the bathroom. They pin Star and Ludo started walking slowly toward the wand but he failed horribly.
We are now in the castle and Ludo was giving them lectures. "What a pathetic display back there you guys make me sick, no more milkshake privileges for you, I want you use this time to what you have done" they all gaps. "Perhaps they can use that time to think about what you done" I said "Exactly, wait what?" Ludo all surprised. As I walk to the monsters I talk
"Let me you a question, what kind of leader throw you pit of hair, make you do all the work and show you appreciation for your sacrifices" I petted the fly guy. "Are you talking about me?" "What kind of leader has all the power in universe at his fingertips and get tickled out of it?" I let the fly guy go. "Toffee what are you doing?" "Your soldiers deserve better" Ludo fired me but I didn't care and I decided to let the monsters decide for them and they all agree on me. Ludo tried to convince them to stay with him but he messed up big time so they all threw him out. "*gaps* you can't do this, this is my castle, those are my monsters" "Not anymore" "Toffee" Ludo said softly with tears in his eyes. I just closed the doors on him. Everyone was excited about me being their leader. "My fellow companions, I am honored to be your new leader and together we will get that wand from StarButterfly!" Everyone started applauding and clapping "Now I would like for everyone to stay here for a moment, there someone I would like for all of you to meet" I started to walk to my room.
Y/n Pov
I just started to wake up then the door open and I see Toffee again. "How was your day?" He ask "it was ok, I guess" I replied "we'll get up the others are waiting to meet you" I was confused but I went along. I stand up and follow him behind. We stop and I look a side and see monsters and they saw me. They all glare at me. I went behind Toffee, I was scared really scared this time. "What is this human doing here?" "She shouldn't be here" "she's with Star" they all were angry with him. "She's with us now so ether you like it or not she stays and she a part of my plan" Toffee said "but why should we trust her? she's with Star" "she picked the monsters side and she hasn't tried to escape yet and she'll be my personal servant from now on" what! Oh what a minute he doesn't know that and since when I'm his personal servant'I mentally said. "Now can one of you get a f/c (favorite color)dress for her" 'how did he know that's my favorite color, omg' I thought. As if toffee could read my mind "I can tell by your clothing" he said "oh" I said quietly. One of the monsters came with a dress. Toffee told me to try it on so i did and when I was done, I went outside. Then toffee did my hair. "There you go now, you must feel comfortable now, oh and I got you flat shoes for you here" why is he doing this? "Why are you doing this?" I asked "well you're going to be staying here for wit a while so if think you can escape, there no way out" I gaps with my eyes widen. 'I guess I'm never getting out of here, I'm stuck here forever and I'm never going to see my family and friends. I thought to myself while everyone including me talking but I was still scared 
I'm in a prison and I'm his prisoner.

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