Mewnipendence day, my life change

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Y/n Pov
I'm at Marco house now. Everyone was talking about different stuff then Star bang her sword on the floor everyone still talking "*clearing throat* ok quiet everyone quiet!, oh"everyone stoped talking and looked at her. "I assume you all brought your swords" "uh... what?"Marco said with confusion. "It said in the invitation you're support to bring a sword" Star said while her sword fell. "I was a little confused by your invitation" Alfonso said showing her the invitation. "I'm not confused, this is clearly a drawing of meat I came for the meat" miss skullnick said with lust "so.... you came here for free food... really? What you don't have any" I said/ask her. "I think everyone's just wondering why they're here"Marco said "uh, it's the 37th of govnok mewnipendence day" Star said. No one said anything, Star went to her room and got a book to show us. She also talked about it saying there was a land and there was a war between monsters and mmewmans. She skipped some of the important parts, Marco noticed and the mewmans won. "When do we eat" Miss Skullnick ask. "We feast after we reenact The Great Monster Massacre now please spit up to two teams, monsters and mewmans" Star said. "Can I be a mewman" miss skullnick ask. "You are a monster that why you were invited" Star said. "Why do I always get pick to be a monster" miss skullnick ask to herself. Maybe because you are a monster I thought. Different people started to go to their team, there were half monster and half mewmans. Marco and I started to move then Star pull us to her. "You get to my general" Star said to Marco. "Thanks" Marco thank her I think idk. "And you'll with me" Star said to me. "I'm sorry Star but can I go to the monsters side? I really want to, I think it would be so cool and beside you guys have more people with you if I got to your teams, it just not fair" I said to Star. She look upset and try to convince me to go with her but I wanted to go the monsters and she gave up. She faces to the front " looking pretty good, now we can begin making costumes and after that the bloody battle can commence "Star said. I can tell she's ready. Marco rises his hand. "Yes Marco" "uh. What is that" Marco point to a flow thing eye ball........wait what!!! I got to admit I got scared not a lot only a little and we didn't notice it. "Ohh that's just all seeing eye it follow you around all day" "it's starring right at me" Marco said to Star. Then the eye looked at me and I starred at it as well, I had a very bad feeling about this. "Ok um...... now it starring at me now. Why?" I said "Don't worry it just to remind the monsters that the royal family is always watching, it's not actually watching you though haha that would be weiird" Star said, as Star started to talk the eye looked at her.
Toffee Pov
Ludo and I was watching the show mewnipendence day is today I thought we'll spy on Star. As we were watching I saw a girl with h/l, h/c, e/c and s/c, she wanted to go to the monsters. Where have I seen her before, she's interesting I thought.Ludo started get excited, I was sitting on a chair reading a book about wands. "It is the most efficient way to spy on your enemies" I said. Buff frog came in "Ludo master" Buff frog said and started making kissing noise. "Yeah yeah look at this now we can follow Star where ever she goes in the kitchen, bedroom, even in the bathroom" Ludo said. I stop reading "uh.... sir" Buff frog and I said in the same time while looking at each other. "Maybe we don't keep the bathroom Chanel"Buff frog started to argue with Ludo and again Ludo ignored him. I must want him out he's going to ruin everything! I thought. "*giggles* she doesn't even know we'll watching her" "Sometimes your biggest threat is right under our nose" "My nose is under my beak" Ludo said. I said nothing, just nodded.
Y/n Pov
We all got ready. "Hey, Star, I've been looking through your book and uh something seems off"Marco told Star while looking down at her, that armor is so tall. "What do you mean, let me see" Star said and started to jump, she can't reach. I laughed a little. Marco drop the book and Star looked through the book and I thought she might change her mind but I was way wrong. Star gave her team more sharper weapons, a warnicon and for the monsters get nothing and I started to hate this stupid mewnipendence day. I see Marco trying to grab the book but he can't. "Star I know the monsters are bad and all but this seems unfair " "I agree, I mean the monsters couldn't be able to defend for themselves with all the weapons and magic" Marco and I said. "Unfair?" Star said. A big Spike ball fell on Ferguson, he moved around and scream. I freaked out trying to help ferguson until he stop I fainted. "Mom!" I can hear Marco calling his mom. Then I woke up because someone drop a bucket of cold water on me, I shivered, I started yelling and chasing the one who did that one. I was so mad.
Toffee Pov
I see the a group of monsters and Buff frog is trying to get rid of me. I step in and put my hand on his shoulder "Are you finished" I said, he look at me. I started talking about mewnipendence day and the monsters massacre, we all hate that.

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