Sleepover part 2 The dark secret reveald

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"What's happening to us? *whinnies.*" Star fan 13 ask our of fear. I wanted to cry so bad because this is getting too scary and too intense for me.
Box: "Someone is lying. And this is what lies look like on the inside." The box showed us what we look like all    scream. Star realize that we weren't telling the truth. "Wait. Who didn't like my brownies?." Jackie had a hard time telling her. "I just... ha ha... uh..."
Marco just shake his head and hands. "No. I told you, I didn't even have a brownie. Somebody tell the truth. Quick." He clearly wanted someone to tell the truth. Janna Finally told the truth. "Okay. Fine. Sorry Star, I lied. Those were, like, the worst brownies ever." Star was shock "Huh?"
StarFan13 pat Star back and try to comfort her. She's so being a kiss up. "Poor Star." Jackie caMe clean "Okay, I lied too. Those brownies tasted like dirt." Pony Head    Join in. "Okay, if I had a stomach, I would be very sick inside of the stomach, okay?." "I'm really sorry Star but the brownies wasn't good. I really appreciate that you tried and wanted me to enjoy the sleepover through. I really do." I told her the truth but try to comfort her in the sometime. StarFan13 still try to kiss up. "Well, I loved her brownies."
Everyone immediately inflates some more, becoming even more grotesque.
"Okay okay, I lied. The brownies were horrible." She finally spilled the bean. Box: "Truth." Everything turns back to normal and everyone were in shock.
Star start getting scared. "Okay, I don't wanna play this game anymore." "Me too! Can we stop and leave like now." I wanted to get away from there immediately. Pony Head agree. "Yeah. I'm sorry I brought this stupid game now. Come on, let's go to the Bounce Lounge." All: "Yeah / Good idea / Let's get outta here/ totally." As we try to exit, the exit door pushes all of them back into the room. Box: "Nobody leaves until you answer the final question. Who do you... have a... crush on?." "Okay, let's do something else." "Yeah, I'm done with this" Marco and I plead. Jackie hold his and Star hands trying to reassure us all. "Okay guys, we can do this. Let's just answer and end this." We all hold hands and got in a circle. "Go ahead, game. We're ready." The box go to Jackie and ask "Who do you have a crush on?" "Okay, this really cute guy from skate camp last summer. He's really nice." All: "Aww!" "See? That was easy. Okay, now you go Marco."
Marco start to sweat and try to get someone else to play. "No, thanks. I, uh, I'm good. It's Star's turn, I'm sure." The box got a bit mad. "I say who goes next, and I say Star goes next." Star respond "Oskar Greason." Everybody knows that. StarFan13 nods. "Good choice." The box ask the same question. StarFan13 "*grab Star* Star Butterfly of course." I admit I was look at her weird but she is just a fan and I don't judge anyone.
It was Pony Head turn. "Well, if we're really being honest here, and we're gonna be vulnerable, I guess I just have to admit it and say, it's me. I love myself." I shrug and chuckle. 'We can always count on her for trying to lighten things up when we're in time like this.' Next was Janna. "Well, I think we all know who I have a crush on. Don't we, Marco?" She look at Marco with a face expense that you make when you're in love. 'No way! Could it? No. She would have told me. I know it.' Marco sure did seem nervous and a bit uncomfortable.
Janna answer "Eighteenth-century poet John Keats." Marco was sigh in relief. The box tuen to me and I didn't want to answer but I knew if I didn't everyone will be we'll be in deeper punishment. So, I took a deep breathe and answer. "No one. I'm not looking for anyone right now." That was my answer and hope the truth or punishment box believe me but deep inside me said otherwise. Then lastly, it was Marco turn. The box go to him. "Okay Marco Diaz. Your crush."
Star and I look at each with a concern expression. "Oh Marco, you don't have to..." "Please, if you're not ready...."
Marco Stop us and look down. "No. It's... it's fine. Ugh. Okay. My crush... my crush is on Jackie. Jackie Lynn Thomas." Jackie is shock to hear that. "What?." The room is filled with red light. "What is happening?" I yelled.
The box didn't like what he just heard. "Somebody lied big time!" The box starts emitting lightning. Star "*screaming* Who lied⁈ Janna, was it you again?." "No. It is John Keats."
Jackie "*scream* Mine is the cute guy from skate camp." StarFan13 hugs Star. "I love Star." She hug her back "And I love Oskar Greason."
Pony Head    Scream at Marco and I. "Marco! Y/n!" I said nothing but when I was about to reply Marco beat me to it. He stand up and what he just said made me think about everything at this moment. "I told you, I have a crush on Jackie. At least I think I do. But what does that really mean? I've put her on this sort of pedestal. So do I like the image of her or who she really is? I mean, I like her enough to know that she deserves someone who wants to get to know her, which is definitely me." Jackie smiles with amazement. The box was really impressed by his words and so did I. "Wow! I always get to the truth, but that... kudos, really. But you weren't the one who lied!!" The cube turns into a monster, laughs evilly, and prepares to attack but I stood front of everyone with my arms out wide. Everyone gasp. All were telling me to stop, get back, be careful or you'll get hurt but I didn't listen. The monster stop and look at me waiting for me to speak. "I lied okay! I lied to protect myself but what I should've been doing is protecting my friends from you. I admit I do have a crush on someone but it's someone that Marco and Star know and hate. I have a crush on love him!." Everyone was look at each other with 'whoa or what just happened' face expression but Star and Marco wanted to say something or move but couldn't because they were to in shock. I continue "I knew if I told the truth about all this you wouldn't want to be my friends and leave me. Especially, you Star and Marco. That's why I lied but I love him. I didn't want to hurt you guys please forgive me. I don't want to lose you." Marco and Star walk to me and they look upset. "Why Toffee? He kidnap you" Marco ask. "Y/n this could just be Stockholm syndrome." Star try to change my mind but I didn't listen. "He love me back. I change him." The monster was impressed that I stood up and had the courage to tell the truth but got angry again. It turn out I wasn't the only one who lied. "We're not down talking about that y/n." Marco and Star replies in sync at me. The monster start coming at us to attack. "Don't worry guys. I got this." Star blasts the monster, but it does nothing. The floor raises Star higher up, and she screams. All: "Star!" Pony Head    fly upwards to her. "Hold the seat."
We got stood together but the floor moved is closer to the ceiling by the floor. Janna + Jackie + me "Marco! Jump!" We hold out our hands out to him and he jump. The room continues to shift. We fell. Luckily Ponyhead flew to us and we hold on to her, as she struggles to hold all of us above the chaos. A platform moves, and we all crash down in a pile. The monster laughs and goes in for the kill. We fear for our lives. Star stand up and glare at it. "Stop it! What did we do to deserve this?" 1.Monster's face "Lies are a plague." 2.Monster's face "A virus" 1.Monster's face "A weed" 2.Monster's face "and to stop a weed."
1.Monster's face "You must kill the roots." Star try to calm him down. "But it's not really lying." Both faces are confused.  "Sometimes, you don't know what you think. Your head and your heart disagree. You think you know how you feel about something, but then it changes. Pony, ask me my favorite color." "But You already said it. It's yellow." "Ask me again." "What's your favorite color?" "Right now? Blue." The room turns green, indicating Star speaks the truth. "Wait! Stop it! You can't change your mind?" The monster don't like where this is going. "Jackie, who do you have a crush on?" Star ask. Jackie look unsure. "Uh... I don't... I don't know anymore." The monster scream.
"You think that everything is black and white, and you can't." The monster yelled out Stop. "It's a bunch of different colors, a rainbow of feelings that's always changing." Star explain.  The monster spins violently, turning back into its original cube form, but now it's black and damaged. We put the box in a trash can. The box is now in it.  "Thanks for coming to my sleepover." Star wave to Jackie, Starfan 13, Janna and Ponyhead. Some of the girls groan. "Thanks, Star. Crazy night, huh?" "Yeah. Crazy." Marco agree with her. Jackie smile and prepared to leave. "See ya at school, Marco." "Bye, ladies. *looks at Marco*Uh, hey. What say we get our Sunday morning breakfast burritos?"
Marco didn't look at Star. He was just in a daze. "Nah. Not today, Star. I'm gonna go catch up on some Z's. *muttering to self* My room's that way. *giggles*" The trash is being taken away by the garbage man.
Star yelled out "Marco Diaz!"
Box: "Truth. Star Butterfly has a crush on..." The garbage truck's doors come down, and the cube is gone. I was still in the house but about to leave. "We'll see ya!" I was step out the door when I got pull back. "Oh no you don't. Marco come down! We're not done talking about you know who." "Who?" He was still in a daze. "Toffee!" We heard feet running down and stop front of us. They look super serious and I was really scared right now.

Will she be able to get out of this? Will her friends believe her? Will they be okay with her being in love with Toffee?

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