Getting to know each other little by little

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3rd Pov
"Well that is quit a story" Toffee chuckle. "Ya but I got better at fighting with Marco help" y/n said. "May I ask you something?" He said. "Sure" she said. "Your always with Star and Marco right? For some reason I've seen you before" Toffee ask. Y/n looked confused "uhh sometime I hang out with them" "then where have I seen you?" "I don't know, w-when did you work f-for Ludo?" "When we used the fortune cookies to distract her" y/n eyes widened "it was you?! I know Ludo couldn't have plan that, I mean he tried but nothing" "awww yes now I remember" Toffee put his claw on his chin (I think he as one lol)
(Toffee Pov and flashback)
"Shhh I think one them is about to be served" the boy with a red sweatshirt. Ludo and I hid behind the corner. We looked at them and see Star, boy with red hood and a girl with h/l, h/c and she's wearing f/c shirt, white pant and 2f/c shoes. The fly guy flies toward to Star bag and switch the fortune cookie with ours. He flies toward us "well done" I petted him on the head. We look at the kids and see Star crack our cookie. The monsters soon jump out, the boy and the girl was about to attack but Star stop them and reads the fortune. "Love is always the answer, mmmm" I gave a glare look. "What! Not at this case, fighting is?" The girl looked a little scared "Star this isn't really the time now!" She yelled "sorry Marco and y/n but it's not the will of the cookie" Star apologize "seriously" "really now" the chicken monster jumped 'Marco' and y/n kick the bear monster but he grabbed her "*gasp* ahhh" 'She interest me, there something about her' the monsters chased them and they ran. We see Star hugging beard deer, Ludo wanted to grab the wand but I stop him. I see Marco kicked the chicken making an egg came out and he smashed it with Buff frog soon he got pushed and they him. Y/n jumped on one of the monster and Marco was able to broke free. 'Y/n doesn't really know how to fight mmm' "Star would you forget the fortune cookie and help us!" Marco yelled and punching monsters "like now would work!" Y/n yelled and kicking monsters. Soon they got dragged. "Marco, y/n don't fight and they'll stop fighting you, trust the cookie!" Star yell. The monsters grabbed Marco, y/n and threw them in the trash can. "Hey! Let us out now!" "Let us go!" They both yelled. "You guys really needs hugs" 'Star is really taking this seriously' Ludo starts running toward the wand, while I was distracted by looking at the trash can 'I wonder if she alright. The next thing I knew the trash can moved and I see them opening the lid. Star end up using her wand and they hid back in.
I was on the roof so I can see everything, I smirk. Ludo and the monsters opened a portal "welcome to my life" Ludo said. I stop walking, turn around to see y/n and the others smiling, I saw her looking around. I can tell she was suspicious 'mmm maybe she knows' I went in the portal.
(Flashback end)
Toffee Pov
"I remember after the fight the Chine lady that worked at the restaurant came out and ask Star if she wanted more cookie then when Marco cracked a cookie. The fortune said "A great evil as been unleashed". Y/n think for a moment then her eyes widened "omg, I told them to be open mind about it but they didn't really believe me" "your quit smart my dear" i put my claw on her chin to make her look at me. "I remember now, it was you and you found out it wasn't Ludo but someone else" y/n glub "I'm quit impressed with you" y/n blinks "t-toffee can you s-stop p-please?" "Very well" I put my claw on my lap. " thank you" y/n said quietly "mmm" y/n put her head down. "What time is it?" "It's night time, maybe you should get some sleep" "okay" "stay here I'll go get your pjs" I went to the room and get her pj and went out. "Here" "thank you" "the bathroom is over there" "alright, thank you" 'so she knew Ludo couldn't be the one who planned that attack, she's smart. I'm really impressed' I smirk and chuckle. "She's really something"
(Meanwhile back at home) (I decided to put a little scene in here)
Star and Marco couldn't really sleep all what they could think about was y/n. Star went to Marco's room. She knocks "Marco are you asleep?" The door open, he was standing there but move for Star can go in. Star went in, Marco close the door. "Are you okay Star?" Marco asked "*sigh* no, I can't sleep" Star confesse "is it about y/n?" star nodded "I know me too, how are we going to tell her family?" "I don't know, this is all my fault" Star eyes stared to water. "No it not your fault, we have her phone so that means she still could be alive" Marco hugs Star "okay" "tomorrow we'll head back and search for her okay?" "Ya, thanks Marco" "let sleep" Star went back to her room and slept with hope. Marco slept as well with hope of finding they're friend. They had full of hope and tomorrow they are going to have to tell her family.

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