I'm Toffee's prisoner

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Y/n Pov
Next morning, I groan as I woke up. My vision as blurry but soon it started to clear. I sat up and look around. I was in a unfamiliar room. I began to panic. Then I look down and see that I'm in my f/c/s (or tank top, I forgot to put that) in my black pants or ( shorts, I also forgot to put that too sorry 😋) and in my f/c/sh. How did I get in to my clothe I thought to myself. I was pull out of my thoughts of someone opening the door, I look and see a lizard man in what look like a lawyer suit. I began being scare because I was in a different place, I didn't know him and I never saw him before in my life. I didn't say anything I was to scared and he noticed. He starts walking toward me, he was now in front of me.
Toffee Pov
I look at the girl in front of me. "What is your name" I ask her. She said nothing, I ask her the same question she seem hesitant to tell me "y/n" she said quietly. "Excuse me" "y/n" she said a little more loudly and clear. She had her head down. "Well y/n it's a pleasure to meet, you I am Toffee and do you know why I have brought you here?" She shakes her head as if she's saying 'no'. "The reason why is because you seem interesting to me and I can use you for my plan" she look up and had a confuse slightly scared look on her face. "Why did you choose to go with the monsters?" I ask her. She raise her eyebrow "you heard me, why did you choose to go with the monsters instead being with star?!" I growl. She widen her eyes and shaken a little, she was scared. "I...I thought it was... un fair... h..h.. how you guys w
w...w....were treated and I felt sorry for you guys... plus there were more human t...t...than monsters" she stutter. "Ah I see, very interesting betraying your friends over a monster huh" "w...wh....what no, i would never" "you just said that 'it was unfair and you think we're cool'" "how did y-  "I have my secrets" I interrupted her then I see her eye widen as if she remember something. "Remember the all seeing eye?" I ask her. She nodded her head "It was y...you"she point her finger to me "yes" I nodded my head " I made it myself for I can spy on on Star then I saw you, I'm curious about you" she look away, I didn't know she was blushing. "Do you know where you are right now y/n?" She look at me "no" she said " you are in Ludo's castle, your in my room" "oh" "soon this castle and his monsters will belong to me" "what do you mean?" I heard ludo calling me. "I need to go now" I open the door before I went out I look back at her "you better behave or else, got that" I growl at her "yes" nodding her head quirkily. I went out, close the door behind me and locking it.
Y/n Pov
When Toffee left I look around for an escape. I got up and ran to the door trying to open it but it was no use, it was lock. I ran around the room for a escape, I tried everything even the window was lock so I gave up sat on the bed and began thinking about my friends and families. I wonder 'does my family know I'm gone?' 'Is Star and Marco going to be ok?' ' will I ever see them again' all these questions pop into my head. I took a deep breath and try to relax but soon I started to cry "why?" I ask myself. Soon I started to relax so I got up again and I saw a book, I picked it up and read it but to be honest I couldn't understand it "oh come on, oh well I'm stuck here now." I talk to myself again "I wish I was at home now" my eyes began to be heavy and soon I was asleep.

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