Star and Marco tells the L/n's family the truth

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(Sorry I couldn't find another picture. You can change the pic, just imagine it's your parents and brother or sister)
3rd Pov
The next morning
Marco, Star, Angie and Rafael were in the living room waiting for the L/ns family. "I really hope they won't be mad when they found out she's been hanging out with magical princess with a wand, fighting monsters, going to another dimension and being KIDNAP!" Star panic as she gripped her hair because y/n never really told her parents about monsters, magic, princess and other dimension. Y/n knew her parents wouldn't really believe her. "Star please everything will be alright okay" Rafael trying to calm her down. "If if they give you any trouble we're here for you" Angie. Marco smiles and nods. "Thanks but I should tell them" "no we are your not the only one in the castle you know" Marco reminded Star. Knock Knock Angie open the door "hi Mr and Mrs L/ns and it's always good to see you too B/n or S/n. please come in" Angie started to worry a little and so did everyone else. "Thank you" Mrs.L/n said "please come and sit down" L/n family sat down on the couch. "Is y/n here we just we called the police but they can't find her, we also told them she was herd but nothing" Mr.L/n hold his wife hand. "Ya she never done anything like this" B/n or S/n said. Star approached them and Marco too. "Umm we don't know how to say this but" Star said. Marco put his hand on her shoulder, she looks at him, they both smile and Star continue. "I'm just going to say it. I'mamagicalprincessfromanotherdimensionfightingmo-" "STOP, just please tell us slowly" B/n or S/n yell at first. "*deep breaths* I'm a magical princess from another dimension who fight monsters with the help of Marco and your daughter, have a powerful wand to create spells and your daughter have been kidnap now we don't were she she is or if she's alive but we did found this," Star shows the the phone, they L/n were shocked by what Star have told them and at the phone, they gasp. "That's y/n's phone she loves that thing, she would never leave it behind ether" "An explosion wouldn't have done this so we believe y/n is still alive but still kidnap" Marco said, "we also called the police because Marco was kidnap as well but they didn't do nothing but Star went to get him" Angie said. "Wait you were kidnap?" "I saw y/n she's alright, she also tried to help me but that no good evil lawyer suit monster Toffee keep taking her away" "MONSTERS" y/n parents yells "duh" "I'm very confused" Mrs. L/n said "so am I" Mr.L/n agree. Star raise her wand and showed them a spell. She also got her dimension scissors and opened a portal then close it. "Mom, Dad it's true, I've seen it, I was there and saw everything even y/n fighting" "but then why she haven't she told us?" Mrs. L/n said. "Well she knew you wouldn't believe her" B/n or S/n said. "What" Mr and Mrs both said. "Well would you?" "I guess your right" Mr. L/n said "who kidnap y/n?" "This lizard man in a lawyer suit and he's name is Toffee" Marco said. L/n's family look at him like he's crazy. "It's true I was there and I promise I'll do what ever it takes to get your daughter back" Star approach them with her serious face and continue "I won't stop looking" Mr and Mrs L/n eyes water "thank you Star" B/n or S/n hug her "please bring her back, we might fight but I love her" "I'll bring her back" "no Star we will, she's my best friend too" Marco came and give them a hug "if you need anything and I mean anything or someone to talk to we're here for you" "thank you so much Angie" "of course your are friends" Rafael said. "At least we have y/n's phone" Mrs. L/n said they all hug. "At least your here and you were also kidnap" B/n or S/n said. "Ya and if I got out I'm sure y/n can too beside I know y/n is strong" "please bring our baby back" Mrs. L/n suggest. "Don't worry we will" "if anyone can is them" soon the L/Ns family left home with hope. "We will find her Star" "ya I know" "we just hope for the best" they hug. "Didn't worry y/n we're coming for you" Star let go and look outside at the stars with Marco beside her.

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