Storm the Castle

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Y/n Pov
The next day I was in the room and I heard noise so I decided to go out. I saw nothing but I still can hear noise so I kept on walking and I can see all the monsters in a group and toffee at the front, I can barely hear him but I walk to him and I'm still in the dress. About the time I got there every monsters walking away so I went up to toffee."Toffee what going on?" I ask "It's none of your concern, you'll see later" he replied and he walked away. So I just ignore it and walk away.
After walking around I went to the dining room and I saw Marco in a glass box. "Marco!" I ran up to him and tried to get him out"Y/n! Is that you ohh you have to idea how worried we been especially your family and Star and I tried everything-he got interrupted and a tail wrapped around my body and pin my arm down "what do you think your doing?" Toffee growls at me "Toffee let her go now!" Marco yells. Toffee let me go "don't come near to the boy, you understand?" I nod "good no go the kitchen and make a sandwich now" I ran and start making the sandwich. After I was done I have him the sandwich and he gave it to Marco.
3rd person Pov
Toffee gave Marco the sandwich but Marco didn't want it"Actually I'm totally full but if your hungry, I'm a great cook so why don't you let me out of this chair and I'll give you a taste" "okay" he let Marco and he tried to punch Toffee but he hit the box. "There's two of you" Toffee was behind him, he wrapped his tail around him and he sits Marco on the chair. Toffee tried to convince Marco to eat but he smack the sandwich "you're a disappoint" "yeah? Well you're boring and you look like a lawyer, at least this idiot came dressed for a good time" beard deer (I think that his name,idk) punched the box "I feel your pain" y/n saw Toffee face looking upset and she's curious now 'what happen to him' she thought. "By the way Why is y/n here? just let her go!" Toffee ignore him and sat on the chair and y/n sat next next to him. "I'm sorry Marco"
  Y/n Pov
After i was done eating and went to the kitchen for a drink. Toffee is still eating. Then I heard a a bang so I ran out and saw Star and Buff Frog 'I was wondering where he've been' every monsters was fighting them. I saw Toffee on the ground so I ran to him and saw his left arm gone "*gasp* Toffee what happen to you? Did Star did this to you" 'wait why do I care' "yeah I'm fine" we lock eyes, I found myself slightly blushing. Next thing I knew Star blast the box Marco was finally free well not quite he still stuck. Toffee tried to stand so I helped him. "That's no way to treat our guest of honor" "*gasp* y/n is that you omg! I'm so glad your ok we've been looking everywhere for you, and why are wearing a dress?" "It's ok Star, I'm fine and Toffee gave me this" "oh Never mind this" toffee pushed a button on his remote and Marco was getting to be crushed by the box. "*gasp*" Star tried to help but nothing then she tried the wand and again nothing. I see Toffee putting his tie on a rack with his jacket. He sits down "that's not going to work again, that crystal's     twice as strong now" I sat next to him 'so it a crystal '  "don't worry, Star i think I got it" Marco said trying not to be crush. Star was choosing Marco or keep the wand. She jumped on the table and drop her wand on the plate. "Fine, take it" Marco and I were surprised by Star choice."now let Marco go" Star command Toffee pushed the button and Marco was released, she ran to him and hug him Star speak again "give y/n to us" "that's not necessary and I don't want your wand" he pushed the plateto Star he continue saying "destroy it" "what?!" Both Marco,  Star and I said "surprised" toffee made a weird face then back to normal. "I don't know how? " Star told Toffee "It' was the first spell that mother taught you" "The whispering spell" "Exactly" "No Star don't, just get Marco out of here I'll be fine go" "B....but" "please" I begged Star but she jump back on the table and did the whispering spell and her wand was dead, I could see Poor Star crying. I wanted to cry. A spirit unicorn was whispering to her, I was curious. Star looked at me with sadness in her eyes and said 'I won't stop until we get you back y/n'
Marco and Star went in the crystal box, i also saw Buff Frog running and that when I something bad was going to happen. "Gentlemen it was nice working-" before he could finish the wand was acting weird. Everyone ran, I was about to but Toffee wrap his tail around me. I was in shock that I didn't notice I was was breathing and that everything went back.

Did y/n survive or Is he dead? Find out in the next chapter. I hope yo all enjoy it😁Sorry if to long and in the tagged I promise I would publish on that day but with school, finals, projects, and homework. I was super busy and I couldn't get my phone to work.
But this time I promise this time I'm going to update again today 👌🏽Thank you to my followers and to you all who added my book to your story. You all make me very happy 😊❤️thank you 😘

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