Sleepover-part 3 (will their friendship end?)

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Y/n Pov
Box: "Truth. Star Butterfly has a crush on..." The garbage truck's doors come down, and the cube is gone. I was still in the house but about to leave. "We'll see ya!" I was step out the door when I got pull back. "Oh no you don't. Marco come down! We're not done talking about you know who." "Who?" He was still in a daze. "Toffee!" We heard feet running down and stop front of us. They look super serious and I was really scared right now.
"Well we're waiting." Marco tap his foot. "Oh come on guys. I'm sorry okay. I am because now you guys hate me." I start hating myself more. "How could you be in love with Toffee?! I mean out of everyone it had to be him?" Star start freaking out. I roll my eyes. "I saw that young lady" "Marco you sound like my dad" "y/n, Marco let just take a deep breathe now" I took a breathe. "Look he's gone. So why freak out?" "He is gone but you still think about him. You can't get him out of your head" Marco want to me but he's angry that I still have Toffee in my head. "It's not my fault that I fell in love with him. You don't know him like I do Marco" "oh please! He kidnapped you and who knows what he did to you" Star step in. "I have been wondering about that. What did he do you?." I look away and look down. "What. Did. He. Do. To. You?!" Marco is really serious. "This is to early for this and why do you wanna know? and why do you care?" I gave Marco a small glare at him. "We want to know because we're worry and care about your safety." Star stare at me with her big beg eyes with tears. I couldn't stand seeing her like that. I told them to take a sat down on the couch. I took a breathe and told them everything especially me and Toffee making love. They were shock, no actually in horror by what I just told them. They didn't say anything for about half hour but then Marco open his mouth and I expected him to at something but instead he just scream loud. It made me and Star jump. "You and him did that?! You and him oh my god?!" He's freaking out. He then grab my shoulder and shake me roughly. "You two did it?!" I shove his hands away. "Omg Marco just say it! Just say me and Toffee has sex, there happy!?" I cross my arm. "You said it. You said it!" Marco pulling his hair. Star try to calm him down but nothing work. Star then look at me. "Y/n are you.....?" "No, Star I'm not pregnant" "she said it and how do you know?! You two had sex for crying out loud!" "Last time I check pregnant woman's get morning sickness and eat a lot." I can't take this anymore. Marco pace around then walk front of me. "Do you have any idea how bad this is?!" I glare at him. "That in the past and he's gone okay?!. If you haven't noticed I'm maybe or actually moving" "you know what I. Don't. Care! Go ahead move!. It's Toffee this and Toffee that. I'm sick of it!" He stomp away. Star and I are in shock with our eyes wide. I snap out of it and reply to him. "FINE! Be that way! If you said I don't care about then I don't care about you too and I'll move away from you!" I stomp out the house. Star still look shock and want to fix this but she doesn't know how. I got home lay down on my bed thinking about what happened between me and Marco. I took a deep breath. Coco, Snow, Night, CutieHeart and CuddleSnuggle jump on me and lick me. I laugh, I sat up and hug them tightly. They know how to make me feel better but my mind was still wondering to Marcos and I argument.
Next day
I was walking around the school. I couldn't get my head straight. 'What if Marco and I don't make up? What if we're not friends anymore? Should I apologize?' I open my locker and get out my stuff for class. I saw Star and Marco but I ignore them. We ignore each other but I knew deep inside i have to at some point. After class I went to the library to pick a book to read and I see Marco Star there. Star will pick out a book and made Marco hold the books but it look like he couldn't hold them and some book would fall and he was about to fall. I quickly went to him and pick up the book and help him stand right. He thank me. I wanted to say something but he would know it was me. I quickly ran out the library but what I didn't know was Star saw me help him. Over the day we still ignore each other but when ever Marco get into trouble or having problems. For example, a bully try to beat him up but I threw the bully a fruit at him. Another example in class when he's having trouble on a problem with math, I'll throw him a piece of paper with the answer on it. Class was over and I stayed at school for a while.
'What was I thinking?! Oh man, my live is nut. I just want everything I go back to normal. I really want my friend back' I try not to think about it too but I can't. "What is wrong with me?" "I don't know what is wrong with you?." I jump and turn around. I see Janna smiling at me. We sat at a table and I explain to her what happened yesterday and once again she was just like Star and Marco when he heard I had sex with Toffee. She immediately snap out of it. "You and him had sex? Oh my god. Wow! I didn't think you had it in you but wow girl! I'm impressed. Oh by the way can I be the godmother of your child?." I look at her as if she's crazy. "I need to fix Marco and I friendship" "yeah, I can't help you with that. Sorry." She shrug. I had deadpanned face. "I'm doom!" "Hey relax. You guys are close and always become friends again. I gotta go but I'll call you tomorrow" she walk off.
With Star and Marco hiding behind the wall watching y/n
"See Marco. It been y/n the whole time and she want to be there for you" "I never thought it was her. Now I feel bad. Well actually I always felt bad. I shouldn't have said that to her" "well now you can fix it. She need you. They look back at her notice Brittany walking to her and start laughing. They heard her talking to her. "Look at you. You're a loner hahah! I should feel sorry for you but I'm not gonna. Where your two lame friends huh?! Hahaha." Y/n just roll her eyes and look down. "Hey I'm talking to you!" Marco walk up to her, jump on the table and do some karate move. Brittany flip her hair and walk away. Marco try to walk away fast but I stop him. "Marco I know it's you. I want to thank you for helping me out with Brittany. It was cool and nice  of you to do that" "yeah, well....*sigh* look I was hard on you and I shouldn't have done that." "It was my fault really. I mean he did kidnap me but he made me feel special and I never felt that way before." "Did I forget to mention that he made Star to do the spell that destroy her wand? Because he did that" "I know but he change" "how can you be sure? Oh wait he's gone." We we're gonna argue again but luckily Star got between us literally. "That's. Enough!. *got between us and push us away* look I do agree with Marco. Toffee did do bad things especially making you into mewberty form." I look down and I could hear Marco celebrating. "But I also believe y/n" we look at with shock but I had a smile while Marco with a frown. "I believe because I can see it in your heart, eyes and how you talk about him. You love him and if I was a human and fell in love with Tom. It wouldn't be any different. I see it now *grab both my hands* you truly love him and the way you told us how he treated you. It proof and you never once lied." We both smile and hug each other. Marco hug us both. "Star right. I'm the responsible one...well you too y/n but learning that you two you know. It's really hurt me" "I'm sorry I hurt both of you guys but I'm still me and both can change that. I still love Toffee but I also love and will always care you guys no matter what." We did a group hug with a smile on our face.  'I guess everything work out great and I had nothing to worry about. Glad to have my friends back.'

The next chapter will be publish tomorrow. It'll be two part and I want to warn you there will be lemon in part 2.

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