Naysaya/Pregnant!?! (Part 2)

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Marco wave. "Hey, Jackie."
Janna turn me and Star. "Look. Is that Marco?." Star gasps. "He's going for it!." I gasp and start tearing up from happiness. "He's actually asking her out! *sniff* my best friend is finally doing it." Jackie wave. "Hey, Marco. Wha... Are you cold? What's going on here with the scarf?." Marco smile nervous. "Oh, you know, sometimes I... ski... to school." Jackie was so amazed by that. "No way! I snowboard! Awesome." Marco chuckle. "Yeah, yeah. There's probably a lot of stuff you don't know about me. That's why I thought it would be cool if we, uh... if we... if you and I... if we went on a—" Naysaya cut him off. "Oh-oh-oh, this is the Jacqueline Marco practiced asking out in the mirror. Oh! Marco even pretend-kissed you with his own... reflection."
Marco is scared. "Naysaya, you promised you wouldn't do that!." Naysaya    look so confused. "Wha... What's a promise?." Jackie seem uncomfortable. "Look, I gotta go home. You're... you're really confusing me." Jackie gets on her skate board and starts skating away. Marco    knew he couldn't lose his chance of his life time. "Jackie, wait! It's not me saying this stuff! *unwraps scarf* It's him!."
All Students gasps. Naysaya    greet himself. "Greetings, Jacqueline." Jackie gasps. Some of the students made some comments. "That is disgusting." "Is that a British accent?."
Marco try to clear everything up. "Jackie, there's nothing I can do. *sighs* Got this curse thing on my neck. But I'd still like to ask—"
Naysaya    again and again cut him off. "Marco hasn't taken a bath since he saw that shark movie!." Marco groan. "Ugh. He's right. I haven't taken a bath since I saw that shark movie. I mean, I take showers. I'm just... afraid of the tub." Naysaya join in. "Oh, oh, oh! And Marco wears—" Marco finally cut him off. "I wear ballet shoes around the house." "And he never held hands—" "I never held hands with a girl. So I practiced with Ferguson." "And, and, and—" "I always sit when I go to the bathroom. What? Come on, there's ladies in the house. I cry when it rains. I-I still got my wubbie, and his name is Esteban. Until last week, I thought that the state of mind was between Nebraska and Kansas. I'm a straight-A student, and I've still got no idea how to do long division. Go ahead! Someone yell out a division!." A Student tell our. "Uh, 724 divided by 37?." "I got no idea. Get a calculator!." "Yes, but-but Marco also—" "I filled a notebook with my first name and your last name because I couldn't decide which looked better – 'Marco Diaz Lynn Thomas' or 'Marco Lynn Thomas Diaz'." Naysaya try to talk. "Oh, oh!."
"Oh, yeah, and another thing. *holds up a piece of paper* I kept this drawing you made of the moon. I pulled it out of the trash in art class."
Jackie correct him. "That's supposed to be a watermelon." "Oh, really? Looks like a moon. Well, your watermelon reminds me of my biggest fear of all: that we're all alone on this tiny blue marble, floating in the infinite expanse of the universe, ripped from the center, and ejected out into a black void for no reason at all. Players on the stage of the absurd." Jackie was really impressed how the way Marco speak and how he spoke his mind. "Wow, that was really... deep." "So there it is, Jackie Lynn. That's it. That's all my insecurities. You know everything now. Unless I left anything out." He look at Naysya with a glare.
Naysaya     frown. "No, Marco, that's... everything." "I still think it'd be really great if we hung out Friday night." Marco finally asking Jackie out. Star laugh excitedly and I cry with joy hugging Star and Janna. They look really concern on how emotional I'm getting. Jackie smile and pull a piece of her hair back behind her ear. "You know, a group of us are all going to a movie Friday night. You should totally come." Marco    smile wide. "That would be awesome." "Cool. Well, see you then." Jackie skateboards away. Star tackles Marco. He scream. "You did it, you did it, you did it, you did it, you did it, you did it!." I cry harder. "I'm so happy! You did it! I've been waiting for this moment!" Janna    walk up to Marco "You know who to call when you get divorced, Marco." Marco look at Naysaya "So, curse fulfilled right? How's this work? You just kinda dry up, flake off?." Naysaya look at him. "You know, Naysaya has never been to the movies." Marco sigh in defeat. I sniff. Star and Janna look at me with worry. Marco look at me. "Why were you crying?." "Yeah, you haven't been yourself lately." Star ask me and by the sounds of her voice seem wordy. I look at them and sigh. "Okay, yes. I just haven't feeling good. I keep throwing up, my back hurt, my mood is all crazy and I keep eating a lot." Janna came up to me with a smirk. "I think I know what it is, here *give me a pregnancy test* try it." Marco and Star gaps. I gulp. Marco spoke "no! That's crazy! There no way and if so, who is the father?!" "Marco I looked up my symptoms and it seem like I am but I'm not sure. It wouldn't hurt to try. Would it?." I grab it and walk to the bathroom. Star and Marco look at each other with worries. They waited for 2 minutes I came out looking down at the pregnancy test. The three of them stare at her. I showed them my positive pregnancy test. They gasp loudly. "I'm really am pregnant and it's... it's....Umm...*rub my stomach* it's Toffee's baby." Marco faint, Star froze in place and Janna fist bump in the air and yell out yes. After Star and Marco calm down and came to their senses. "Wait! You just said Toffee's baby?! Since when did all this happen?!" Star was going crazy. "Yeah! And when? Did you see him in the mind or something?" Marco shake me. I punch him away gently. "Listen I saw him two week ago. In this mind reading thing, we talked and made love." They couldn't believe what they just heard from me. "I don't wanna believe it too but it felt so real and this isn't the first time we made love. I think he knows he'll never see me but wanted to know that he would always be there for me no matter what." We sat down at a table. They were quiet for 1 minutes until Janna ask something made shake our head. "Cool! So can I be the godmother or what? Oh! And can we do a baby-shower?" "Janna now isn't the time. She's pregnant and we don't know what to do." "No, Star, Janna it's obvious what she have to do and that's telling her parents and let her decide if she's keeping the baby or give it up when it's born or-" "No!, don't say that word Marco. I know what you're gonna say and no I'm not doing that. As for Adoption, do you really think anyone would want a half lizard half human baby, maybe some or not but, it just wouldn't be right to do that............I already decided to keep the baby." Their eyes widen and stood there like stratus. Marco finally spoke. "Do you have any idea how difficult that gonna be for you?!. *sigh and calm himself* I did say to let you decide but talk to your parents first." "Marco I know you're worry, all of you but..........I'm not telling my parents just yet. I will parents will definitely hate me for this and they'll definitely make me move and I'll lose you guys and...a-and-" I start crying. They look at each other with sadness and hug met o comfort me. "I'm still concern but if that what you decide we're here for ya! Especially since I get to play with the baby with us." I chuckle and sniff by Star excitement for the baby. "I didn't think you could get any cooler than this but I was so wrong. Way to go y/n!" Janna gave me a thumb up, wink and and a smile. I chuckle. First I was sad now I'm happy. I look at Marco and it look like he didn't know what to say but he open his mouth and finally said something. "Last time we almost lost our friendship over Toffee and everything else but this take the cake." We both glance away. "Even, after that we almost lost our friendship.......we couldn't stay away, not even a all day. You keep helping me when I didn't asked and I help you with Brittany. We know each other for a long time. We both don't wanna lose that." We look back at each other while I listen. "I respect your decision, be right by your side and help you out with the baby, even though I still think you should talk to your parents." We pull away from the hug. "I'm really glad you guys respect my decision and helping me out." "That's what friends are for" Star, Janna, Marco and I do a fist bump. "Okay so Marco you need to get ready for your date with Jackie!" "Oh, right!" He ran home. "Wish me luck!" "Good luck!" Marco was gone. I hugs Star and Janna with a big smile. They smile back and hug me while putting one hands on my stomach congratulating me for the baby.

What will happen next? Will y/n tell her parents soon or never? How will the baby turn out? Was Toffee really dead? So many question but don't worry more chapter out soon to answer your questions and leave you wondering what next in the same time! 😆

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. 😊

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