Naysaya/Pregnant!?! (Part 1)

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2 week later
Marco bang his head against table. "That! Was! So! Stupid! Ugh."
Star try to comfort him by patting his back. "Hey, hey, now, Marco. It's not that big a deal." Janna walk to us and sat down. "I heard what happened. Everyone's talking about it. Welp, looks like you should just give up on dating forever."
Marco Flashback
Jackie Lynn Thomas was talking to Lynn "Oh, Minnesota, huh? Fancy."
Marco Diaz peers at Jackie from behind his locker. He's nervous, and his armpits are sweaty. "Okay, you got this." Marco mumble too himself, fanning his sweaty pits, whispers to his reflection. "Today is the day."
Jackie close his locker "Hey, Marco."
Marco gasps and step back. "Today is the day for what?." Jackie ask.
Marco swear more "Oh, uh... today is the day... I was going to ask you a question." Jackie nod "Okay."
Marco took a deep breath "Jackie, I was wondering if you'd like to go out... and get me some paper towels for Marco's sweaty pits *gasps*"
Jackie look a little uncomfortable "Uh..." Marco wave his hands "No, no, no, no! That is not what I meant to say! What I meant to say is the sweat is gushing down Marco's back like a waterfall." Jackie laughs nervously
Marco jump like a crazy person "Now it's crossing the border into Marco's undies. Aaaah!"

"Okay, well, Jackie is going to go now and get Marco some paper towels for his wet body

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"Okay, well, Jackie is going to go now and get Marco some paper towels for his wet body." Jackie walks away totally feeling uncomfortable.
Marco panics and runs away feeling ashame.
End flashback
"Janna be nice Marco try asking her out and he's just nervous. Which by the way it's perfectly understandable." I pat his shoulder. Marco sigh "Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm not gonna let being tongue-tied stop me. Pen me!" Star gives Marco a pen, and he starts writing on a piece of paper. "Jackie, will you go out with me Friday night?" He got up, walks up to Jackie. "Hey, uh, Jackie?" Jackie turn around. "Oh, hey, there you are. I got your paper towels." Marco give out a nervous giggle. "Oh, uh... Here's some paper for you." The he hands paper to Jackie. She began reading letter. "Marco can't grow hair on his chin, but he can on his back?." Janna laugh and I chuckle but then I feel like throwing up. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I haven't been feeling so well. Star and Janna look at me with worry. Marco grabs the note "What?!" repeat what she just read. Marco nervously backs away from Jackie and crashes into Chet, spilling his lunch on his jacket. I came back, still looking pale and fan myself. I see something bad was gonna happen. Chet "Bro, my jacket." Marco apologizes. "Oh, uh, sorry, Chet." "No worries. It's just a material possession." "Marco thinks Chet should punch him." Chet was so confused and so are we. Marco correct himself. "No, no, no! I mean, if-if Marco were Chet, he'd totally punch Marco." Chet     want to get away "It's just a jacket, dude." Marco suddenly grab Chet's arm. "Marco would lose all respect for Chet if Chet didn't punch Marco?!" Chet try not to make things complex "Don't... Don't make me do this bro." Then Marco made Chet punch him. Marco cry out in pain. "Ow!" Marco blacks out as he pulls Chet's fist into his face. Marco flushes his black eye with water in drinking fountain. Star     ask him. "What happened in there?." Marco got up I"don't know what got into me. Every time I'm around Jackie, I keep blurting out the wrong thing." Jackie walks by. Marco blur out "Every night when Marco goes to sleep, he shapes his pillow in the form of Jackie Lynn Thomas! *gasps, closes mouth* And kisses it goodnight!." Jackie look back. "Did you say something?." Marco muffles his speech with his hands. After it cuts out, he falls over and starts groaning. Black clouds gather in the sky. Three of are worry for him. "Marco, what's happening?." "Are you alright?." Star and I ask. Before we could to him Janna stop us. "Wait. Let's see where this goes." I start to get mad. "What?! *grab her collar* are you crazy?! *shake her* what if something bad happens to him and he dies!." Star pull me off. "Y/n calm down." Marco continues to scream until a smaller head pops out of his neck. Naysaya     smirk "Hello."

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