Star and Marco hope

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3rd Pov
After the explosion Star and Marco went looking for y/n but they couldn't find her. The next thing they knew they find a big hole, a crystal rosed up and a new wand went up to Star. Two guards went up to Marco and hug him, turn out it was Marco's parents. "What, how did you guys get here?" Star asked "They used your mirror" King River said on his horse. Star and Marco jump on a horse and rode off. King River led Star and Marco back to Mewni with the new wand in hand. In the back of their heads, they questioned if y/n survived the explosion. "Marco, do you think y/n is okay? She didn't run when the castle exploded." Star asked with a look of concern and worry in her eyes. "That's actually a good question. Maybe once we finish everything with your parents, we could go back there and confirm if she's okay" Marco took deep breath and continued "I'm also worry about y/n I mean we just saw her and was about to bring her back but for now we just have to have hope that she's okay" "Wait a minute you two say y/n, her parents are worry sick, where is she?" Marco's mother asked hoping that the l/n's family finally have their daughter back safe and sound. Star and Marco were upset they didn't want to tell her back its for the best. Marco sigh in sadness "Yes we saw her but we don't know if she's alive" "what do you mean?" Star continue "The explosion was huge we don't know if anyone survived, she didn't run" "*gasp*" Marco's mother full of sadness her eyes started to water, how was she supposed to tell the l/n's family about their daughter. "But don't worry after everything with my parents me and Marco we'll try our hardest to find y/n no matter what" Star said. "I hope you do find her" Marco's mother full of hope. Marco's father hug his wife for comfort.
They all got back to the castle. "Star you abused your magic, frightened Mr and Mrs Diaz and destroyed your wand, did I leave everything out?" Star's mother, Queen Moon asked. "Well there some other things that you don't know about" "shhhhh" Marco shhh her in the background "no I think that everything but look the wand is fine well not quite" Star showed her wand to Queen Moon. "*gasp*" she grabbed the wand and continue talking "it's uhh I'll take it and get it clean for you" "please don't be mad, that's look like a mad face" Queen Moon hug her. "So your not mad" "ohh I'm always mad but I'm happy that your safe" Star hugged her back. She then turns to Mr and Mrs Diaz and apologizes.
After chasing the after the horse and helped Mrs.Diaz to get off the horse. Mr and Mrs Diaz went back home but Star and Marco went back to the explosion took place and started looking for clues. "Did you get to know anything about why Toffee captured her while you two were captured? Maybe that could help." "Not really, Toffee was always near her and didn't let me talk to her. She seemed scared though. You know, I think tha-" "Hold that thought Marco." Star interrupted as she slid down a small crater. She found a broken phone, its y/n phone. "Did you find something Star?" Marco followed Star into the crater and observed the objects. "*gasp* that's y/n phone she always takes her phone everywhere, she love that thing and never leave it behind" "There's no way that the explosion did that. It would've been obliterated like everything else." Star said "Seems like someone didn't wants to make sure someone else doesn't have any way anyone or doesn't want anyone to locate them." Marco replied "*gasp* Marco if this is y/n phone and if someone else doesn't want us to contact them then doesn't that mean she's still alive?" "Your right , see I told you we just have to have hope" "hey ya we have hope and it's in my hand, her phone but is she really alive?" "*deep breath* hope, i hope" Star and Marco hug each with sadness in their eyes and full of hope.

Is y/n alive?, will they find her? Read more to find out😉

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