Day 2

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Y/n Pov
I woke up the next morning. I felt something on my arm so I look down and see a bandage. 'How, what, wh- Toffee' "mmm I'll ask him later, man my arm really did hurt yesterday and it still hurts a little" I got up and went to look for Toffee I'm still a little scared of him. I look around and nothing so I yelled his name "Toffee!" No answer. "*sigh* is he gone?" I walk around and I call him again. "Toffee!" "Yes my dear" "ahhhh" I turn around and see him front of me. "Did I scare you?" "Ummm ya you did" "how is your arm? Are you feeling better?" "I knew it had to be you, my arm is feeling better and I'm good" "good, you should take a shower then when you finish I'll put another bandage" "okay" so I left and took a shower.
3rd Pov
Toffee decided to make breakfast and clean up a little. He made nothing big just toast with butter and apple juice but then he almost forgot to give y/n different pear of clothe so he went to get the bag he full of clothes. He grabbed it and went to her room and he pull out new beautiful dresses and a new maid outfit. He didn't hear the shower go off so he put the dresses in her closet. Toffee was about to put the maid outfit when "what are you doing?" Toffee had his back in front of y/n. So he turn his head and widen his eyeballs and blush. In front of him is y/n with her hair wet and with a towel wrapped around her. Y/n started to feel uncomfortable. "Toffee?" Toffee didn't say anything. "Toffee!" "I-I'm sorry" toffee put the maid outfit on her bed and walk outside.When he walk off y/n close the door "*sigh* this is not my day!" Y/n growl. She mad at toffee and he face is red from what about just happen.
Toffee Pov
'What just happen!?' "I-*sigh* focus, don't let it get to you Toffee" talking to myself. 'I didn't even tell her about breakfast' i walked to the kitchen and see y/n eating, she look upset or mad but I just sat down on my chair and ate. It was quiet so I decided to break it "listen I'm sorry to you know" "ya I know and it's fine I guess but *sigh* I'm not in the mood right now". Y/n took her plate to kitchen then walked somewhere else while toffee did the same. He grabbed her wrist and turn her around. "Look I didn't mean to okay so do you forgive me or not?" He growl a little "toffee please not now" he did the same thing yesterday. He grabbed both of her arm and bring her close to him but he didn't realize that his claw from her right arm was digging through her skin and that where her scar was, it was starting to bleed a little too. "We are not going to start this are we! I fix her arm and this is how you behave? You need to learn your place" he growl loudly "*gasp* I did forgive you it just-" "no you didn't" "toffee please" "you are going to get punish" y/n eye started to water because of her arm "now what! Stop acting like a baby" "my arm hurt and you yelling and not respect how I feel or what ever isn't helping me!" She cried. He said nothing just silence but he let go and y/n ran to her room crying. "*sigh* what is it with her? She's nothing but a pest, it makes me wonder why I kidnap her mmm then again I do need her for my plan *sigh* I just have to deal with it. Maybe I should apologize?" Toffee went up to her room. When he got to the door, he can hear y/n crying. " *sniffle* d-day. *hic* I want S-Star and M-Marco *hic*" and cried harder. "I'll give her to cool off she still won't forgive me and she can barley talk right now" he back away and start walking to somewhere else but then he goes to his library to see if anything can help him. He through every book then he found what he was looking for a book about human females from earth. So He began reading. Until I heard a noise so he got up to see and there y/n getting a drink. She didn't see him until she turn around y/n had a scared face on but then went back to normal "toffee about the apology I forgive you, I guess it was embarrassing and-" "it's okay, come with me I need to fix your arm" he took her to his room to Bandage her right arm. "This might hurt" he spay some healing position on her "ahhhhh" "I told you" then toffee put the bandage on her "umm is there any other cloths I can put?" "There some dresses for you in your closet, you know I don't want to hurt but you left me with no choice" y/n sniffed and had water in her eyes. Toffee sigh and grabbed her face to make her look at him "maybe you should take a break and why are you still wearing that maid uniform?" "Because i got lazy" toffee shakes his head and chuckles "why do still keep you around and how did you make me smile?" "Maybe it because people said I have a nice smile and funny sometimes when you get to know me" "I can see that now, you should change" "okay" y/n walked back to her room to change toffee began to feel even more weird but he still have to through the plan and quick. He waited then heard her foot steps, he turn around "wow, you look beautiful" "t-thank" y/n look down with blush. Without her noticing he was smiling.

 Without her noticing he was smiling

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(This is the dress she changed into. It still the same but you can change the hairstyle)

I'm so sorry for not updating. I'm been busy but on Friday I promise I'll update a new chapter for you all😊😘

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