Is nice even possible for him? Part 2

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Imagine that you in the dress but it's your favorite color and a different hair style. You don't have to use the headband only if you want to.
Y/n Pov
The dress I had on was beautiful and I like it a lot (the dress on top) f/c.I quickly change my dress and put on long sock and shoe. I put my hair in high up ponytail. I went to the dining room.
3rd Pov
Y/n went in the dining room and Toffee was just putting the meals on the table. When he was done he turn to see y/n standing there. She had one of her leg behind her other leg, her hands behind her back and looking down shyly. Toffee was just staring at her. He looked a little shock be how she looked. She notice him and tried to get his attention. He finally snapped out "oh my deepest apologies I didn't mean to-" she giggles a little "it's okay" y/n look at the plate "I love pancakes" Toffee smirk y/n blush "*chuckle*well I'm glad" Toffee pull the chair "here take a set" y/n sit down and toffee gently push the chair. "Thank you" lick her lips and grabbed the fork, cut the pancake in pieces "um-do you have any syrup?" Y/n ask "yes I do, I'll be right back" "okay" Toffee went out and soon he came in with syrup in his claw. "Here" toffee gave it to her. "Thanks" y/n smile and toffee smile back. Y/n pour the syrup on the pancake and start eating. "Yummm" "you really love pancakes *chuckle*" Toffee cut his pancake, pour some syrup and ate. "Ya I really do" " I can see that" it was quite for a little while, they were done eating and finished drinking their juice. "You know that f/c dress look great on you and you have very pretty eyes" y/n can feel her face heating up. "Th-thank you.......y-your the first guy or um monster to ever said anything like that to me" "really? And how come?" Y/n look down "mostly my dad would say how pretty I look even my mom said, my friends and other family members but never a guy" "oh.....well why is that? Your young and beautiful" 'what am I saying?' Toffee thought. Y/n look at him with shock in her face and more blush. "Maybe it....because no guy ever liked me." Toffee rest his head on his right claw."that's to bad" "I'm always shy at first but once you get to know me, I'm not shy anymore *sigh* I also gotten bully once awhile not a lot but still just because of my shyness" y/n look down and rubs her right arm. Toffee looked sad, he was getting to know y/n little by little. "I'm sorry to hear that......but if I had to be honest your cute when you're shy" Toffee said with a smirk. Y/n face was all red, smile and looked away trying to hide her face. "Th-thank you" she would glance at him then looked away and toffee noticed. "Oh come on don't be shy" "*giggles*" she looks at him "I can't help it" "*chuckle* they must stupid to treat you like that" "thanks Toffee it really means a lot" Toffee and y/n lock eyes. Toffee slightly blush and gulp by y/n eyes sparkle. It felt like hours but it actually was a couple minutes. Toffee shakes his head and clear his throat. "W-well um we should p-probably clean up" Toffee look the other way and started to get up. "Hey Toffee" "yes" toffee stop and look at her with a straight face. "Have to found love or at least try?" "Why?" "I'm just asking beside I'm looking for love, my shyness and bullying doesn't stop me" Toffee thinks for a moment "I never really thought about love or at least looking for love" "your kidding right? Every girl would be lucky to have you" Toffee suddenly gives a sly look "so like you?" "um ya I guess, what are you even trying to say?" Toffee walked closer to her "what you said was every girl would be lucky to have me and your here with me so I guess you're the lucky girl" Toffee bend down to her eyes and y/n realize what he meant "wait a minute I didn't mean me what I meant monsters, I'm a human" "but you said every girl" "well.... okay ya I did" "and what do you think of me?" Y/n thinks "well....your a gentleman, charming, handsome and umm..... I think of you an romantic type" y/n said. "Romantic type?" Toffee question her. "Ya you are an gentleman, you pull a chair for me, made food for the both of us and if I were you and if this was a date, I would put candles, romantic music, maybe dancing, and some wonderful meal but *chuckle* that how I would think" y/n looked away. Toffee was in shock "w-well.....I would n-never thought of m-m-me of an r-r-romantic type" Toffee turn red. They were quite. Toffee sat down but soon y/n said "...Is there a reason why you want me specifically or was I just the first kid you came across to kidnap?" He let out a faint chuckle, "No, you weren't just a random chance. You humans are easy to read, you especially dear. From what I understand, most humans seem to live by a phrase, 'there are some things worse than death'. Something you don't abide by being someone who fears the unknown. Correct me if I'm wrong but, you'd rather endure whatever comes your way than lose your life, right?" Y/n nodded and started to get a feel for where he was going with that. Toffee stood and leaned close to my face, "One final thing to note, no one is to know that you have any association with me. I'd like for it to seem like I didn't survive that explosion and that includes you too. Do I make myself clear?" Toffee command I nodded and faintly muttered, "Yess Toffee." He stood and patted my shoulder, "Good, now I'll clean up while you wash your hands" "okay" Toffee pull the the chair for her "thanks" y/n said softly "well like you said I'm an gentleman, now go" y/n stand up and walked to the bathroom. 'What was that back there? Was he....being nice or I don't know'  "Is nice even possible for him?" Y/n said to herself.

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