I was always his personal servant-Day1 part 2

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Toffee Pov
I heard her in kitchen doing something. My plate was empty. I picked up the empty plate, walked toward the kitchen only to see y/n just finished making her breakfast. I put the empty plate in the sink and I look at her and I say "y/n I'll be in my library, if you need me I'll be there and if you need me for help or ask a question. You know where to find me" y/n blink at first then answer "yes" I rise my eyebrow "yes what" she pout. "Yes Toffee and I'm not going to say sir" "I was hoping for my name then again sir does sound a lot better" I smirk. Y/n had a mad face with slightly blush on her cheek. "I'm going to eat bye" she walked away as I chuckle. I went out of the kitchen. I walked toward the library. I pick up a book and say on a chair. The book I was reading was about mewniman, trying to learn more for I can destroy them for once and for all. I have all different kinds of book everything especially personal things (like things that you learn in health class) It been a couple minutes and my throat dry. Luckily no one noticed I got a bell so I ring the bell *ring* *ring* at first y/n didn't came so I rang the bell again but this time louder *ring* *ring* *ring* then I heard door steps but it sounded like she was running. "Y/N!! I need your assistant now!" "Coming!" She came through the door and she was breathing heavily" "yes *deep breath* T-Toffee" "my throat is dry can you get me a glass a water" "yes, I'll be right back" "yes yes now y/n" "*sigh* of course" she ran then came back with a glass of she gave it to me, I can tell she was a little scared but I drank the water then place it next to me as I looked at her and said "thank you but maybe next time do as I say and don't take your time" "*sigh* I'll remember that" she had her head down "do you need anything else?" "No, you may leave now" I shush her away. Y/n turn bug then stop, she look at me. "Where did you get that bell and what are the bags? I'm just asking before I leave" her hands behind her back. "You so know monsters have clothes? Right and we eat food, have a family?" "Ya I know least" "there stores only a few away from here, but it also a little different from the stores from your dimension. Now leave and ask questions before I gave you an order" I growl at her and glared "I'm sorry I'll leave now" after she left I began reading.
Y/n Pov
'What was I thinking Toffee was nice then he goes all bossy then made me wear this' I keep on walking and thinking 'why am I listening to him I mean come on but then again he does scare me and I don't want nothing bad happen to my family and friends' "I'm never getting out of here, I wonder my family noticed and if Star and Marco are looking for me. I also wonder if the town people are looking for me too" I soon stop at the place where me and Toffee sat together in front of the fireplace and when I couldn't sleep. I sat down. "I have to stop talking to myself but I have no one to talk with" I rested my head on my hands. "Mmm I wonder if this is just like Beauty and the Beast? Mmmm I don't think so but sometimes I wish I was one of the princesses, who am I kidding" I raise my head and look forward but I didn't notice a certain someone was coming my way. "I wish I was home but that stupid no good, bossy, evil devil, demon-" "go on" "*gasp* Toffee!" I jumped out the chair and quickly turn around to see Toffee with his mad face well I couldn't really tell......but he was glaring at me. I gulp and step back a little, I was so scared for my life. "You were saying?" "U-ummm I don't know" I said quietly and I tried not to make eye contact with him. "What were you saying about me?" "I-I-I" "no good, bossy, evil devil, demon oh and don't forget about stupid" he walked forward toward me and now I can tell he was mad. ".......T-T-Toffee I-I'm-" before I could said anything else he grabbed my arm and pull him closer to him. He bent down a little to my hight. "You should really look around when the next you're going talk bad to others" my arm started to hurt but I couldn't let him know. "Is this how you thank others!when they got you a dress, bedroom, clothes and many more well I hope not and I'll give you punishment right now!!.You shall clean again also the fireplace and you shall not sleep until you are done" In the inside was freaking out. He continued saying "including tomorrow. Make sure give me respect, by the way I'll be watching you closely y/n" he let go, still glaring at me, then turn around and left. I rubbed my arm but I felt something wet. I look and see a little blood. 'I'm with an- never mind. I was going to say monster but you get it' I went to see if there was a napkin so I did. I put on my arm and it hurt a little. I start cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. It was so stressful but it didn't stop me. I would sweat and yawn.  I keep going then when I was done. I went to my room but I blacked out.
3rd Pov
Toffee was upstair, he was looking at her just increased if y/n did terrible but she did well and even though she was sleepy, she still pull through and he was impressed. He went down to pick y/n up and carried her in bride style. Toffee soon saw the napkin it was red and he knew it was blood. Toffee dropped y/n in her room and grabbed a first aid kit. He bandage her arm. Toffee looked at her then went Back to his room.

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