Calling out the book

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Star was practicing her spell today but she didn't seem to get it. I was holding the spell book on my back like Marco. The poor guy was in pain and holding it alone until I came along and let me tell you it's heavy. *goan* "I'm not good with these new spells. Why can't I stick with my own spells?" Star whine. "Because there's others spells in the book" glossaryck try to reason with her. "Yeah but-" "Star look! this one got pictures. Can we do it?" He was excited to try it. "That got a lot of steps." I look sigh tiredly. "Star! Can you just do the spell please!. This book is so heavy" "my back hurts. I'm begging you Star please do it!" Me and Marco beg her. Star goan, she really didn't want to do it but she agreed. "Alright. No what?" glossaryck response "Start on the first one." I couldn't see what was going on but I can hear and I can tell she wasn't trying. "Close enough. Now try this one. Mmm okay see to me it look like you wanna get both your arms way up together...more...more..up and out, Star look at me!" 'Oh! You got to be kidding me right now. Just pay attention Star!' I'm frustrate right now. "Your hands pointing to eleven o-clock" "Earth eleven o-clock or Mewni eleven o-clock?" "they're the same Star...ugh this is impossible" "I know how to cast a spell okay" she did the spell called warnicorn stampede but it didn't turn out how it was supposed to be. Instead many big warnicorn just one baby warnicorn came out.
when I saw it, I gasp and immediately ran to it and hold it. "So adorable! I'm keeping it and calling this little cutie and name it, CutieHeart!" I snuggle with it. "But Star, that's only one warnicorn. A stampede is many warnicorn *laugh a bit* I think somebody need to get back on her spell book" I was to busy hugging my new warnicorn. What can I say I'm a sucker for cute animals. I didn't even notice Marco calling for help. "You know what Glossaryck. I'm done with the book for today. Come on Marco, Y/n" she drag Marco out of the book with one hand and with her other hand grab my arm also dragging me. "Let's go have fun with our friends." She didn't mind I carried CutieHeart with us. "Oh....I thought we were friends" "what?..oh oh no no that's not what I meant, we're friends. I just don't have fun with you but that is so fine because it's not like you like having fun right? That's why you're alone all the time. Lonely people can be cool like're like wise old Carb...o-or like a-a wise old mock or u-u-u-uh well I don't really know what you are but" "wow..say no more. I know when I'm not wanted" Glossaryck go inside the donut box. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry Glossaryck. No of course you are our friend" Star try to reason with him but he didn't listen and to be honest I wasn't really listening too. I was too busy hugging my baby warnicorn. "Uhhh is he though? All did guy ever done was hand out weird riddles and eat pudding" Marco doesn't really like Glossaryck so much but he deal with it like me. *gasp* "don't you talk like that about our friend Marco, right     Y/n?.......y/n?" I kiss my warnicorn on the cheek and snuggles. I wasn't paying attention to Star and Marco, I only paying attention to CutieHeart. "Y/n!" Star yell. "Huh? What?" I was confused. "Marco was talking bad to Glossaryck and I was saying he shouldn't talk anything bad about Glossaryck. Don't you agree?" "Oh...uh yes? You care about Glossaryck but he is odd. If he's your friends then he's our friend even if he don't make sense" I pet CutieHeart while saying that. "That's right and we have to make it right" I agree with Star. "alright. look my uncle hide himself in a box for a three days once. I know how to handle this but first y/n you need to leave the horse at your house" Marco point at CutieHeart. "Her name is CutieHeart and why?. She can come with us" I hold her close. "Because We're going to see a movie" "awww! That's mean I can't take her *sigh* well at least she get to spend time with Coco, Night and Snow" "alright let go!" Star drag us to my house. "are you seriously keeping it?" Marco ask. I answer "yes. I am" I said with a big smile while petting CutieHeart. Marco shake his, he know me and he knows how much I love animals and respect them. We went to my house and left CutieHeart with Coco, Night and Snow and immediately they start playing with each other. It was so adorable. Me and Star 'awww' but we had to go to the theater. We got there and we were watching romance and comedy. About a guy and octopus girl in love. I sat next to Marco on his right side, Glossaryck in the middle of Star and Marco. "See isn't this fun? Four friends watching a movie together because that's what good friends do~" "Marco, y/n can you please tell Star I'm not talking" I roll my eyes. Marco repeat what he said and he ask Glossaryck he can be nice and pass popcorn candy mix to Star but he didn't. "Mm let me think no but I think I will take these" Glossaryck took our snacks. "Hey that's ours" I was about to grab it but Glossaryck snap my hand. I rub my hand and look at the box with a mad dumbfound face and goan. "Oohh~ Boom nuggets! I know where your going" Marco was mad that Glossaryck took the boom nuggets. "Hehe, Heyy it's no big deal. I'll just make us some more snacks" Marco and I try to stop Star but we couldn't stop her. A cloud appear above us and spaghetti fall on us. "Awww! I'm a mess" I frown. "You know it wouldn't kill ya to study a bit more" "I agree with Marco." "Don't you start too Marco, y/n" I shrug at Star and try to get spaghetti off me. "Glossaryck you'll miss the whole movie if you stay in there. I thought you like romantic comedy" Marco try reason with him again. "Yeah yeah, I seen this one before and the squid dies in the end" everyone look at us wit a angry face and throw us popcorn and boo at us. 'Seriously! Glossaryck!!'
At night
Star was asleep in her bed then I ran to Star's room in pain. Star woke up and gasp to see me like that "oh no
y/n!" She ran to me then a monster came in and roar. Star grab her wand and use it but not really using it. She look at the donut box "I can't hold him much longer! Glossaryck help me! Y/n is in pain!" I goan in pain "please help her" I gasp for air. "Marco will you do me a favor and tell Star that she should ask one of her others friends to help her out" she grab the soda that was next to him, open it, drink it and burp.   *sigh* "you stop Marco y/n, he know" I got up and walk to Marco and Star. Marco took off the mask he roared. I shut his mouth by putting my hand on his mouth. "Just stop Marco just stop" "thank you y/n" she thanks me and we just decided to go to bed. Marco went to his room, Star went to bed and I sleep on the Floor in a sleeping bag that I bought from home. We already have another plan for Glossaryck tomorrow.
Marco open the led of the dumpster and plug his nose. I also plug my nose. "Did is the most disgusting dumpster in town" he explain. Star threw the box in the dumpster. We ran behind the wall to see if Glossaryck would get out. "The smell will get him out of the box" "Yeah! This have to work. No one like disgusting, smelly, gross dumpster" "alright! We're Getting Glossaryck back" the three of us high five. What we didn't know we might lose Glossaryck for good as in him getting crush. We heard a garbage truck coming and dump the trash that was In the dumpster into the truck. The donut box landed on the middle of the crusher. We ran quickly to Glossaryck but stop when a portal showed up and What we saw shock us all. A big Eagle and big spider was front of us. The eagle seem to be hiding something or someone, when the bird open it wings we saw....Ludo!.
"Ludo!? Your back?" Me and Marco gasp " Ludo back" we point at Ludo. "Yes, I am" Ludo replied. "I threw you away" "she threw you away" "yes, you did" he glare at her. Star raise her wand and so did Ludo. 'Wait what?!?! What is going on here?!" We all was confuse right now they both have wands. "You have a wand?" Star and Lido said together "you both have wands" me and Marco said together and point at both of them. I was to busy being in shock to notice the look of the Ludo's wand. "Okay, Seriously Marco, y/n that's really getting annoying" "actually he's right" Star agreed with Ludo. "Well excuse me for freaking out the fact that you both have wands and he just showed up our of no where. I mean what the heck man! I'm losing it? I'm losing my mind and I think it's about to explode of emotion!!" I grip my hair tightly freaking out. Marco pat my back "it's okay. I'm freaking out too and I'm losing my mind too" I calm down. There was a small pause "are we good now?" Ludo ask. Three is us nod. "Good. Star Butterfly! You're coming with me!" Ludo raise his wand and the wand started to shoot out a green light beam and almost blasting us. He didn't even said any spells. Which that was weird. We duck down. I started to feel uneasy because when the green light beam past us. My head started to hurt. My eyes started to get blurry and I got a small short flashback Toffee's bedroom that me and Toffee first made love to each other. My eyes widen, i start breathing heavily, and I was sweating. 'T-t-that and toffee made love' I could hear an explosion behind me, I try to shake the flashback Away to help my friend but my headache was really bad. Star cast her rainbow punch but it didn't turn out as well as she hope. "Hahaha that's your rainbow punch?" Ludo was making fun of her. The Eagle and Spider came behind us and attack. Before they could do anything though I pull Marco aside and dodge them. I goan from pain again. Ludo was using his magic 'why!!?? It's hurts so much' I got another flashback of toffee. It was him dressed in the suit and is dancing at the wedding we went to. 'Why am I having flashbacks?' I pant. "Heart attack!" Star yell. "This is the worst wand fight ever seen!" Marco complain while pushing down the eagle but the spider jump on him. I tried to help out but my headache was getting worse. "Oh no! I don't have time for this!" Star ran to Glossaryck. "Hey! We aren't down here! Come back!" Ludo shoot out some laser. I started feeling hot and pant a lot. Another flashback pop up, it was when me and toffee were at the pool. It was my first time seeing him with his muscles. My version was getting blurry and that's when I fainted while panting and sweating. Marco saw me and gasp "y/n! Not again!" 'W-what is going on? I feel sick.'
3rd person
Ludo was flying by shooting out laser on the ground while making a mess. Every time he shoot laser it makes a hole and green fire. Marco was still fighting the eagle and spider trying to keep them away from y/n as possible. "Y/n wake up! I need you now!" He tried waking her but nothing work. The spider trap him by shooting out web out of it butt. Marco tried to get up but he couldn't. He saw the donut box about to be crash. He gasp and mange to get left arm out, stand, hop to a trash can lid and throw it. The lid turn to it side and got between the crusher saving Glossaryck from being crush. Star was close but Ludo stop star. Lido was out of control, he couldn't control his wand. "Star the lid it isn't holding!" Marco warm Star. The lid was weakening. Star was about to run but an explosion flew her to the truck. Even though she made it, it was too late. The donut box was crush. Marco and Star were shock but upset. "Glossaryck!!" Star cried out "nooo!!" Marco cried out. Ludo finding control his wand and land front of her. "Now princess. I'll give you a choice. Come with me or die" "warnicorn stampede!" ( the same one pop up and just give Ludo a nudge and ran away. "Fine have it your way. This isn't gonna be hard to miss from here" Ludo raise his wand at Star. "Star!!" Marco tried to save her. He couldn't believe his two friends are down. One fainted and look sick. While his other friend was about to be killed. All of sudden the donut box shoot out of the crusher like a rocket and land front of Ludo only to have him tripped and fall. Glossaryck raise up humming. Star was happy to see him, Glossaryck whistle and in matter of minutes the book was in Star arm. Ludo look up and saw the book, he was shock. "Now read" Glossaryck command Star. Star follow the instructions and did Warnicon stampede correctly.
The warnicorns buck Ludo to his portal. Marco ran to Star saying it was so cool and Star agreed with him but it wasn't ti to celebrate y/n still haven't woken up. Marco's face turn his face to from excited to serious, sad and worry face. "Star, y/n fainted and she doesn't look so good" "what?!" Star was scared and worry. They ran to y/n, Glossaryck follow them. They approach y/n and saw her still unconscious, panting, sweating and shivering. Star gasp and put her hand on y/n's forehead "she's burning up" "what can we do?" Marco was freaking out. Glossaryck was watching everything and knew what was going on with y/n.
Y/n POV mind
I was in darkness. No light, no people and no way out. I keep on having flashbacks. I saw the time toffee kidnap me, him keeping me, him made me his maid and etc. I didn't know what it means. 'Could it means I miss toffee?' I was starting to lose hop of getting out of here but see toffee made me happy just like how he save me from last time being in darkness. I smile then I heard a noise. I look up. "Hello? Is anyone here? What is going on?!" They didn't answer. The noise got louder and louder to the point I finally realize it wasn't someone talking it was panting and moan. I was confused but as I listen closely, I blush and cover my mouth believing what I wasn't hearing but it got louder and I knew it couldn't deny it. It was my voice, my moan and my pant. "Ahhhh~!" *pant* "Oohh~" *moan* I blush more to the point of my face all red. Then I heard another moan. *moan and pant* "ahhh~" "oohhh~ so good~" *gunt* it was toffee. I gasp while hearing what it sound of two body slapping against each other. I pant and felt funny. 'I need to wake up now' i close my eyes tightly and wish to be with my friends and then I open my eyes while gasping for air.
Reality still y/n POV
"What *pant* just *pant* happened?" I ask looking around. "You fainted again" Marco answer my question. "You were also not looking so good. You were sweating, panting and you had a fever. It was like you were sick. We were really scared" Star hug me but I goan. "I still feel pain" I whine. "It was weird though. Every time that green magic show up you faint" "wait a minute Marco we don't know if it every time. I mean it was only two time" "y/n is right" me and Star nod. "But still it's weird. Star you must cheek your emotions when you use your wand, got it?" "Ya. I know" I suddenly remember something "Hey. Where is Glossaryck? Is he dead? *gasp in horror* oh no!" "No no I'm alive and well" Glossaryck float to me and felt my forehead "and you still have that fever but all you need is a rest and you'll be fine" "Glossaryck was the one you cured you" Star explain. I thank him. Star suddenly immediately got excited and told me everything what happened and I was really happy for her. "Well my work here is done" he dive down into the book. "Glossaryck" Star made the book stand and continue "I'm really sorry I hurt your feeling" Glossaryck pop up "*chuckle* oh you didn't hurt my feeling. I have no feelings. That was all part of the plan" "hehe what do you mean "part of the plan?" Star ask while Marco help me up. "Ya. What was that about?" Marco was upset about Glossaryck. "I don't believe it" I glare at Glossaryck. Marco ask another question "why did you lock yourself in the donut box then?" Glossaryck started to explain his plan "oh Marco, I had to get in the donut box on purpose to get though the candy" he shrug. "Oohhh...Wait why?what?" Marco and I are super confused. "Well how would you rocket yourself garage truck compactor?" Marco and Glossaryck we're going back and forth. It finally end by Glossaryck saying "oh Marco Marco I had to be in the donut box for landed on Ludo feet and saved the day" "wait wait...are you saying you did all that on-" "Boom Nuggets! *laugh*" Marco goan. I sigh "man I missed a lot" "don't worry, there are more battles but we'll be more careful and look after you" "i'm not a baby Star" "I know but right now you need rest" "I suggest that you two take her home. Her fever might be come back and there is a surprise waiting for her at home" i raise my eyebrow. All three of us glance at each other and look confused. Star cast cloudy and rode home. While heading to my house I had headache again. My friend are worry about me I can tell by holding me close and trying to comfort me. We finally made it. Star and Marco knock on the door and my parents open it. They were shock to see me pale and sweaty. Marco and Star explain what happened. They let them in and laid me down on my bed. Coco, Night, Snow and CutieHeart jump on my bed and cuddle with me trying to make me feel better. They had this sad look. Star cast a baby warnicorn. It was the same one that she cast while fighting Ludo, she just teleport it to her room and now it's in my room. I decided to name her CuddleSnuggle. (I know it's a weird name but just bare with me and leave a comment on what are your thoughts about the names or think I should change the name for the warnicorns ✌🏽😊) I gave them a weak smile then close my eyes to sleep.
(5 hours later)
I woke up with a yawn and Coco jump on me and lick my face. I was giggling mess "Coco stop *giggle*" he stop and snuggles against me and so did the other animals. I felt better and hug my animals. I love them so much and j was excited to have two new little friends. I heard a growling sound and looks at Coco but he look at my stomach. Then my stomach made the growl sound saying I'm hungry. My late got off the bed and ran to the kitchen because they were also hungry. I followed them to the kitchen. I noticed outside was dark. I had no idea how long I slept. We made it to the kitchen and saw my parents sitting and holding hands and had a worry look on their face. They noticed me and told me to sit down after I feed the animals. It was luck that Star gave my parents warnicorns supplies and food too. I sit down and ate. "Where s/n or b/n?" My mom answer"he/she is asleep" she took a deep breathe "listen y/n. We love you but what happened today really scared us. We didn't know if you're alright or not" my dad spoke "your mother right. We lost you the first time and we're not losing you again" "you're not. Star and Marco will protect me and I can fight. Besides you said it was okay I do thing like that with Star and Marco when she told you who she really was" my dad continue "yes I know but what about today? You fainted" "I'm fine" "how do we know you're fine. You changed when you got back" "and how did I change?" "You're talking about at us" "oh please I did that before" I cross my arm and lean back. "But you didn't talk back that much and now your back talking me" I roll my eyes. It was true actually. I did talk back at him and my mom. For example, when I was at Marco's house and he got lock in Star's closet. All for I didn't clean my room. Another example was when they heard what about to the Diaz house and got overprotective and I talked back at them. The list go on. I sigh "mom dad, I can handle myself. I understand your worry but I'm 14 and I'm happy with my friends and I finally feel alive to do something that not expected. I'm sorry that I talk back but when I was change me and I......I want to show you I'm different. I'm not the shy girl but I'm now a strong woman" they look at each other and sigh. My mom nod and my dad smile. "We understand but we're just worry and it not that we don't like Marco and Star. They're wonderful but...." she look at my dad. He look at me and I look glance at both at them a little scared now. My dad finally spoke and what he said just shook me to my core. "We're just so worry about the kidnapping again and you being hurt. We decided to move." I blink and froze with my mouth open. All I can say was "whaaaat?!?!?!?"
To be continue

Hey everyone I would like to give a shout-out to pickle1719yay and congrats her for graduation 🎓 👩‍🎓💐🎉this chapter is a present for her and it's a thank you for helping me with the chapter and the ideas for this book. You did it girl yay!!! You'll do great in college. You worked really hard to get here 👏🏽🎁😊❤️🎈

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