The unknown feeling inside

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Y/n Pov
I went to the bathroom and got changed to the pj that Toffee got me (the picture above) I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. When I was done, I went out. I didn't see Toffee so I went to bedroom and got on the bed. I pull the cover, my eyes started to get heavily and soon I was asleep. The weather had become noticeably colder. I didn't notice that toffee was downstairs.
(Downstair) Toffee Pov
Though this was just a chilly night, I was still feeling stiff and irritated. I know that y/n was upstairs asleep so I lit the fireplace and sat myself in front of it to mend my body temperature. The cold weather restricted my movement making me rather weak and vulnerable, while also causing an uncomfortable feeling to run through his body during the worst of winters. A feeling similar to that of when your leg falls asleep and gets the pins and needles feeling rendering you immobile until it wakes back up. Though I am monster, I still had the attributes of most Earth reptiles. So it isn't fun to be me.
(Upstairs) Y/n Pov
After a few hours of being in the castle. It didn't last long to sleep. I woke up in a cold shiver soon after falling asleep. After failed attempts at falling back asleep, I got up and wandered around the castle for a bit before hearing the fireplace still crackling in the main room. I got curious so I went downstairs to see and I see Toffee sitting in front of a fireplace and had an uneasy look on his face. In a way, I guess I felt bad for him. I wasn't much of a fan of the cold either, only when it to hot. Being born and raised where it's usually hot not all year but ya. I approached slowly and he eventually noticed me standing beside his chair as I took in the warm air of the fire. "What are you doing out of bed?" He asked me in a tired voice. "I'm Sorry if I disturbed you, but I couldn't sleep the wind was picking up and it was cold" I wrapped myself and rubbed my arms as I look at the fire. He moved aside in his chair, "Then feel free to join" he said. I sat alongside side him. He seemed to take kindly to the excessive body heat that I threw off, and soon both of us were sufficiently warmed. I gave him an warm smile. "Thanks" "your welcome" soon Toffee wrapped his tail and his arm around me pulling me closer to him. I pull my legs to my chest and I also put my head on his chest, I could feel him being tense but soon relax. I still had the smile on my face. 'Why am I smiling so much? But then again it's kinda romantic and sweet'
Toffee Pov
I tense when she put her head on my chest but I relax. I look down and see her smiling. 'I wonder why she's smiling?' I found my face started to feel hot. 'I'm blushing aren't i? She is kinda cute' I shake my head. "Soo now what?" She asked "I don't know" "oh ummm........ya I can't think of anything either" "try to go back to sleep" "I can't really but it was sweet of you letting me sit beside you" "you already thank me" "right...but like I said before no guy ever liked me and I don't know but this seems sweet and romantic" she giggle. I had a shock look and I was slightly blushing. "U-ummm I guess you c-could l-look at t-that" I looked in to her eyes and I was in an trance, they were sparkling 'wow, what is this feeling in me'
I don't know what happened but I lean in slowly and my eyes were almost closed.
3rd Pov
Y/n saw toffee leaning in. She gasp and blush. Toffee stopped and his face was all red and panic "I'm truly sorry, I don't know what came over me" "i-it's o-okay, I'm actually f-flattered" y/n blush. Toffee look away and clear his throat "well I d-don't know why n-no guy wouldn't love y-you, I mean like you" "I'm shy" "yes, I kinda forgot" "to think I forget things" "well maybe back then you could have used your shyness to get guys" y/n sigh "when I'm shy, I don't talk much, I don't make eye contact and alway putting my head down, I'm guessing that why no guy like me" y/n put her head down. Toffee grabbed her chin, they looked each other. "That's no way to treat a lady and I think your shyness is cute so be yourself" y/n smile and her eyes tear up. 'What is this feeling inside me'
Y/n yawn "maybe it's time to go to bed" Toffee pick y/n up in an bridal style and takes you to the bedroom. "Thank you" y/n said quietly before closing her eyes and slept. Toffee look down and smiles. He went in and tucked her in. When he placed her down, she gripped his hand, opened her eyes slightly, and smiled back at him for a moment. "Aren't you going to sleep?" She was concerned He returned with a half-smile "I'll be right back my dear" before exiting the room. 'I wonder how are things back on earth?' "There something inside me that making me feel this way, she's to nice and fragile to deserve this but she's here now and I can't let it get to me" 'but the unknown feeling?' He start heading into a large control room. A large screen was displayed in the center with several monitors showing on it. Toffee focused on one of them that was looking through y/n's house window and there were her parents. "How could have this happen?" M/n cried "i don't know but at least we called the police and Marco called me, he said he wants us to talk to us tomorrow" F/n huge her "mom, dad what going on? Is y/n okay? She hasn't come home" B/n or s/n said. "She's missing but Marco wants to tell us something important" F/n huge his wife tighter as she cried and cried "I hope everything is going to be okay" he/she went and huge his/her parents. [back with toffee] "so they noticed that she's gone." Toffee muttered to himself with an irritated tone. "Good luck trying to get her back when she's not even in the same dimension anymore."

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