A Blue Flower

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3rd POV
M/n shush her "your brother is asleep." Y/n was so shock that she couldn't get any word out of her mouth, she just stayed quiet. "This is for your own good dear" D/n. "Whaaat-oh wait I already said. What I meant was are you crazy!. for my own good? For My Own Good?! FOR. MY. OWN. GOOD!!??" She stand up and slam her hands on the table. D/n sigh and stand up as well "y/n sit down and calm down right now, you hear me?" She sit down and cross her arm."But I don't want to move. Why are we moving anyway?" "Because you got kidnap then earlier today you were unconscious that you just woke up. You were out almost the all day. This is the only way we can protect you" "Star can protect me and besides I learn so much from her. I know how to fight, even Marco is teaching me. I'm just fine." Her mother decided to join in "not only that but have been acting weird and you're yelling at us right now and talking back" "I talk back to you guys before, not all the time but I'm still the same......wait are you blaming Star?" Both her parents shake their head no. Her mother said "no of course not but it seem it become dangerous. We are very grateful to Star for saving your life"   Y/n talk back "really? Because you're making me do something that I don't want to do, it seem like you don't trust her and the reason why I never told you about her was because I knew you wouldn't believe me or not like her" "we do like her but you're in danger" "no. I'm. Not" y/n cross her arm and look away. Both her parents sigh and hold each other hands then look at each other then at y/n. Her father spoke "look honey we haven't even started selling the house or get a moving truck yet." "What about school and my friends?" "You're still be going to your school and you still can talk to your friends on online. We'll start moving, packing and selling the house in the summer" "but Marco gonna have a party at his house for the beginning of summer" "you can go to the party and stay for a sleepover and hang out with them a few days. We still have time until the next school year and get our stuff ready to move" y/n frown at the thought of leaving her friends. Both her parents spoke "we're sorry y/n" "I just wish you meant it" got up and walk to her room with her head down. Both parents frown when she did that, they hug each other. Y/n got to her room and lay on her bed. Coco notice she was sad and got up to lick her face but nothing work. Night snuggles close to her, y/n just pet her, hug her but never smile. The others animals are worry. They all got on the bed and snuggle close to y/n giving her comfort. Y/n cried with tears falling down and her cheeks red and hug her pets. Eventually she fell asleep.
Next morning
Y/n got up, got change, ate cereal, said bye to her parents and walk to school. She usually walk with Marco and Star but today she didn't feel like walking with anyone. She made it and went to her locker, open it and got out her book for class. She never smile, she just have a frown on her face with a dead look. Star and Marco saw y/n and walked to her to talk to her but they notice something wasn't right. "Hey Marco is it just me or something isn't right with y/n?" "Ya. I know what you mean. She didn't walk with us and she always does" "what can we do?" "It's obvious Star she just didn't sleep well and we just have to make her laugh like the other time. Plus, I know her so well. Watch" Marco walk to her "Hey n/n (nickname) what up?" Y/n didn't answer just look at him with the sad dead look. "So you'll never guessed what Glossaryck did he was actually faking being mad at Star and it was his plan but we all know how he is so anyway, I asked him he just yelled out boom nuggets! And I was like whaaat!" He pause to see her reaction but she just shrug. Marco blink three time in shock. "Are you okay?" Y/n finally respond "I need to go to the bathroom" she walk away. Marco was shock and look at her walking away. Star walk to him "what was that?" Marco look at her still shock "she didn't even smile or laugh....she didn't laugh!!" He grab her shoulder and shake her "she always laugh even if it wasn't that funny or something small!" Star pull his hand away "first stop shaking me and second maybe it's better if we show her a funny video instead of telling her" she take Marco hand and drag him to y/n. They see her walking to the class but they still haven't start class yet. "Hey y/n wait up!" She stop and look at them. "We have something to show you." (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8kJGIjAqho4) (pretend it's form this show) Marco and Star laugh. Y/n wanted to laugh and smile so bad but just the thought of her moving away from her friends who are trying to make her happy and always been there for her gone. The fact they're doing this for her it made her feel even more sad then she was already was and sniffs then tears falls down. Stars and Marco stop and look at her. Y/n finally let her tears fall like water fall and cry 😭 then walk away. Marco and Star look at each with complete shock and worried. This was not what they expected. "Well that failed." Marco start freaking out "ahhhh!!! What are gonna do!!?? She would laugh not cry and she saw this before like two time but she always laugh." Star try to calm him down "relax we'll just try and try again. We're her friends after all and we'll still be there for her no matter what" Marco stop freaking out "Hey yeah! Your right. When I was sad you two where do for me and when you were sad we there for you even if my plan was bad but it worked. So now she's sad and we're here for her" Star nod "we'll just have to try harder. We can do it Marco!"
They both scream yeah!.
~in class~
Y/n is still upset. Star and Marco start making plans to make her smile no matter what. Class was going on and from what y/n notice is that Star have not start making mischief. She thought that was odd and started to worry. Soon class end and they started heading to nurturing. It's for the students who haven't eaten yet. Y/n sat on a table eating a muffin with milk sighing. Star and Marco walk towards her with food. They sat down and start using their plan. Marco starts "so I joke for you, wanna hear it?" He nudge her arm. She said nothing. He continue "so there was a boat and the captain was walking around making sure everything was okay but the he see a toilet in the deck. He walk to it out of curiosity, he open the lid and gage. The he said "oh come on! This is deck not a pooped deck!." Star and Marco laughs. "I get it! Someone already use it" she respond and laugh. Y/n wanted to laugh so hard but the sadness was to much. They stop when they notice she wasn't laughing. Now it was Star turn "okay, so how about we do some magic!" Start doing magic. It was sorta similar to what she did to Marco when he was upset. This time in the end Marco and her got suck in a fish. Nothing work. They got out of the fish. Juana saw everything and walk up to them then drag them away. "Okay can anyone explain what is going on? I saw what you two been doing" Star explain everything to her. "Ahhhh I see. Well I want to help" "why do you wanna help?" Marco ask with a raise eyebrow. "Because I want my ghost bud back" "ghost bud?" "Yeah, me and y/n talk about ghost, watch haunted house, videos. You know things like that and whatever" Juana shrug her shoulders while Marco look at her with shock and mouth open wide. "Oh yeah, it was when you wasn't here and we just like to talk about that. We should do that again but I really miss our ghost bud" Star whine. "So wait? You three talk about ghost and y/n in it? How could I possibly not know that?" Marco was clearly shock due to the fact he just learned. "Okay. Let just focus on getting y/n back. She clearly the easiest person to make her laugh or shock or scared" Juana explain her plan to scare her. Marco wasn't okay with scaring her but that might be only way and y/n does get scared easily. They start getting things ready. Y/n sitting on the grass outside under a tree sighing sadly. They get behind a tree a mile from her. They got in their custom and sneakily walk to her. They were wearing black cloth and a Mimikyu mask on. Since Juana wanted to wear a really scary mask but Star and Marco didn't want to give y/n nightmares. They walk up to and jump in front of her. Star scream loudly, Marco make some weird noise and Juana move around so weirdly. They keep going but stop pull the mask up to see her reaction but only to see y/n still with a sad face. "WHATTT!!???" They yell in shock. They were so confused on what was happening. Y/n get scared easily and this was not they were expecting.

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