Mewnipendence day, my life change part 2

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Toffee Pov
"Gentlemen, allow me to direct your attention to our new surveillance device princess Butterfly is re-enacting our favorite holiday, the great monsters massacre" "That's my least favorite holiday"the mbear with a unicorn horn monster said "Don't worry, we can take advantage of the opportunity" I said then I pull out a spike ball, pushed the button and in it was a portal. "Why send army after the wand, when it can be delivered?" I took the controller from ludo and put it in the portal, ludo was surprised "*gasps* oh, isn't that a thing thing?" ludo said still looking at the screen. "And it's not like she's going to notice a real monster" "*giggle*Those aren't real" "okay, now who'd like to bring ludo his wand?" I can they didn't want to but Buff frog volunteered. "I will go" "I thought you might, you fat bag of garbage" I mumbled mthe last part. He took my invention and while he left I kept my eye on him. My plan going well and soon I'll have the girl as well I thought.
Y/n Pov
Everything was quiet until the same spike ball almost fell on Ferguson "I'm so sorry ferguson" the girl in armory apologize "Come on!" Ferguson yelled. I can see Marco and Star talking but I couldn't really listen. "Knights of Mewni, take up your stabby weapons and drive out the evil monsters!" Star jump up and made an explosion, a 💀 was shown. Everyone started to scream and running to each other. I see skullnick fell in the corner of my eye but I didn't see ferguson. I tried to punched or hit the guards but I can't then I see Alfonso up in the air. "*gasp* Alfonso!" I scream in fear. Then the next thing I knew ferguson fell from the sky "ferguson no!" I scream. Star came and  said that Marco was right then ask him if he was ok. Then I find out that's not the real ferguson. It was Buff frog, he started to run, Star was about to shoot him but stopped. Everything was fine until I blackout.
Toffee Pov
We all gather to see the massacre. I clench my hand we see Buff frog trying to open my invention. "What is he doing?" ludo asked when he saw him trying to reach the wand then we see him up in the air. Now is the perfect time to kidnap the girl I thought. So I left with out no one seeing, I got the dimension scissor and went through the portal. She was standing right front of me I sneak up behind her, I use my tail to hold her and cover her mouth then she blackout. No one seems to notice. the portal was still open, I went through and took her to my room. I put her down on my bed and took the costume (btw the reader already has her clothes on) I went back to the group when I got there Buff frog just came back and ludo was angry at him for messing up the plan. "What a disgrace. This is what you get when you hire people from the swamp, let's watch again" ludo said replaying the tape. "I'm telling you this thing, it didn't work" Buff frog replied with fear. I took it and showed them that it actually worked "It works fine for me" "He sabotaged it" "I rescued you from a life in the swamp, I took in, I gave you pants and this is what you do to repay.... wait a minute where are your pants?" Ludo said "uh... well" "oh.. get real! You've brought shame on this house, now go to your room" ludo said angrily as Buff frog walked away. "I don't know what to do about that one, should I take away his milkshake privileges?" Ludo said sounding upset "Seriously? This was idiot-proof, I think you know what you have to do" I said. "Uh...."he in confusion while nodding. We threw Buff frog out of the castle, Ludo and I look outside. "Well, that was pretty hardcore" ludo suggested. "You did what had to be done" I said as I turn around to my room.
I got to my room and see her still asleep, she must be really tried. I can't wait to see what happen when she wakes up, this is going to be great I thought.

To be continued
-let's see what happens next.

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