A Blue Flower part 2

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"WHATTT!!???" They yell in shock. They were so confused on what was happening. Y/n get scared easily and this was not they were expecting.

Star, Marco and Janna
They had their custom off and hiding behind a building. "Well that was a bust" Janna fold her arm across her chest with a pout. "I know right. She's usually so jumpy." Star scratching her head while thinking. "I just don't get it! I just don't get it! *pull his hair while walking in circle* it should've worked but it didn't and she usually smile and now she's like an unemotional zombie or whatever" Marco is scared of losing his friend. "Marco stop you're making us dizzy" "how?! How?!" "Okay okay lets take an deep breath here" Star try to calm Marco down but it took time. Janna glance at y/n then look back at them. What the three didn't know was someone was watching them from afar.
Y/n sat at a table by herself eating slowly and spacing off. Marco, Star and Janna are in line to get food but they haven't taken their eyes off y/n, sometimes they would bump into people or themselves or a pole. They were whispering on how to help their friend when someone sneak behind them and spoke. "What up?" The three look behind them and see Jackie. Marco of course having a crush on her, he blush and stutter but Star intrude "oh hey Jackie *small wave* we're just...talking....about....stuff" "I can feel the vibe here and I'm worry. I also saw that you were trying to scare y/n. Everyone knows she's jumpy but to be honest I was shocked to see that she didn't even flinch" "yeah, that's the problem she's isn't showing emotions.  She's like an zombie or something" Janna explain. "We're trying to help her show emotions or talk to her but so far nothing worked" Marco replied. "We tried talking to her, making her laugh and scaring her but no smile or a shock face" Star look at y/n with worry in her eyes. "I can see this is really troubling you three and me too because usually she'll be with you Marco or you Star or even you Janna. So that's why I'm gonna help out too." Jackie stand proudly. "And how are you gonna do that?" Janna ask. "By doing trick on my skateboard. She always love watching me and she always wanted me to teach her." "That's true. She might even crack a smile and be amazed." "I guess we can try" "yeah I agree" the three of them agree and decide to do Jackie plan. "*cough* excuse me but you're holding up the line" the lunch lady tap her fingers impatiently while the students glare at them. Star, Marco, Janna and Jackie apologize and got food then sat at a table near y/n. Jackie got ready to do her trick and skate front of her and do more crazy tricks.

 Jackie got ready to do her trick and skate front of her and do more crazy tricks

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Everyone cheered and applause. Everyone except y/n. Once Jackie finished her show everyone went back to seat while talking about her trick. Star, Marco and Janna clap "yeah! Jackie!! Wooo!!!" Jackie bowed and walk back to her friends and high-five them. They look at y/n and she still showed no sign of emotion. Now they're scared. They walk back to the table. "It didn't work. It should've. She love watching these kind of things and she wanted to try it out" Jackie sigh and slam her head against the table, cover her head and goan. "I thought it would work too but this means we just have to try harder. She always managed a smile when she try to act tough" Janna make a fist and smile. "What are next plan? This have to be big. I'm open any ideas, I'm desperate" Marco look at the girls. Star tap her chin then snap her fingers "I got an idea!" "Great! What is it?" Marco lean in. Star got out her phone "give me one moment" she dialed a number. The person answered "heyyyy! Listen I need your help, can you come over pleas?~ .............. it's y/n. something is wrong.........thank you so much! Okay byyyeeeee!." She hanged up. "She should be here any minute now" "she? Why do I have a bad feeling?" Marco goan. A portal showed up and PonyHead came out "heyyyy girl~" Star hug her. "How is she gonna help?!" PonyHead "n/n (nickname) love gossip and I talk to her about relationships problems when we hang" "what?!" Pony Head float time y/n and start talking to her. Marco, Star, Jackie and Janna wait for her after a couple minutes poneyhead came back and snored "geez that girl got it bad. Did she get her heartbreak or something?." Four of them shame their head no. "She just came to school like this" Star explain. Then unexpected Star fan 13 pop up middle of them and scared them "heyyy!." They all jump. She asked if she can help since she heard everything. They look at each thinking. They made their decision, they look back at her but she was gone. Star fan 13 was with Y/n talking. It was silence but Marco broke the silence "who are we kidding we tried talking so many time and scaring her but nothing. Will we ever have our best friend back?." Star look at him with serious "of course. We stick together no matter what." Jackie join in "I may not a lot about her but this is serious and I couldn't just let it go." Janna replies "who else I get to talk about to ghost other than Star and get scared at the same time?." Star fan 13 came back "it didn't work. I failed!" She cry and hug Star. She hug her back "it's fine. We won't stop until we cheer her up." Star fan 13 let go of her and smile wide. Jackie ask Star fan 13 "what were you saying to y/n anyway?" "Oh how we all are worried about her and how it made me sad to see Star sad but she pat my back and gave me a side hug" Marco ask Star and the other girls if she did that to them but they shake their head no. Then he got an idea. "Jackie I need you to go to her and talk anything that bother you or made you upset." She look at him with a confused face but did it anyway. They watch and it shock them. Star fan 13 was right y/n did pat her back and gave Jackie a hug. This was the first time saw her do something that she always does and show her emotions comforting and cheering up others even with the same sad face. Jackie came back and smile "that actually felt nice" Marco replies "because she was comforting you even if she's sad." Star starts to understand him "ohhh I see. The y/n we all know love to help out and comfort everyone in her own way. Even if she's sad she still comfort us" Janna but in "but why didn't plans didn't work on her?" Marco and Star look at each then at y/n then at them "she was giving us a sign that she's only need comfort not laugh, scare or gossip just love and friends" they both said I'm synced. All of them walk to her and sat next to her. They all gave y/n a big group hug. Y/n close her eyes enjoying the warmth of her friends and gave a small smile. They stayed that way for a couple minutes then pull away. Star look at her and smile gently "we're always here for you and remember you can't get rid of us" they all laugh. Y/n chuckle softly. "Now there that smile and laugh we been waiting for" Marco chuckle. Y/n look at Marco then the other girls, she then sigh. "I have to tell you all something and it's important" they all look at her in silence. "I'm moving because my parents are worry about me and when I fainted they thought living in a new place would be safe for me but I don't want to. I'm gonna lo-" she was stop by Star who put her hand top of her's and everyone put their hands on top of Star's hand, well ponyhead float to y/n and nuzzle. Y/n tear up with a smile. Star got another idea. "Hey how about a sleepover!?" Y/n, Marco, Jackie, Janna, Ponyhead and Star fan 13 look at each other and nods. "And this'll be really really really special just for you y/n." Everyone gave her a hug again with her being in the middle with a big smile and a tear drop from her eyes. She finally feel the  love and the comfort she always wanted.

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