Toffee change

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I felt something wet on my face and it smelled bad. I open my eyes and see Chocolate licking me, I laugh "stop Chocolate *giggles* I'm up I'm up" Chocolate stop, barked of happiness and jump around. I laugh again because he's just so adorable. "Meow meow" Night jump up on the bed and snuggled close to me. I pet her and said "morning to you Night and Chocolate. The. I see Snow White next to me to be honest I didn't really realized she was there because she was so white. "And a good morning to you Snow White" I smile. "Barked barked" Chocolate got off the bed and ran to the door fame and barking. I think he's trying to get me to follow him. I got off and followed Chocolate. He lead me to Toffee room with him still sleeping and I can tell because he's snoring to loud (Like my dad and brother lol) Chocolate ran and jumped on his bed then lick his face. "What the?!?" He woke up but Chocolate was still licking his face "hey stop that I'm awake Chocolate stop". Chocolate soon stop and barked happily. I laugh because of how Toffee looked

I couldn't stop laughing and Toffee was confuse but soon he realized why I was laughing but to honest he looked funny and cute

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I couldn't stop laughing and Toffee was confuse but soon he realized why I was laughing but to honest he looked funny and cute. "Okay okay you can stop laughing", he said. I finally calm down "sorry it just this is the first time I saw your hair all messy and you so well um like this" ,I explain, "well I do take showers and get myself all clean but for now can you please go I must get changed". I nodded and before I went to my room I wanted to know if I'm wearing the maid suit "umm Toffee do I still have to wear that maid outfit?". "I'm afraid so y/n". "Oh okay I was just asking". I walk to my room and get my maid outfit on then walk down stairs to the kitchen. I see Toffee all dressed up. I made breakfast for him and me. We ate. "This bacon and toast is good Y/n" "thank you" "you need to clean the the the living room a little" "Yes". We finish eating and I began cleaning.
3rd Pov
Y/n clean clean while Toffee sat down on the chair front of fire place and read. Then a little while Toffee heard the doorbell. He got up and go open the door. A old monster lady was there standing there. She was white, red eyes, horn, glasses, sharp teeth, long floppy ears, and long light purple dress. "Hello there sunny, may you please take care of my sunflower 🌻 and my puppy?" The puppy was white and black spot on the eye and it eats were black.
"Oh um I'm sorry but I don't think I can" Toffee said. "Oh but I thought this was a nursing home for plants and animals" she sound upset. Y/n was behind Toffee and she heard everything and she felt bad for her. She step in "I'll take care the sunflower and the puppy" "oh you will?" "Yes" "Oohh my thank you so much young lady, you are such a sweetheart" she patted y/n cheek then she gave the sunflower and the puppy to her. "The puppy is name Spot and the sunflower name Shine" y/n nod. "Y/n are you sure you want to do this?" Toffee sounded worried. "Of course plus I'm already taking care of the animals and the plants outside, I got this don't worry" y/n took the plant and puppy inside and the the other animals came to play with there new playmate. "Oh that lovely young lady is just wonderful. You know you shouldn't make her do the work, even though the maid outfit is cute that doesn't look good and I bet she'll look good in something else" she turn around and walk. Toffee look at y/n the he heard the old lady talk so he turn his head to her. "One more thing you should do something nice for, and I'm sure one day you two would make a perfect couple" he was shock to hear that. "Well I should be off it's monster bingo meeting, I'll be back to pick Shine and Spot at 7pm" she walk off. Toffee was totally shock and look back at y/n to see her feeding Spot, Chocolate, Night and Snow White. She had a smile on her face, she always water Shine. He got to admit she does look cute. He thought about what the old lady said and he did got her the garden, puppy and a cat after what happened because he wanted to impress her and apologize to her. 'Maybe the old lady was right y/n is kindhearted, would do anything for animals, and after what did to her before with the potion I think I better do something more............okay she's no longer my maid' Toffee close the door and  he walk to her.     "Y/n may I have a word with you" "sure" she walk to him. "Y/n you are no longer my maid and you should put one something else" " is unexpected" "well you didn't like being a maid did you?" "Oh to be honest I didn't. I'll go change now" she ran to he room. Toffee was smiling a little. The animals made noises, he look at them and the animals were looking at home with what look like a smile. "What?" They just stared at him. Toffee roll his eyes then move his head only to see y/n in a dress

 Toffee roll his eyes then move his head only to see y/n in a dress

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He blush. The animals ran to her and jump around and making noise. Y/n duck down and pet them. He smile to see them. "Adorable" "what?" He blush again and realized he said it out loud. "Oh ummmm the pets ya ya the pats, they're just adorable aren't they" he was sweating. "Yes they are and I always wanted to have pets" he smile. "I like to hear that" she smile at him. "I should go and water the plants outside" she walk backwards but the fell "ahhhh". Toffee was about to help her but she got up. "I'm good *giggles nervously* the garden is over there and I'm just gonna go" "but it's still morning" "oh umm" "how about we play with the animals then later water the plants and I'll help". "Toffee did the lady told you to not make me a maid?" He tense up a little and sweat a little. "N-no" he look away and she roll her eyes "ya sure" y/n giggles. After the talk They hangout with each other and with the pets then in the afternoon they water the plants. The old lady came and pick the flower and her puppy. She was so grateful. The rest of the day they ate, talked,and had so much fun.Toffee and y/n say down on the chair front of the fireplace and snuggles close and fell asleep together with the pets on their laps. Who are also sleeping too. Y/n open one eye, look at him, smile and cuddles with him. 'Toffee Change, I think I found my Prince Charming who knows he's different now. I'm loving this new Toffee' she close her eye and sleeps.

My Prince Charming Toffee (Toffee x Reader) - S1-2 - [Hold]Where stories live. Discover now