Into the wand/into the mind part 2 (lemon)

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Y/n's mind

(That's your pj)

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(That's your pj)

(This is the room)I look around and see I'm standing in a middle of a room

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(This is the room)
I look around and see I'm standing in a middle of a room. "What is going on?." "Hello my dear~" I turn around and see him in a robe with a glass of whine. He finish drinking his whine. I blush immediately and turn around again. "Now don't be shy." He walk up to me, stand behind me and wrap his arms around my body leaning down to my ear. I got to feel his breathing on my neck. "Toffee why am I here?" I ask him. "I miss you" he nuzzles himself on me. Feeling his warmth. "I miss you too but you're dead. How are you even?..." before I could finish he kiss me. I couldn't still believe he's here with me alive feeling his body. I turn around, get on tippy toe, wrap my arms around his neck looking at him with love in my eyes. "You're always been in my mind. I just had or see you again." He lean his forehead against mine. I look at him with teary eye and soft smile. "I know I can feel you now but you'll be gone again just like before *sniffs* how will I know this is different?. How is this even happening?." "Mind reading my dear. I know it sounds weird because I'm dead but as you can I'm here and you can feel me. For more proof how about we share each other body.~" I blush when he said that. "W-what do you mean.?" "Let me show you.~" he lead me to a big bed. (ignore Ludo and the book)

I sat on the bed and Toffee laid me down

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I sat on the bed and Toffee laid me down. He leaned in closer as his hand began to wander down my neck, I can feel his other hand sliding it way across my stomach, slowly inching up towards my chest. I squirm against his warm touch. "I love you y/n~" he whisper in his husky voice against my neck. I bite my lip while I feel my cheek heat up. My heart pounding fast from abrupt contact of his skin on mine while my head spin. I feel his tongue slide up my neck. I sigh happily as I got to feel his love again just like when we made love for the first time. I flinched as he pressed his full body onto my body, pinning me against the bed. My breath caught in my chest as I feel his buff toned chest against mine, his strong arm hold me close. My body is feeling hot from his hands roaming my body. His hand venture under my pj. I squirm again as my body began to feel even hotter. His hand slides up my thighs and my legs tremble with pleasure and excitement. He kiss me as he rub his left hand rub against my underwear, I moan against his kiss and his touch. "Mmmm~" he grab the end of my pj and lift it up but stop and look at me. He wanted my permission. I smile and nod for him to continue. He took my pj off, leaving me just my cute pantie, I face turn 50 shade of red. He stare at me with love in his eyes. "Don't be Shy. You're beautiful~" he kiss me again with passion. He untie his robe and threw it next of the bed and my face darken more. I stare, gulp, blush and sweat at the same time as I stare at his hot, buff, toned and bare naked body. He's hot as the sun during any summer afternoon. I moan a little and blush harder as he travel down and kiss me on my neck, hitting my ticklish spot, he then groped my breasts passionately. "You know for a teenager, you have quite large pair of breasts." He whispered this to me while kissing my neck and not letting go of my breasts. "Ahhhh~" I moan softly. I have to admit I don't want this moment to end. Toffee then travel down and start licking my nipple while still groping my breasts. I gasp and moan. " feel so good.~" I rub my thighs together, my body is just getting more and more hot by the minute and more horny. I'm pretty sure my pantie are wet by now. I couldn't stop moaning, this just feel so good. He began to move his body against my hip rubbing his hardening member against me. I squirm and give out airy gasp. "That's what I love to hear." My heat was building even more that I couldn't think anything else. Soon he traveled lower and lower, past my stomach and finally he lick down below with his long lizard tongue. I gasp, moan loudly, and arch my back from the pleasure I was getting from him. He's really good at it. Toffee knew where were my g-spots, he also knew how to orgasm. My moan got louder and louder as I am close to my orgasm. "Not yet my dear, it's my turn." He teasingly said as he stop with the steamy foreplay. I wanted more but I knew what he wanted even though I never done that before. He lay down and I got on my knees and put "it" or his thing (I think you all know what i mean ;3) in my mouth. I kind of gagged a bit because his thing is so big but he move his hip up and down while I thrust my mouth up and down. Slowly I got the hang of it. "Aahh....y/n,'re a fast....Aaahhh....Learner!." He said getting cut by his moan. His thing is very erect now. He stop me and told me to lay down. So,I did and he ask me if I was ready. I nod smiling, widen my legs more and raise my arm towards him wanting to hold him. He lifted one of my leg, putting it on his shoulder, lean in and holding me and with all his great might he push his big thing into me. I moan loudly but in pleasure and pain. It been while since we made love. "you're tight!!~" he groan as we both were in state of both pleasure and pain. He pushed harder and faster and faster. Slowly, the once half pain half pleasure feeling was gone. It turn into pure bliss. Consequently, you moan louder and louder with high pitched, girly voice of mine which apparently turn him on even more and made him go faster and faster. After a while he let it all out his cum inside me. I arch my back and moan. I pant and him as well. We were still holding each other close. We kiss again and he turn me on my hands and knees then he thrust inside me again. He lean against my back, turn my head towards him and kiss me while thrusting. I couldn't moan as he kiss me passionate. He traveled down to my neck, feverishly kissing it while hitting my ticklish spot and hitting my g-spot. I moan, trying to catch my breath. While he was kissing my neck, he hold my hip while left hand travel to my womanhood and rub my clit. I moan louder as beads of sweat ran down my face. Toffee was so good. He stop kissing my neck and my face lean against the pillow moaning.  I blush harder because with every thrust he made it just made me want him deeper in me. His things was so big that it practically pounded onto my womb. After a while of pleasure that felt eternity, he climax and I can feel his hot stuff inside of me. We stop, catching our breath as beads of sweats ran down our face. I fell on my stomach and he fell against my back. "That f-felt amazing~" I said while smiling at him and stroking his cheek gently. He chuckle softly and kiss my cheek. "I m-missed you so m-much~" we pant. "I want you toffee~" I turn around and gently push him down. He was a bit shock but he actually enjoy it, I can see it in his eyes showing of lust. I grind on him which made him moan and groan. I lined up his thing and shove myself in his big thing. I moan and start riding against him. He moan as well and move both his hands on my breasts rubbing them. We lean in while he does that and we french kiss. I became very wet. His thing hit my abdomen. He went in deeper and deeper with every thrust he made, I just moan louder and louder. We stop kissing, I gasp when he squeeze my breasts while I move my hip up and down on his wet, hard member and he began to move his him. He finally let out his load in me. I threw my head back moaning. His huge member was still inside me. "It felt so good~" "for your first time in this new position~" "toffee...I can feel your love and I want more~" "this is our poof of our love. I can feel it~" I got off him slowly and a lot of hot cum was flowing out. I laid down next him panting. We stare at each other and kiss passionately. We love each other and the way how he made me feel was our poof of it. He hold me and kiss my forehead. "Toffee when can I see you again?" "I don't know but I promise I'll see you again soon and we'll be together forever my love." "But-" "I know what you're thinking but I want to let you know that I'm always here for you." We smile and kiss. We both close our eyes and sleep soundly.

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