Love Start Here

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(This will be a Valentine special. Since it about love and romance here.  the reader fall in love with Toffee.)

Toffee POV
I woke up the next morning. Got up, brush my teeth and got change. I walked down stairs, go to the kitchen and start making breakfast for me and y/n. I made toast, eggs, bacon and a half of a sandwich. One half for me and the other half for her. Soon y/n came down stairs walk to the kitchen while yawning and rubbing her eyes tiredly. 'So cute' I also saw the pets following her with tiredly face "*chuckled* good morning y/n and to you too Chocolate, Snow White and Night" "*yawn* good m-morning *yawn* Toffee" "how did you sleep?" "Good just tired and I'm not so much of a morning person" she chuckled "I can tell. Come sit and eat, I made breakfast" "thank you Toffee" she sat down and start eating. I got the bowls and place them front of the animals. They made noises, they were happy. I got dog food and pour it on his food bowl then he started eating, I got cat food and pour it on the Catt food bowl then she started eating, lastly I got carrots and put it on the bunny food bowl and she ate. I sat down and eat my breakfast. When we finish I grab our plates and put them in the sink and wash them while y/n play with the animals. After that I went went to the living room, sat down on my chair and start reading. Y/n was brushing the animals furs and grooming them it been 39 min when there was a knock on the door. I got up and open the door. There was a monster rabbit with horns he had an envelope with him, he handed it me. "Excuse me but who are you and what is this??" I ask. "This is an investigation from your friend. Him and his girlfriend are getting married soon and are having a party to celebrate" he replied. "Oh thank you" "he also said that you need to bring someone with you for the dance" he walk away. I close the door and walk back to the living room. "Hey Toffee who was that?" I heard her voice so I look up and told her. "It's an investigation from my friend, you know the one you met? He's getting married soon" "awww that so sweet" she said. "And I have to bring a partner for a dance that they're doing" "oh so a dance partner...and do you know who are you going to bring?" She ask. "Well you of course" I smirk he eyes widen "m-me? At a dance? I'm good going with you and being there but dancing. I don't dance and I'll just embarrassed myself" she start freaking out a little. "Don't worry i'll teach you and I'll be right by your side" I told her and she seem kinda relax. I smile "we should go get ready now" "but when the party? It's Morning" I checked. "It said 1:35 and it said that it's a masked party" "well it's 9:27 so we still have time"
Me and y/n played games, walk around, played with the pets and shop a little but now we're getting ready. I put a outfit and masked on.

 I put a outfit and masked on

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My Prince Charming Toffee (Toffee x Reader) - S1-2 - [Hold]Where stories live. Discover now