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It was a normal day but Star just told Marco and y/n that someone special will be here soon. Y/n help Marco make some food while Star get her room clean. She creates a black hole on the ceiling to suck in her bed. Marco and y/n enters the room with an armful of food. Y/n is 3 week pregnant. "Star Food's ready." Marco said. Star runs past holding laser puppies "Great! Put it on the table!"
Marco look concern "Whoa. Why is your room so clean?." He ask.
Star  takes sword away from laser puppies. "Not a chew toy. I have to make a good impression."
She shoves even more of her stuff into a treasure chest. "I'm not ready. I'm not ready! I can't believe this is happening!." Star uses her wand to give the chest wings. Marco and y/n look at each other then at Star "Ready for what?." They ask. Star's winged chest flies out through her bedroom window. "I'm being e-v-a-l-u-a-t-e-d."
Marco mutter "t-e-d... Ooh! "Evaluated"! Wait, why are we spelling words instead of saying them?." "That's my question too." Y/n is confused just like Marco.
"Yeah, it sounded kinda weird when it came out of my mouth. Anyway, my mom is sending someone to see how far along in my magic training I am since I got to Earth. Heh-heh." Star response. Marco and y/n doesn't see what wrong. "That doesn't sound so bad." "Yeah, beside what would happen if you fail? I bet it nothing bad." "Oh, sweet, simple Marco and
Y/n .If I fail, I could get sent back to Mewni." Marco and y/n are now shock. "What?!!"  "Which is why I need to clean, you need to cook and
Y/n you need to be supported." Y/n smile and give a thump up. "Don't worry I'm already on it." A black cloud from Mewni flies into the room and kicks up a strong wind. The black mist swirls into a large mass at the center of the room. Star yell "It's her!"
The black mist blows away to reveal Baby, a small cat-like creature with wings and a jewel on her forehead.
??? "Hello." Greet the with cuteness
Star, y/n and Marco "Awww."
??? "I'm here to evaluate a one Star Butterfly." Star respond "I'm a one Star Butterfly. And you must be Baby." Baby look at snack table "Oh! Food!" Marco show her the food and greet her with respect. "Yes, I prepared this spread for you, Miss Baby. Please help yourself to any—"
Baby turns into a black cloud and quickly devours the food on the table before returning to cat form. Y/n was shock but also amazed. Baby asked for more. "That took me all day to make." Star strain "Pleeeeaaaase?"
Marco didn't want to but he wanted to help his friend.  "...I would love to make you more." He leaves the room. Star felt bad and look at y/n. She understood and went to help Marco.
Star try to make small talk. "So, your Baby-ness, how does this evaluation work?" "How do you think it should work?."  "Uh, I don't know. I could show you my room." Baby agreed.
"Soooo... this is my room."
"Really?" "Oh, yeah, yeah, and it's pretty much always this clean. I'm super organized." Baby point at something. "What's that?."  Star ask "Huh? What's what?" Beanbag stands in the middle of Star's room. Star got a little scared. "Oh, that!." *Whisper to Beanbag* "You were supposed to hide!" Then talk to Baby " Oh, that's just Beanbag. Come say hi, Beanbag. Beanbag, say hi to Baby." Beanbag barfs some of Star's stuff onto the floor. "Aw, crud." Baby write on her clipboard "Hmm. Interesting." Star laughs nervously. "Yeah, totally. Hey, maybe we should go downstairs and check on Marco. You know, see how the snacks are coming." Baby point again "What's that?." She point at Star's closet of secrets. "Oh! Oh, that? Oh, no. *chuckles* No, nothing. That's my secret closet. Boooo-riiiing. For things that, you know, I don't want people to... *sighs*" Baby flies past Star toward closet.  Star freak out. "No, wait! Don't!." Baby opens the closet door, and she and Star look inside. Giant piles of Star's stuff lay strewn about the closet interior, including Toffee's finger in the middle of the floor. Baby writes on clipboard "Interesting..." "Heh. Oh, you... you think that's interesting?" "Oh, yes. Very interesting." Star slyly "Very interesting... Hey, Baby, want to see my wand?" Baby looks at the wand's faceplate. Her face is normally reflected in the cleaved star piece, and her reflection has green eyes on the hollow side. "Hmm. It looks so different from your mom's." "Yeah, it's cool, right? Wait right there. *runs off then return* I have something else to show you. *runs off then returns* You're gonna love it. *runs off then return again*" Baby writes on clipboard again.  Star reveals her notebook of spells "This is something I have been working very hard on. My own spell book!" "Oh. That looks interesting, too."  Star gasps "Really?! I made it myself." Baby opens the notebook, and a lot of glitter falls out.
Baby yet once again said Interesting. Like she couldn't said anything else. Star Yeah, isn't it pretty? I only used, like, five pounds of glitter.
Marco enters with a tray of drinks.
Marco asked "Who wants refreshments?" Y/n carry more food. "There some chips too." Baby rushes past Marco and y/n as a black cloud and consumes the drinks and cups.
Marco go to Star and whisper. "How's it going?" Star respond "Interesting?"
Y/n ask "What does that mean?"
Star shrug "I don't know but go get more food."  Marco and y/n said "Yeah, yeah, okay. More food." They walks away.  Baby fly to Star "Now, Ms. Butterfly, how is your spellcasting?" "My spells? Oh, they're great. My spells are awesome."
"Good. Would you bring me that apple, please?" Star was bewildered "...What apple?." An apple appears on the desk next to Star. She picks up apple carries it to Baby. Baby shake her head no "No. I mean, bring me that apple, please... with magic." "Oh! Right! No, no, of course. *blows raspberry.*" Star sets apple back on desk. "Narwhal Blast!." Star casts Narwhal Blast on the apple. A narwhal impales the apple on its horn and slams into the wall behind Baby. Baby pulls the narwhal out of the wall, and it poofs away, leaving only the apple. Baby pick up the Apple. "Not quite." "Oh, no?" "I want a whole apple, not an apple with a hole."  The holed apple disappears, and another apple appears on the desk. Baby told Star Try again. Star chuckle "Ohhhh! Oh, oh, oh. Gotcha. totally. No problem at all. Totally. That is totally something I am capable of doing. Winter Storm Hyper Blow!." Star blasts the apple with frigid air. The air covers Baby in frost and turns the apple into crumbly ice. Another apple appears next to Star. She try to joke around "Did you want that damaged or undamaged? Undamaged it is. Right, of course. Makes sense." Star cast another spell Mystic Suck Portal!. Star opens a small black hole that sucks in the apple. Another black hole opens in front of Baby, and the apple falls out, splatting on the floor. The black hole gets wider, and some of Star's stuff falls out. The black hole gets even wider, and Star's bed falls out.
Baby writes on clipboard.  Star scoff. "All right, that's enough practice. Here it comes." She summons a minotaur to carefully carry the apple over to Baby. The apple slips out of the minotaur's hands, and he accidentally steps on it. Baby writes on clipboard.
Star whimpers "All right, this time for real." As Star casts more spells, the scene cuts to Marco making sandwiches in the kitchen. Drops of water start falling from the ceiling. Marco and y/n looks up. "Wet ceiling?" "I'll go check what up?." Y/n go up to Star's room. Upstairs, Star's room is flooded with water, and a magically summoned shark swims past Baby and eats the apple. Baby writes on clipboard. Star speaking indistinctly. Star uses her magic to drain the water out of the room, and another apple appears next to her. Just in time for  Y/n open the door and get wet. Baby writes on clipboard. Y/n walk in "hi! I'm just here to check how is everything going and to tell you that the food is almost ready." Star thanks y/n and runs up to Baby freaking out. "Okay, no-no-no, seriously. I swear, I can do this." Star blasts the apple with green magic, and it turns into a flat mushy fruit. Another blast, and it turns into an oblong pear. Baby is surprised by the green color of Star's magic. y/n is very worry for her friend because she know Star is having negative energy or feeling. "T-That's not... It just does that sometimes." Star blasts the apple again, and it turns into a green banana. When she blasts it again, it pops like a balloon. Baby still writing on her clipboard.  Star is sweating. "Let me try again." "Huh! Before she does can she take a deep breathe and a time to cool down. All this is nerve racking for her and she's really trying her best." Y/n put a her hand on Star's shoulder comforting her. Star smile at her friend. Baby stop writing and look at them "There no need. I've seen everything I need to see. Thank you."
Baby turns into a black cloud and flies past Star and Y/n.  Star and y/n mouth open wide. "B-B-But, hey! Hold up!." Star ran to baby. Star stops Baby before she leaves. "How'd I do?." She ask. Baby flip through her clipboard pages. "Hmm. Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Ahhh. ...You failed. Goodbye." Baby turns into a black cloud again and flies toward the window. Star is in shock. "What? Failed?. So t-this was all j-j-just a waste of time?." "Couldn't you just give her another chance? She didn't have time to focus. She was just nervous. That understandable, right?." Baby stops in front of the window and slowly turns around.
Baby stare at look y/n. "I already given her many chances and she failed all of them." Then she look at Star. "Princess, would you like me to read you the results of my evaluation? Let's see. It tells me you have a closet full of secrets." Star try to cut her off. "But what does that have to do with—?"
Baby interrupt her "While under your care, your wand – the single most important heirloom of the Butterfly dynasty – was broken. You lost the sacred book of spells and replaced it with a college-ruled notebook! And lastly, your spellcasting is so undisciplined and unstructured that you're incapable of performing basic magic! You can't even bring me an apple!." Marco returns with a plate of more sandwiches. "Who wants sandwiches?." Baby look at him and in a deep, monstrous voice told him to GET OUT!. Marco immediately closes the door. Baby look at Star again. "Your Highness... you failed!." Star got really sad knowing she won't be able to stay with Marco, Y/n and won't be able to be there for the baby when they got here. "No, no, no. If I failed, that means... I have to go home."
Baby still give her a glare look. "That's not my problem." Star looks dejected, then determined. She raises her wand over her head and starts focusing her magic. When she fires at the apple again, her magic comes up as a blend of green and pink. Star and Baby wait to see what Star's magic does, and it splits the apple into two halves. Star turns away from Baby, ashamed. Y/n frown and hug her. Baby  continue to leave. "Goodbye, princess." Star said nothing. A seed in one of the apple halves starts growing into a tree. Marco slowly reenters the room with a baseball bat. When he sees the tree, he stares in shock and drops the bat.
Y/n see the seed now turn into a tree. She felt negatively but also positive energy and that's when she knew evil and goodness can blend together. She smile sweetly and softly thinking of Toffee those time she spend with him and the thought of telling him she's pregnant with his child felt so heartwarming. Marco gasps softly with amazed. Star watches as her tree grows to immense size. One of the tree's branches produces an apple that falls in front of Baby. She catches the apple in her hand. Baby in shock and amazed said It's perfect. Marcowalk in. "Does this mean she gets to stay?."
Baby turns to face Star, y/n and Marco... and she smiles. Star returns the smile. Turning into a black cloud, she devours the sandwiches on Marco's plate before flying back to Mewni. Marco relieved sigh. "I knew you'd do great." He hugs Star with
Y/n. Star hugs Marco back. "Thanks, Marco." Sigh in relief. "Hey! You know what this means?." Marco and Star back up and look at her. "What?" They both ask. "Star get to stay and see the baby being born." She put her hands on her stomach rubbing it gently with a motherly love smile. Star gasp. "You're right. I'll get to be here with the baby!." She got down to y/n's stomach level and talk to it in baby talk. "You hear that little one~ your aunt Star will be staying with you and help your mommy out~." Marco and y/n chuckle. Star then look out the window at the sky with happiness, her winged chest flies past the window with a flock of geese.
Butterfly Castle in Mewni
Baby gives her report to King and Queen Butterfly in the dining hall.
Babychew on the apple. "Well, she has a closet full of secrets, a broken wand, a notebook containing her own spells, and she doesn't know basic magic." Queen Butterfly look sad. "So... she failed." King Butterfly reaches for a bowl of cupcakes next to Baby, but Baby smacks his hand with a wooden spoon. King Butterflyfalls down to the floor. Baby corrected her. "No, my queen. Star is nowhere near your skill level at her age. She's far beyond it. In fact, I haven't seen anything like this... *eats cupcake*...since Queen Eclipsa." King Butterfly, after wincing in pain, sits up with his eyes widen in shock. "Monster love...!" Queen Butterfly gasps. Queen Butterfly looks up at the Butterfly family portrait. Camera slowly zooms in on Star before fading to a shot of Eclipsa's.
Back with Earth
"So when should do we know if it a boy or girl?." Star ask. "Not now because the baby is still developing and still need to wait a bit more but we do need to know if the baby is healthy." Marco explains. "I do want to know if he or she healthy but I'm scared. What if they need to tell my parents?!." Marco reassure her they won't because him and Star will make sure that won't happen. Three of them hug again.

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