Star and Marco losing it

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3rd Pov
(Back on earth)
Star and Marco had to go to school today even though they didn't want to. They wanted to go out look for   Y/n and they promised Y/n's parents but they couldn't miss school. Luckily it was Friday. That why they're plan was after school there're going to look for Y/n back on Mewni. Through out the day Star had trouble concentrating in school today, the reason behind the broken phone and the whereabouts of her best friend were still fresh in her mind. Marco took notice of Star's unusually quiet behavior, and decided to talk to her about it even though he know why and he's also upset about his best friend. School was finally over and the final bell rang, Marco caught up with Star at the bus stop. "Hey Star, you okay?" "Yeah, I guess. I'm just-" Star paused and looked toward the end of the street. A look of bafflement appeared on her face, "Marco, am I seeing things?" Marco then became confused, and looked in the same direction as Star. Star saw y/n leaning against the wall next to the road. "Impossible." Star whispered as she started walking down the street, and Marco soon followed. "Umm.......Star where are you going? We need to go find Y/n" Marco said. They stopped across the street, "Hey, y/n. It me and Marco. How did you escape? We miss you so much. Wanna hang out?" Star asked. Y/n barely nodded, avoided eye contact with either of them and not saying something. "Star are you alright?." Marco said with worried. "What do you mean? It y/n she's right front of you" Star point but to Marco he sees nothing. "What are you talking about?" "But bu-" Star look at y/n but only to see there no one there, she blink with confusion and sadness in her eyes. "No, but she was right there" "no Star it was only from your imagination. I'm sorry" He put his hand on her shoulder. Star sigh. "I know how you feel. I miss her to but we are going to find her" Marco hug her and she hug back. "I really mess up big time. You got kidnap by Toffee then Y/n got-hey how did y/n got kidnap before?" Star and Marco walk home. "Good question. It all stared Mewnipendence day I haven't seen her the next day and we always hang" "how could we have not noticed?" "I don't know" "then when I went to rescue you, y/n was there *gasp* How could I not known" "what?" Marco ask. "Y/n was with you right?" He nod and she continue "Toffee captured you well the fly guy did but anyway you saw y/n, so that have mean Toffee kidnap y/n just like you" "*gasp* your right. Y/n was there before I was. He captured y/n on Mewnipendence day but how?" They got home and went to Star room. "Who knows but we'll going to Mewni" She use her dimension scissor and they went through the portal. Star stared to walk with Marco. He notice Star face expectation, she look serious and focus. "Star?" He ask She didn't answer. "Where are going?" He ask again. "To ludo castle, there have to be something to tell us Toffee took her and I'm not going to stop for anything" she walk past Marco. "How many time do I have to tell you? It not your fault and you think I'm okay? I'm not I miss her too and angry at Toffee too" he explain. She stop and look at him. "I get okay. It not my fault but she's with that lizard monster who took you and y/n away from me. I almost lost you and I'm not going to lose her too plus we promise we'll get her back so are you in or out?!" "Of course I'm in . I'm not going to let that lawyer take our best friend away from us and we're in to this together" he grabbed her hands and look at with a weak smile. She smile back. "Come on let go" they walk toward Ludo castle once stood. After 3 minutes, they made it and everything looked the same. Star and Marco slid down the hole then looked for clues but nothing, it was the same. Marco walk out of the hole and look around while Star was down there. He walk around, look through rocks and rubble but still nothing until he saw what look like prints. Like someone was sitting on the dirt and some foot prints walking away but the prints were fading. Marco gasp "Star look!". Star ran up "what is it Marco?" "Look what I found" he point at the foot print. She look and gasp "two different foot and it look like it going that way but it fading". "Ya but look carefully" Marco explain. Star look carefully and her eyes widen. "Omg that's y/n's foot prints but how can you be sure?"
"I know that those foot prints anywhere and that her favorite shoe, that definitely y/n" Marco explain. "Your right, how could I not saw that. Well now we know she's alive and where to look". She started walking. "Umm Star where are you going?" "Where does it I'm going" "but the tracks are gone and we don't even know if it going that way" "I don't care, we have to try" "I would love to and trust me I would do anything for her but at least think for a second we might get lost" "I have dimensions scissor" "but if we go through it. It might take us to another dimension" "you are not listening" "no you are not listening to me" They argue back and forth no stop. Star walk to her own path and Marco stayed behind. Things weren't going well for them y/n would always be there to fix things and helping out, sure they fought before over a sandwich but this is different. Star walk around going straight then left than right. She stop and sit down. She decided to use the dimension but then she remembered about Marco and so she went back but she lost her track "nooo! Marco *sigh* I guess he was right" She heard a scream and look behind her. Marco running away from a snake but Star stop it. "Marco" "Star I came looking for you" "you have?" "Yes. I lost a friend and I'm not losing another and your right we have to try harder to get y/n back" Marco said. Star hug him and thank him. They hug it out. "Why can't we tell your mom?" Marco ask. "What?no! I can't when she ask me if there was anything else and I said no, she'll know I lied and send me to St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses. I know it might sound selfish but I want to proof to her I can do things and I can't let y/n down" Star Cries. Marco hug her "okay we won't tell her but if we can't find her or if something happen we have to tell your mother okay?" "Yes" "good now let's go home" Marco said. "I'm still kinda mad at Marco" "oh same here". Star use the dimension scissor, a portal open up and they went in. Got into their pj's and went to bed but can't stop thinking what just happened and about y/n.

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