Finally a little break

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"I found this in the closet"  "I bought that for you, I thought you might want more clothes" "oh well thank you" you blush. "Why are being......nice? If you don't mind me asking but you would yell or threaten me" "you are a lady and it would be wrong of me but I guess I don't have patience" "lucky for you I do" you give a close eye smile. "Go rest you are in no condition to work" "so I'm still your servant?" "Yes" "oh" "I'm going to the library" "can I come? I don't have anything to do" "sure" "thanks" you two walk in the library and it's huge "wow it's big" you look around with big eyes and sparkles in your eyes. "There are some books that are in English" he pick a book called 'humans! And all to know about them, female addition!' But you didn't see. "I didn't know you like to read" "heheh actually I don't but I got nothing to do" "well I don't have a problem" "hey actually do have anything about art?" You run around looking for art book. "I do and it's over there" he points. You go over but there are so many books "I'm sorry Toffee but I can't find it" he goes over then grabbed the art book and hand it over to her. "Here you go" he turn around walk toward the couch and sat down. You go over toward toffee. "Is there another couch?" "No" he said in monotone "oh so where do I-" before you could continue he stops you. "Just sit" he doesn't look up "will I fit?" You were so nervous. "Sit" he growl so you just sat down. Once you sat down you open the book and start reading. Toffee would sometimes glance at you, he can see you really enjoy reading and he smiles. You two were reading for almost a hour. "Toffee what are you reading?" "I'm reading about poisons" "oh" it was quiet for few seconds "why don't we go for a little walk plus I need to see someone" he starts walking toward the door and open it for you. You two walk outside. It was quiet. "Who do you need to see?" "A friend and I thought you might want some fresh air plus you get to see how we monsters live" he didn't look at you. "I have been curious" you put your hands on your chin. Soon there was a village. There was small building and a lot of different monsters walking, some were staring at you. You felt uncomfortable. You stayed close to him because of fear. Toffee wrapped his tail around you "stay near, okay? Some are dangerous" you were totally scared now. Toffee bought you where he was the last time and go to the bartender "do you want anything?" He ask you and you nod "one swamp drink and one water pleas" he told the bartender. "Here you two go" he gave you two your drinks. He lean in to take a better look at you and chuckles "you two look a odd couple, so mewni? You do look pretty" you put your head down and look the other way "shy?" You blush. "Yes she is and no, she from earth" toffee drink his drink "you got yourself a nice one" "she my servant" "nothing wrong about that, oh another customer bye you two have fun" he wink at you two. "Don't listen to him" he sat on the chair "sit here" you sat down and starts drinking. "Hey! Toffee" the same monster he met came over. "It's good to see you here" "it's good to see you too" "and who is this little lady?" "The girl I was telling you about". You turn to Toffee and stare at him with shock. 'He talked to about me' "she's sure is surprised" you blush. "What are you guys doing here anyway?" He ask. "We are here for a walk and to get something I need" "like?" "I was reading a book about poisons and there one I want to try" you Just stayed quiet. Toffee payed and got up as you just finished your drink. "Come on y/n, we are leaving" you got up then the monster grabbed your hand and kiss it. "It was nice meeting you, y/n right?" You nod. Toffee grabbed you and dragged you away from him. You were outside. "Let's go now" "okay" you said quietly. Toffee soon found a poison store, he open the door and you guys went in. "Ah welcome you two, ahhh a mewniman!" The sea bunny pirate said "No, she's from earth" "oh, well come on in and what can I ya for" Toffee look at you "stay right here" he said in a command voice. You nod and see him walk toward the bunny pirate. "Anything to make mewberty poison" "yaa I see, I'll go get it right for ya" "thank you" he bought it out and gave it to Toffee in a bag. He payed it then he walked to you but saw a young monster leaning against a wall and talking to you. The monster was a wizard dragon. You listen but you were shy so you barely talked. You smile a little and laugh too, so did the guy you were talking to. Then a dark figure was next to you. "Well what is going on here?" Your eyes widen and gulp. "Hey dude I was just talking to this young lady, she looked lonely and a little lost" he said "well thank you but we are leaving" toffee glare a little at him. "Is she with you?" Toffee nod. The dragon look at you "well it was nice to talking to you y/n, oh and lucky for you I just finished making a poison that can help with your shyness" he gave it to you. "But you don't have to, me talking to already did. It just takes time but thank you" you two stare at each other then "yes thank you now let's go" Toffee rolls his eye. "Bye hallmark" "bye y/n" you both smile. You and Toffee walk out. "Well you two enjoyed each other company" he sounds annoyed "it was quiet and boring, he saw me and we talked" you put your head down then saw the bag "what's in there?" "None of your business" "oh" "*sigh* come there's mall and we can get some grocery" "cool!" You two got to the mall. There were dresses, pants, shorts, shoes, shirts, tank tops and many more. Toffee actually got you some more clothes and he even got some for himself. Still a lot of monsters would stare at you. Then both of you went to grocery. Got some to make lunch. You were smiling the all time and Toffee smiles too. It been 2 hours and it was fun but Soon you were tried. You two went home and went to sleep in her room, toffee did the same.

My Prince Charming Toffee (Toffee x Reader) - S1-2 - [Hold]Where stories live. Discover now