How I met Star

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(B/n)-brother name
(S/n)-sister name
Y/n Pov
I was done washing my hands. I went to the dining room and see Toffee cleaning so I decided to help since made breakfast for us. I look for a mop and picked it up. Toffee notice me mopping the floor. "What are you doing?" He asks. "I'm helping" I said. "Why?" He ask again. "To thank you for the meal and I also wanted to ask you some questions" I said. "Well your welcome, you didn't have to help me and you could have ask me" he replied. "Sometimes at home or a friend house I would help out, I guess it's a habit *chuckle*" "*chuckle* good to know" I was done mopping the floor. "Where's the kitchen?" "This way" Toffee points the way. "Thank you" I went to wash the dishes.
3rd Pov
While y/n was washing the dishes, Toffee was cleaning the table. After a while they were finish cleaning. They went to the living to rest. "Hey Toffee" " yes" "I have question" "ask me" "but at Ludo castle when it exploded, how did we survive?" Y/n asked. "Oh that, well I'm immortal remember and you say my arm grow when Star blast me." "Right I remember that." 'So, hot.....wait what!' I shake my head. "Your alright?" He asked. "Ya I'm fine, thanks for asking" I replied. "No problem" it was quite for a little while. Y/n look down then look at toffee. "How did you got this dress for me and how-oh the all seeing eye, I forgot sometimes." "There actually some stores here and it fine"he said. "So do you have any siblings or family? Why do hate Star's family? and how did you know the whispering spell was the first spell that Star's mother taught her?" Y/n slightly glare at him. "To many questions my dear but no and it's really none of your business." He answered. "Oh come on! How did you know?" "No! And that final" y/n sigh
And looked away. "Sorry" "it's fine" "so do you have any siblings?" "Actually ya, a brothers/sisters (if your an only child, just say you don't have siblings) his/her name are b/n-s/n". "How old?" "He's/she's (age)" "good to know" "Toffee I just want to get to know you" "*sigh* fine  I guess we can talk but I won't tell you everything, understood?" "Yes" "well since you know I'm immortal so I live longer, grow part of my body, I used to have a family but again I'm not going in to detail. I hate the butterflies family for reasons and for a while I've been alone with no one" Toffee said while looking at y/n. "You don't have to tell me everything I get it, for the butterflies family. I remember Star being so excited but me and Marco thought it was unfair and to be honest it was" she looked at him and continue "now I think Star is starting to think clearly now, *chuckle* the first time I met her in my classroom when Miss. Skullnick was upset about her being lonely and she tried to help her.....aand she want to get an A+ like Marco and I.
(Y/n pov and flashback)
"hey Marco" I walked up to him. " hey y/n" Marco answered "oh hiii" Star waved her hand and jumped in front of her. "I'm Star Butterfly and I'm from another dimension" showed her wand. "Ya I know, a lot of people have been talking a lot about you" "*gasp* really?!" "Ya" "oh you haven't met the coolest guys, Alfonso and Ferguson"  I laughed a little bit the girl he was talking to didn't she slap him and his stomach. "They're usually cooler" Mar said "psst ya right" I said "I need to fix Ferguson up" Star commanded "no" We both said. I see Jackie skateboarding. "*gasp* Jackie Lynn Thomas" Marco had hearts in his eyes. "Hey Star butterfly" she waved. "Hii Jackie" Star wave back. I don't really talk to anyone because I'm shy. I only talk to Alfonso, Ferguson, Marco and now Star. ' finally another girl' "*gasp* I need to fix you up" shakes Marco. "What" "and you y/n" "noo" "oh come on I'm almost as good match making as I am with magic" Star wand blast Marco face. "I'm good"
In the classroom
Star was writing on her desk and I was sitting behind Star. "Look look look it's my name with a star inside of a butterfly and two Stars outside and a spider" BANG Miss Skullnick look mad then ever. "As you can see class most of you did a terrible job" she pass out paper. "Not mee, I got a F for fantastic" star showed us her paper. "That an F for fail" "uh" "what? Don't you have tests on mewni?" Marco asked. Star was confused. "So What grade did you guys get "only the grade you can get a A+ with a smiley face" Marco smile wide "I got a A- with a smiley face" I smile wide. "Ooo I want the best on to" Star walked to miss skullnick. Marco and I tried to stop her. They were talking then Star made a spell to make her 'attractive' but instead she turns her into a troll. Everyone cheered and miss skullnick was freaking out. Star tried to turn her back the next thing we knew. We were at Marco house. "Aahhhh" Miss Skullnick screamed. "Uh where are we?" "You just zap us back to the house " he yelled "ohhh I wish I knew how I did that, it really could come in handy when I don't feel like using my legs" "lighting change back"   Miss Skullnick screamed, yelled and cried. So we roped her to the chair and the floor was flooded. "Please don't cry Miss Skullnick" "Star we can't keep stalling, your mom will know how to reverse the spell" "no I can't ask for help, if my parents find out they're send me to St. Olga *scream and scream." "Star are you done" I asked "almost and *scream* now I'm done" Star finally stop. "Look Star you just need to get the information without her knowing, you know just dance around the truth" Marco said "I'm a great dancer" Star started dancing to her mirror "he didn't mean it literally" I said. Star was talking with her mom as Marco and I tried to calm down Miss Skullnick down but then she ran to the window and jumped. "What happen?!" Start yelled "she jumped out the window!!" We both yelled back. We all jumped on Miss Skullnick then monsters. Star blasted the monsters with her wand and Marco fought the monsters with karate as I didn't know what to do. Then I see this bull man thing and Skullnick looking at each other like they found love, yuck. Star went to to Skullnick and Marco by himself!. I threw a rock to them. They look at me then ran toward me "aahhhh" I screamed. Marco fought some of the monsters as I ran and tried to fight them. Star said a spell and made a big blast. Marco and I was covered with dirt and some small fire was everywhere. Soon Ludo and his monsters open a portal and left. Skullnick and the bull man was all lovely dovely. "Yuuck"we both said "Oooo" Star said with stars in her eyes. "So now that I hook you up, how about that A?" "Honey please I'll give you a A+ if I wasn't a teacher" she started walking. "But what about my A?!" "Try studying" Skullnick said "true" Marco was making noise.
Next Morning
Star was telling the students what happened yesterday. They all cheered.
For her and pushed us out of the way. "Wow Star, that rad girl" "thanks but Actually it's Marco and y/n that deserve all the credit" push us toward to them. "Really? That awesome" Jackie was impressed "*giggles" Marco blushes "Actually they both did I didn't really do so much, I'm telling the truth *giggles*" they all cheered and we all smile. Then out off no where Skullnick fell "Miss Skullnick what are you doing here?!" I asked "he dup me! I think I don't know, I couldn't understand him!" She was mad. "Welcome back Skullnick" "get ready for the worst pop quiz of your life's!" "Oh come" "not fair" now everyone hates us. "I'm sorry Marco and y/n" Star apologize "Are you kidding that the most Jackie ever talked to me" "that true" " *gasp* then that mean I'm even better at match making then I am at magic" her wand blast Marco face again.
(End of flashback)

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