Dream/memories-Brittney's party/St. Olga's Reform school for Wayward Princess

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Y/n's Dream/Memories
It was just another day at school. Of course if it mean Star getting all of the attention but to be honest I didn't want that. I was hanging out with Marco talking and laughing. I look up and see a Blimp about Brittney birthday and that when I knew that not going to be fun. I ignore that and talk with Marco. That when Star came in running and yell "Y/n! Your coming over to our house now!!" She grab my arm and drag me. "Whoa! Star stop dragging me!" I tell at her back but she didn't listen so I just let her drag me.
~Time Skip~
When we got to Marco house that when she told us that Brittney invited us to her party. I see Star got changed and drag me and Marco outside. "That's so weird that Brittney invited us to her birthday" Marco said. "I know right and all she wanted is a flying pig" she said with excitement and Marco look bored and so was I. I sigh and said "Star she didn't mean it! That not even an invitation, we're not invited" I goan/yell. Star gasp and point "the party bus" she said while trying not to jump with excitement "party bus?" We see a party bus coming then I remember Marco get car sick. Star use her wand to blast us on the bus and we hear something terrible then we fell in. "See that was way more fun then taking the stairs *gasp* Oohh a Little tiny hat" she push me and Marco off her when she saw the tiny little hat on Brittney. She stand up "I can make those" she use her wand and made a hat just like Brittney's. "Star Butterfly what are you doing here?" Brittney was mad. "Nothing yet I just got here" Star duct herself. I got up and dust myself then I see Marco still on the floor next to Jackie "1...2..3..1" "Marco what are you doing?" Marco was doing push-ups I think but he look up and see Jackie stand front of him and he gasp, he just stayed like that for a little bit until the bus stop and he look sick. I faceplam "oh no" I knew poor Marco won't make it through this so I went to him and help him up. "Cool it Marco" I whisper to him. I see Brittney arguing with the bus driver. "Okay now for my invited guest, who wants to watch me open my presents?~" she was excited about the presents. "I'm waiting" she flip her hair while Star, Marcia and Me just standing there and everyone else cheered when she flip her hair but it was all fake the cheers.
"Something tells me that we weren't invited" "Star you just realize that?" "Ya that possible, let just get off at the next bus stop" "I agree with Marco, Brittney doesn't like us" " we can't do that these people are missable, they need us now" Star just realize what was going on but she didn't want to go because she wanted to help everyone to be happy. "Star you-*gasp*" Marco was about to say something but the bus stop and he look like he's about to barf. "Are you feeling okay?" "Ya you aren't feeling so well? I knew this would happen" Star and and I ask Marco if he's okay. "I told you I get motion sickness, don't worry I just need to sit here stare at this window and never turn my head" He sit on a stool and put his hands on his head and goan. "You did that homiee while I get this party staaarted" she push Marco. "Who put a swill char on a bus" the bus ramp through a bump ramp and the chair moved "aahhh with wheels..Seriously?!" The chair move away me while I watch him just increased he feel sick again but also I was watching Star for she doesn't get us in trouble. I heard a noise and see Marco fell I ran to him and help him up "are you okay Marco?" "Ya" I hear people cheering, I look up and see one of the laser puppy made words that spell 'Happy Birthday Brittney' and she hated it. Marco try to go to Jackie but someone stop him. Man I feel so bad for Marco "you better not throw up Marco Diaz".  Brittney stop him from barfing and he swoll it "ugh this party is a disaster" Brittney complain. I sigh. "Heeyyy Brittney I know how to make your party more fuun" she made the bus into a jumper or bouncy. Everyone jump and cheering and laughing, even I was having fun jumping. Star went up to Brittney and ask "isn't this fun Brittney? Better idea!" We went up to the roof and she made a hot tub everyone jump in but Brittney wasn't having fun. Star and I went back down. She was upside down on the couch and I sit down next to Marco. Poor Marco. "Oh Marco it hard work to make everyone happy" she complain. "Agh can you make my stomach happy?" He goan. Soon the bus stop and made Marco, Star and me fall. "Finally the end of the line for the princess, puck boy and the help. Now get out of my bus!" We got yelled at by Brittney. "Help?! I'm no help you spoiled blob!" I yelled at her back "finally thank you" Marco said happily. He got out first, take deep breathe "ahhh fresh air" then breathe out "smells like........monsters?" Star and I were shock. "Get them!" Ludo command. We got in the bus "*gasp* what is going on here?!" We ignore Brittney "three eye potato baby take the wheel!" He command again, That monster started to drive. We all fell except for Star. "What your game?" "I'm gonna bus jack this buusss" "what?!" I yelled "that a stupid plan Ludo" Star said "it's a great plan, shut up....just.....just get her!" Monster chased her. "Agh Star the worst" Brittney sit next to Ludo while I was on the floor. "I know right" they talked "I hope you destroy her" she goan "thank you, that is so nice" he said excited. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Star is gonna die and this pip squeak can kill you too!" I yell at Brittney and point at ludo then Continue "everyone is loving your party you and they are evil!!" Brittney "whatever" she flip her hair "I so want to choke you so bad right now" I muttered. I see ludo eating the clams and I smirk 'just wait until later ludo' "Marco, y/n get the wheel"  I knew Marco couldn't do it so I went up to the monster, hit him and take the wheel. I saw the portal and I turn it but the bus flew up and flips then fell being crushed. Everyone ran out being unattached but for the monster they her hurt. Marco ran to the trash can and barf. Soon ludo ran and barf too. I wanted to barf too by seeing that "yuck!" I yelled Jackie was saying "sick, party animals" while everyone was saying to Brittney that her party was awesome but she still didn't like us. "Well that party was the jam and it rocks!" I explained "ya. You know If ever I have a party your going to be my party planner" Marco said "mine too. You sure know how to plan it" I gave her an thumb up.

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