Mr.Candle and i'm missing Toffee

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Y/n Pov
Everyone in the school was waiting to see Mr. Candle for Career Day. Oscar just got out playing with his keyboard. "Mr.Candles said I'm going to be a musician" a guy from swim team said "sweet! I got champion swimmer" they fist bumb "I was going to get dressed but now I don't need to"
I gave a 'say what face' Star seem excited. "Wow! Everyone is getting really awesome careers" Marco said. "I wonder what mine? I mean Art is number one for me and teaching or a day care center work for me" I look at him smiling "I can't wait what our future holds" Star had her hands in her mouth while talking. Star went next. While me and Marco wait for her we talk. "So what to hope to get Marco?" "I don't know but I really hope it's really cool" "me too. I never really thought about it" "well maybe Mr.Candle will know" "ya, you're right" "I'm always an" I roll my eyes playfully. We see Star walking out but she seem sad. "So how did it go?....or we can catch up later" "just what did she get and what did Mr.Candles said to her?" Marco went in while I wait my turn. Soon it was my turn. Star and Marco Waited for me outside. I sat down and Mr.Candle look though my record "Y/n help yourself some candy" I took one and put in my pocket since I don't like to eat front of people while talking in the same time. "Thank you" "well Everything seem right and normal. So have you given any thoughts on your future or career?" "Well at first a Vet but to much studying in college so I thought a animator or a artist" "well it seem in your record in art class you are doing an amazing job" "I do love art. I guess it just runs in the family" he nod and hum. "Have you given thoughts on your futureself?" "I guess just that" "really? Well maybe it's about time you go on dates" I was shock. "Date? B-but I'm no good" I immediately got shy and it got me thinking me dating mean Toffee is out of my mind for good. Sure he may kidnap me and sorta mean but he change and I know what you think I have a disorder that made me fall for him it may seem that way but no, I fell in love with him and now the counselor is saying me to date someone else. "Oh come you're a pretty girl any guy would happy to be with you. It's never to late to find that special someone. Like your friend out there Maro. After all, you don't want to be by yourself for years with no one and it'll give you an a chance to be more open. In your record said you're always quiet but maybe a boyfriend will help" I glance away thinking what he said. I was finish and walk out. Marco and Star walk up to me. Marco ask "so what did you get?" "I got f/c (your favorite career)" "oh that cool" he was happy that I got my favorite career. "I don't know if I should tell them about the date talk Mr. Candle told me" "so What did you two got?" I decided not to tell them and focus on them. "I got Queen of mewni" Star reply emotionless I hug her since I knew that what she didn't want that. "I got Garbage island" Marco said grumpily. "Wait what?" "Yeah! Can't you believe it!. What the use taking honors classes if it get you send to the middle of no where!" We walk to Star locker and Marco was just mad but I can understand that. "So don't go! At least you choice. Apparently anything in my future is being Queen" she open her locker then close it's and press her back on it. " ah man I would love to be queen" "uh Marco don't you mean king? Queen are girls and your no girl" Star goan and moan sad "you'll never have to think about what to wear, you have someone do that for you" I can still hear her moan and goan sad "people will just love you because they have to no matter how weird you are" "okay yeah now I can see why you don't want to be Queen" she nod. "You'll never have to bathe alone" "Marco please stop talking" oh boy she look like she was being beaten or something "okay. Stop there because I prefer bathing alone" "alone with Toffee........wait did I just said that?!" I close my eyes and shook my head to stop myself thinking about that. When I open them I saw Marco was gone "where did he go?" "I don't know and I don't least he stop talking" "well he'll be home soon and I'll text him we'll be at his house"
I was at Marco house with Star reading a book about how to be a queen and poor Star was...not happy and complaining a lot. "Wow you really really don't like it do you?" "How can I?! These women look so missable" I got worry. "I wish there was a way I can help" Star called her mom while I'm sitting on her bed watching. "What did you do?" I faceplam myself "seriously?" I whisper to myself. "What? Nothing yet *mumble* I would like to ask you something. Are you happy?" "Happy? What difference does that make?" "I...mean...I don't know do you have any waricons?" "Well by that look she doesn't seem happy at all" "jaffey (I have no idea what the guy name and I think I totally did not spell his name right lol) "you have nineteen my lady" "oh. Apparently I have nineteen" "oh sweet" Star got excitedly the news "but when you're queen you have no time for waricons" she look sad again "everything I'm telling you is in your guide book. You may want to look on hair care" Star rub her hair and I was just mad I cross my arm and glare at her which she didn't notice. "If you're going to be queen you'll have to look the part. Don't worry so much about happiness it make you look pale, love you bye" I seriously have no idea what is wrong with her. I see Star picking up a razor and had a mad crazy face. I kinda had a sense of what she was going to do but not really. "Star what on earth are you doing?" Star had Transform into an different person, I tried stopping her but I couldn't and the more she keep changing her look and her style the more she look like an Emo.
It was getting a little dark outside but I stayed to try keep Star doing anything bad and try to get her old self back. Marco came in on the carriage that Star went on Blood Moon. "Star I have something to tell you" Star look at Marco while sharpening her axe "whoo" "Thank god your here" I walk to him and grab his collar then Shake him "you have no idea what I've been trying to do to keep from doing crazy things. She lost it!" I stop shaking him and glare at him. Marco look a bit dizzy but then he stop and keep his balance. "Oh hey Marco did you know if you cut off a mermaid tail you can never be queen. It's all in the guide book" "see what I meant!" I shake him again. Marco grab my wrist and look at me with annoyance "first stop that!" Then look at Star with clam " Star you-you Don't have to do that" Star look relaxed and drop her axe "thank goodness I'm so sorry Triffany I need wanted to hurt you" she cried out. "Shameful" "Yup" A demon walk in. "Tom?!" "Wait so this is the Tom you told me about?" "Yeah. My ex" Star said. Tom look at me and wave "hi" I blink "you're a jerk" I said out loud. Marco snicker trying not to laugh. "Hey!" "Okay okay, what is going on?!" Star stop us from arguing. Tom approach her "I have something to Confess. I used Mr.Candle to try to get back with you and it took me destroying Marco 58 to 0 to realize I was wrong, like I killed him, I mean beating him was so easy" "okay they get it" Marco had enough with him talking "yeah, to much detail dude" I agree with Marco. "All I wanted to get you back but I never stop to think what you wanted...I'm sorry" Star smile and walk toward him only to punch his arm. He scream in pain. "You trick me...but it doesn't even make a difference. I'm still going to be Queen" Star scowl at him at first but turn away sad. "Yeah but that doesn't sound like a bad thing because you're going to run mewni your matter destructive" Marco reply. "He's right. Sure your family or other princess might or do hate being queen but the best of it is you will rule it how you want to not someone telling you what to do" We smile at her and she smile back. "That's true" she threw the book away and use her wand to make a waricon breaking her room. Three of us hug. "I should the way I like your hair" Tom comment on her hair. 'You got to be kidding me' Tom left and went back to the under world. "So you guess where hanging out?" "Uuhh yup" he didn't seem so sure. "Is he still dark and bloody" "oh yeah..but he's not so bad" "okay while you two were talking that waricon just broke the mermaid tank and I don't like him" "That your comment on all of this" Marco respond and I just shrug. "You're a fun kid y/n" Star smile and I smile back.
Next Day
It was normal but I don't know. Ever since the incident with Mr.Candle and tried to tell me to date Marco or someone, I just couldn't get it out of my head. Maybe I should date someone. It was a weird feeling but I would willing to try. I walk around and look around. Janna saw me and go up to me "hey y/n just the girl I was looking for" "me?" I was confused "ya listen, I heard what Mr. Candle said to you" "how?!" "You know me but anyway, I think I can help you with that" she grin and now I'm scared. "Umm no thanks" "oh come on! I got a guy who would love to get to know you" "no, If you're still trying to get me go into the bad side that isn't happening." Janna been trying to get me in the bad side for a while just being I'm quiet. "No no no, I just want to help beside since when was the last time you ever had a date?" She Maybe right but I couldn't tell her about Toffee and I never really dated anyone in earth not in a different demission. "I don't know Janna, I just don't feel comfortable with that idea" "this might be your last chance to ever go on a date" she grab both my shoulder and look into my eyes. I gave up "fine, I'll do it" "alright and luckily, he's here with me" "what?!" "We were hanging out but he been sad lately and that when I decided he needed a date and when I saw you I thought you two hit it off" I look at her so dumbfounded. She drag me at a table with her friend sitting there waiting.

(Ignore the cheek mark and the demission scissor) Janna wave at her friend "hey! Plag!" He look up from his phone and look at us a bored face "what?" He answer

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(Ignore the cheek mark and the demission scissor)
Janna wave at her friend "hey! Plag!"
He look up from his phone and look at us a bored face "what?" He answer. "Meet y/n, I thought you two want to talk, hang out or go on date like now" she forced me to sit on the chair and run away. I sigh and shook my head. "So....what do you like to for you" "I like to draw, hang out with my friends and family and take walk with my pets" "cool....what kind of pets?" "A puppy, cat and bunny" "oh....I have a snakes" "cool" I gave a nervous smile. I didn't really like snakes when I was younger. We haven't said anything else for a while, he was on his phone again. I was bored and look around while tapping my finger on the table. While I was looking around I see couple walking by and her boyfriend gave her flowers and gifts. Just like how Toffee gave me gifts. I frown but the one thing that made me miss Toffee even more was they kiss. I look down 'Toffee...I miss you. The couple remind me of us. Okay, I made my decision' "hey Plag" he look at me "Yeah?" Reply "Did you really wanted to go out with me or did Janna trick you or surprise you?" I ask "Both. I never wanted to date" he answer "she trick me too" he nod "well...I guess I'll just go" "okay" he got up and walk away. I just sat were I was and look at the couple who at enow far away from me. "So how did it go?" 'That voice isn't Janna' I turn around and it was Marco. "I saw everything" he continued. I rub back of my neck nervously and shyly "you did?" "Yup and why were you on a date with him? He's not your type" "it was Janna" "really?, her again?" He sigh "come on let go home" I got up and start walking with Marco. "So why did you?" "Janna said something to me that got me thinking about something. I might be alone forever" I look down sad. "That's not true. You're an amazing girl who can get any guy she wants" "yeah right?" I roll my eyes "don't say that. If I wasn't so into Jackie I would date you" I look at him shock. He continue "what? It's true" I snapped out of it "Marco I need to tell you something. Back in middle school I had a crush on you but I saw how you were in love with Jackie that I let it go because if that how you really feel about her strongly then I was willing to help get her" "wait you had a crush on me?!" I rub my arm and glance away "yeah but I don't anymore but hey that doesn't mean I'm like jealous or anything because I'm not. I'm happy and willing to help get your true love Jackie" he was shock but smile and hug me "see that what I'm talking about you're so kind, caring, protective and fun and you're willing to put others first before you. Any guy would want a girl like you" I smile and hug him back "thank you Marco. That really help" we pull away and walk to my house talking and laughing. We got home, Marco wave goodbye and walk away. When I got in Coco, Night and Snow jump on me. I giggle and remember Toffee giving me these little Angels. Soon it was getting dark and we all had dinner. I went to bed with my pets on my bed all snuggles up. I close my eyes and went to sleep. What I didn't know was that the mark i got by Toffee grabbing my arm was glowing.
I open my eyes and look around. "Where am I?" "Back home my dear" I gasp and see Toffee approaching. "Toffee?" "That's me" I ran and hug him. "Miss me?" I look at him seeing him smirk. I blush and he chuckle. "You're still blushing, that cute" I look away shyly and he kiss my cheek. My eyes widen "don't be shy" he grab my chin made me look at him. "You Know I miss you too" I smile softly "I miss you. You're my first date and my first love" "are you talking about me making love to you or me loving you" he smirk yet again with a raise eyebrow. I blush more remembering us making love. He kiss me and I kiss him back. "I love you Toffee" "I love you too Y/n"
Everything seem to be fainting "wait, what going on?" "I don't have enough power to keep us in her for love" "what?" "I'm sorry my love but next time I'll make you mine once again" he rub my cheek gently and kiss my forehead"
End of dreamland
I open my eyes and look around. "What?" I whisper to myself "how?" I touch my cheek then my lips and my forehead. I still can feel Toffee lips on mine and my cheek and forehead. It may be a dream but the kiss felt so real or maybe it was real. 'He said he'll make me his again, does he mean?" I blush and look at the moon wishing to see him again.
(I would like to give some credit to my friend for helping me with ideas on this chapter 😁)

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