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The small, bedroom window is open, and the fall breeze comes flying in, gently moving my hair from side to side.

I sit on his soft bed, waiting for him to enter his bedroom like so many times before.

I'll admit, I'm a little crazy over the boy.

I quickly think over how all this started and why I'm spread out onto his bed with my legs wide open.

Oh right, he accidentally introduced me to porn.

I climbed up his window like I always did my entire life since we're neighbors and paid no mind to his privacy, which now that I look back, it was highly stupid of me.

It happened over a month ago. I was coming over to study, but he didn't know about it-he never did because I would always surprise him by just showing up unannounced.

It was like a game we did. I would sneak through the window without him noticing because he would always have his head in a book, video game, or on his laptop, and I would jump up and yell boo or something kiddish to spook him.

However, one day I failed to realize the moaning sounds coming from his laptop, and I couldn't utter a single word afterward.

For the first time ever, our roles were switched. I was the one being spooked, and he was the one scaring me.

* One month ago *

The late afternoon sun shines down on our neighborhood street. Children are riding their bikes on the road and playing racing games. I watch them for a brief moment, thinking about how I use to do the same.

I shake my head and get back to what I'm doing. I place my hand higher on the side of the house and come closer to reaching his window.

When I climb up the side of his house, I can't help but think how worrisome it is because his room is on the second floor. Not to mention grabbing hold of these vines, which doesn't necessarily count as a ladder, also doesn't help whatsoever. I even broke my arm trying to sneak over when I was seven... yet here I am in the same position once again.

This time I need help with math. My homework is due tomorrow, and he's good at algebra, so it's a win-win. He gets to see me, and I get help from him.

I must have gotten better at climbing over the years because right now I'm carrying my math book in one hand while holding my weight with the other. I suddenly push up the window because he never left it locked, just in case I would come over. I pull myself up and look into his room.

The carpet is still black and the walls still gray. His black desk sits in the corner, while he's somewhere else.

My eyes roam his room until I spot him. He sits on the bed with his eyes glued to the screen of his computer. His legs laid out and his back pressed against the headboard of the gray bed.

His hair is brushed neatly as always, while he still wears his black glasses. His whole clothing screams nerd big time, but he's my friend, and I have nothing against it.

I continue my way inside and finish climbing into his room silently. I plan to scare him like always. I haven't seen him for a whole week now because my family and I went on a vacation.

Bending down, I crawl to the edge of his bed. I'm quiet every time I do this. Suddenly, right when I'm about to jump up and yell out to him, I hear something that doesn't sound right.

Once I recognize the sound, I almost gag.

The sound is a woman's voice desperately crying out for 'more'.

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