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Everything is quiet. Ms. Baek gently looks up at Mom and Dad to see their reactions.

"Mommy, you said I would never meet my grandparents!" Jun says pouting.


"Well, it looks like your Mommy found us. Do you want to meet your aunty and uncle?" Mom cuts off the conversation before the boy can start throwing a temper tantrum. Ms. Baek looks surprised at how well mom's taking this.

He looks up at mom with bright eyes, peeking over her body to me.

"Is that her? My aunty?" Jun points at me.

"Jun, it's not nice to point," Ms. Baek sighs, standing up.

"It's fine, Sun Hee. Come in, we should talk." Mom pats Ms. Baek's shoulder, bringing her inside our house.

"Jungkook, take Jun upstairs and show him your video games," Dad instructs, causing Jungkook to stand from the couch.

"Want to play some games-"

"Heck yeah!" Jun starts running up the stairs when Jungkook starts leading the way.

"Y/N, you need to come in here too." Dad motions for me to follow.

"Oh, and Mi Young, you should come inside as well. You're just as part of this family." Dad smiles kindly.

Mi Young starts to stand up, but I grab her and help her into the kitchen because of how badly her body is at the moment.

We all sit down at the kitchen table. Mom makes some drinks while the rest of us remain quiet.

Dad is the one to speak first, cutting the silence.

"So... Jun is our grandchild..." Dad speaks more to himself than anyone.

"Yes, I was already pregnant with Jun when Junsu went missing. He was so excited to be a father. He was waiting for the right time to tell all of you, but it never worked out. I was far into the pregnancy when he suddenly disappeared. I had him a month after the police gave up on the case." Ms. Baek starts to sniffle, eyes becoming blurry as the tears start to roll down her cheeks.

"Dear, don't be upset. Wherever my Junsu is, I know he's at peace." Mom looks up at the ceiling, signaling that she knows he's at rest.

Since the police never found Junsu, a body was never recovered. Once the police gave up investigating, we gave up our hope. The only evidence that was ever found was Junsu's abandoned car in the countryside. All of his belongings were still inside his vehicle. His clothes, phone, money, ID, everything that was something someone would need to have was left behind.

Ms. Baek smiles sadly, taking a tissue out of her purse to wipe her tears.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I know I shouldn't have lied to you," her voice is trembling.

I reach over the table and place my hand over her's.

"Ms. Baek, there's no reason for you to apologize." I smile, letting her know that I'm not upset at all.

She nods her head. "Well, since we're going to be seeing each other for the next year, you can start calling me Sun Hee outside of school hours." She turns her hand over and grabs mine, squeezing my hand gently.

I stiffen from her words.

'She has no idea that we're moving in a few weeks.'

"Sun Hee, I'm afraid that you found us at the worst possible time." Dad cuts in. "We're getting a divorce. The kids are going with their mother. I'm selling this place and moving to Busan." Dad sighs, taking a drink once he's handed one.

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